View Full Version : Verified Hate: Americans Invading Mexico

08-08-2022, 06:20 PM
And Ron DeSantis is officially a "white nationalist."
The post Verified Hate: Americans Invading Mexico (https://www.amren.com/blog/2022/08/verified-hate-americans-invading-mexico/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/blog/2022/08/verified-hate-americans-invading-mexico/)

08-08-2022, 09:49 PM
The shoe is on the other foot, Messicans. Get all your filthy illegals back, and we'll get these people back. You Messicans complain a lot and demand a lot following nigger leads, so better watch your step. By emulating niggers, you become niggers. We don't tolerate niggers.