View Full Version : Super science niggers

11-09-2022, 05:09 PM
Was watching television for the first time in a while recently and saw this ridiculous ad. What is with the woke liberals so hellbent on pushing a narrative that simply isn’t true?


11-09-2022, 09:13 PM
Both the likes and comments are turned off for the video. Huh, well that obviously says a lot about that ad. It was probably filled with a lot of dislikes and negative comments or they preferred to be a bunch of wussies and have them turned off before hand to avoid any sort of criticism about niggers. If I were you, I would steer clear from television for a while longer. You aren't going to see any normal ads or media for quite sometime until this nigger loving bullshit comes to an end. Avoid tv, if you stream anything online then get yourself an adblocker to avoid any incoming nigger loving ads and watch only what you want. I've been doing that for a while now and it's great not having to see these disgusting sweaty nigger greaseballs on my screen.

11-11-2022, 03:03 PM
I refuse to watch black panther because it stars niggers, and niggers are too stupid for Africa to look like it's depicted in black panther. Niggers don't want to learn in elementary or high school. The only way they're getting black panther tech is if they steal it and even if they did they'd destroy it all in a day.

11-11-2022, 04:14 PM
I'll tell you right now, 99.99% of niggers can't even recite the three laws of motion, by whitey scientist Isaac Newton.

Without that, how can they even imagine Wakanda technology? Just keep on dreaming, niggers.

All you feral apes just think of muh-dikk, steal, sleep. On second thought, they don't think. They're just lower than any animal.

Whitey Ford
11-11-2022, 11:28 PM
Inspirational! The gist of the message is: keep reaching for the stars, niggers! And then go shop at Target.

11-12-2022, 02:45 AM
Know the entire nationwide STEM effort was in large part designed to teach apes the Hard Sciences/Mathematics. I have first hand experience teaching these monkey pieces of shit both Mathematics and Chemistry.

3 years in an Upstate New York Niggerville teaching Mathematics. They failed wholesale... They failed miserably. Although lazy pieces of shit, I have little doubt that even if they did attempt to complete homework assignments, they'd never get it... I remember attempting to show basic inverse functions to some foul sowette so it could solve the most rudimentary of Algebra equations. Completely and absolutely beyond it's mental capacities... 'Why iz uze tak'n away??? Dats a puhlus sign' it would squeal... The whole concept of isolating a variable by using 'opposites' escaped it. Fat, stupid, ugly... unkempt... Just being near one made you want to wash your hands.

Teaching Chemistry/Physics, I only had a 2 or so during a decade + long tenure. I taught outside the continental US so niggers were few and far between. Both were clueless and given 'Social Promotions' by my superiors in response to their failing (Note: I'm not saying I failed them.... These monkeys failed - THEY are responsible)

I think it's fair to say that there is not one new nigger Professional Engineer out there as a result of the billions invested trying to teach apes Mathematics Physics and Chemistry. Not a fucking one. Cursory research says 4.5 percent of engineers are black. What I have found ZERO data on is how many actually pass the Professional Engineering exams... Niggers call themselves all sorts of things... cRappers are musicians... My bet is almost zero niggers pass State issued Professional Engineering exams. You've got a few apes out there who took 'Engineering Technology' courses and were 'socially' passed..... There is a HUGE difference between formal Engineering coursework and Engineering Technology. And, to be sure, there are PE's out there who graduated Engineering Technology programs. They did, however, PASS THE PE EXAM.....

I don't think there's a nigger alive who passed a bonafide State-Issued PE exam. There may be niggers out there who call themselves 'engineers'... But they are in no way, shape or form 'real' Professional Engineers' - the kind who can stamp construction plans and sign off on major construction projects as complete

Coon Town
11-20-2022, 03:04 AM
Inspirational! The gist of the message is: keep reaching for the stars, niggers! And then go shop at Target.

I'd donate everything I have to help the niggers use their Wakanda tech to colonize the sun, but they ALL have to make the trip.

Tar Remover
12-17-2022, 05:28 PM
"Bring the next great idea to life...."

Well you aren't going to get it from a nigger.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-18-2022, 01:16 AM
I don't think there's a nigger alive who passed a bonafide State-Issued PE exam. There may be niggers out there who call themselves 'engineers'... But they are in no way, shape or form 'real' Professional Engineers' - the kind who can stamp construction plans and sign off on major construction projects as complete

Cmon Kagman! There are plenty of nigger custodial engineers!

Ray Cizzums
12-18-2022, 11:19 AM
I don't think there's a nigger alive who passed a bonafide State-Issued PE exam. There may be niggers out there who call themselves 'engineers'... But they are in no way, shape or form 'real' Professional Engineers' - the kind who can stamp construction plans and sign off on major construction projects as complete[/SIZE]

Try to watch any "Engineering Marvels", "Engineering Disasters", or "How'd Dey Do Dat ?" show.
You will be treated to niggers 'splaining it all. Their mastery of architecture, engineering and science
is astonishing. Too bad Africa has demonstrated no examples of the aforementioned disciplines.

Tar Remover
12-18-2022, 09:00 PM
Cmon Kagman! There are plenty of nigger custodial engineers!

And Copper Wire Redistribution Engineers....:lol