View Full Version : Getting passports to leave

07-24-2022, 11:58 AM
There is a lot of talk about getting a foreign passport (such as to Belize or the Dominican Republic) to leave the US / Canada / Western Europe. Has anyone had success in getting a passport and living abroad as an expat? I am afraid that the situation at least in the USA will continue to deteriorate rapidly as it's pretty obvious that people have not had enough and crime will continue to increase, along with inflation, the number of homeless, the number of drug addicts, and the number of people who will live off of the government. It's a brew for a perfect storm of the SHTF.

Anyone here living outside the US, Canada, or Western Europe and how is it?

07-24-2022, 06:42 PM
In another thread, I was mostly being sarcastic about possibly moving to Russia. If I did that, all of my savings would suddenly become worthless because I wouldn't be able to spend any of my dollars or euros anywhere.

Unfortunately, the sanctions that Joey Biden is placing on Russia are causing MAJOR problems for the rest of the world, and they will soon be feeling the hurt. For example, remember that time when Germany and Canada placed sanctions on Russia and wouldn't let them pay off their debts with dollars or euros, and Germany actually tried to pay for Russian gas with worthless dollars and/or euros, and then Canada tried to prevent Russia from getting an essential gas turbine that, if it wasn't received on time (and in functioning order), would have sent Germany and Europe back into the dark ages? And that's just a small fraction of the pain that the USA is causing for its own people and their allies. The fertilizer issue alone will cause mass starvation.

I mean, these are first world nations, and they are literally setting themselves up for massive, monumental, crippling failures. And you think things will be better off in a second or third world country?

Ukraine isn't even a part of NATO or the UN or the EU, or even officially an ally of the USA. Why the flying fuck are we sending billions of dollars of cash and weapons to them? Because they gave ten percent to the big guy? (Well, 10% to Joe Biden, and 90% to Hunter Biden, to be exact.)

Fuck that shit, and fuck Joey Biden for ruining Earth.

At least Putin and Russia aren't trying to genocide humankind with their braindead niggertier policies...

07-29-2022, 05:27 PM
In another thread, I was mostly being sarcastic about possibly moving to Russia. If I did that, all of my savings would suddenly become worthless because I wouldn't be able to spend any of my dollars or euros anywhere.

Unfortunately, the sanctions that Joey Biden is placing on Russia are causing MAJOR problems for the rest of the world, and they will soon be feeling the hurt. For example, remember that time when Germany and Canada placed sanctions on Russia and wouldn't let them pay off their debts with dollars or euros, and Germany actually tried to pay for Russian gas with worthless dollars and/or euros, and then Canada tried to prevent Russia from getting an essential gas turbine that, if it wasn't received on time (and in functioning order), would have sent Germany and Europe back into the dark ages? And that's just a small fraction of the pain that the USA is causing for its own people and their allies. The fertilizer issue alone will cause mass starvation.

I mean, these are first world nations, and they are literally setting themselves up for massive, monumental, crippling failures. And you think things will be better off in a second or third world country?

Ukraine isn't even a part of NATO or the UN or the EU, or even officially an ally of the USA. Why the flying fuck are we sending billions of dollars of cash and weapons to them? Because they gave ten percent to the big guy? (Well, 10% to Joe Biden, and 90% to Hunter Biden, to be exact.)

Fuck that shit, and fuck Joey Biden for ruining Earth.

At least Putin and Russia aren't trying to genocide humankind with their braindead niggertier policies...

Sadly, people in Europe, especially in Germany, France and the UK for years voted for that nonsense. Now we'll pay for it. It won't end good, and it has nothing to do with Russia or Putin. The mass immigration of shitbeasts, and the incredible amount of newly printed money together with absolutely retarded politics led to inflation, explosion of housing prices, increase of crime etc.
If you know a safe country: Tell us!! If you don't speak Chines or Japanese, I'd suggest Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica. Perhaps Australia or New Zealand, but they both are pretty woke as well.

07-31-2022, 05:29 AM
I definitely dont think Dominican Republic, brazil, south africa and costa rica are good destinations both are filled to the brim with negros. It will be no different then living in a negro infested western city.

If i where to move from the western countries i would do my due diligence and move to one that is close to negro free and future proofed against negro migration/it will always be a unattractive place for the negros to live in.

Your better off moving to Argentina, eastern european countries or russia those places are relatively negro free.

07-31-2022, 11:07 PM
Dont go to costa rica, Dominican republic or south africa and parts of South America that have negros and muluttos. Its going to be no different then in western countries

I think Eastern Europe, Argentina and Russia would be a better fit for you less negros and mixed race negros, so therefore less problems!

08-01-2022, 08:38 PM
Iceland might be good, I haven't heard of much imported nigger/sandnigger crime there.

08-01-2022, 09:48 PM
I spent 10 + years in the Pacific as a teacher and recently returned to due to a family emergency. I worked primarily on islands that were American holdings, however. Saipan primary among them. No niggers to be found. Whites represent under 3 percent of the population in most of these places. We are, however, held in high regard by most. One advantage is there is no Fed taxes down there and very low local taxes to boot. They are, however, feeding heavily on the American tit. Should things go South on the mainland, I fear Saipan would devolve into chaos in very short order.

I taught with a guy a few years back who lived on a 45 foot sailboat . He claimed to have worked in Yap, Pohnpei and others in addition to the Marianas (Saipan). This guy was/is acutely aware of the brewing clusterfuck on the main land and the boat gives him a way out when things inevitably go south. He claims he can be self sufficient on the water pretty much indefinitely. He's got a water maker on-board, a selection of nets and other fishing gear and knows the islands well enough to harvest other food stuffs like veggies and coconuts. I believed him. I also believe he's independently wealthy cuz there's no way you'd afford what this guy has/does on a teacher's salary. He's also former Coast Guard and knows his shit. He has to. You had best be able to un-fuck yourself out there cuz there is no help coming. You drop a mast and you drift. The befuddled can cause simple problems to explode into disasters with incredible rapidity. That said, the babes really dug this guy. My god, there was a veritable parade of gorgeous Asian and Island babes on and off that boat.

I went as far as pricing used sail boats on the west coast but not much beyond that. Lots of additional, expensive gear is necessary to be self-sufficient. An R/O water system with spare elements priced out at 9 thousand bucks and that's without the gear to integrate it into the boat's systems. I'm former Navy but the learning curve would still be steep. I'd have to sell everything here to do it and I have too many depending on me to do that... But... It's do-able.

08-02-2022, 06:13 AM
Iceland might be good, I haven't heard of much imported nigger/sandnigger crime there.

Yah, and Antarctica too.

08-02-2022, 03:43 PM
Dont go to costa rica, Dominican republic or south africa and parts of South America that have negros and muluttos. Its going to be no different then in western countries

I think Eastern Europe, Argentina and Russia would be a better fit for you less negros and mixed race negros, so therefore less problems!

Of course SA is niggerfuxated, it's on the continent of Apefrica! I am not completely sure of how bad Costa-Rica is, I have never been there personally, heard various stories. But the people there seem to deal with chimping niggers usually with a gun. That's why I included it. You are right with Eastern Europe. BUT: Most of them are members of the EU (=bad), and most of them started to vote liberal recently. And while they are mostly nigger free, e.g. Poland hast more than enough ass-lifters as well. Tough choice!

08-02-2022, 03:54 PM
I taught with a guy a few years back who lived on a 45 foot sailboat.
Yep, if I had the money, that would be my choice as well!

I went as far as pricing used sail boats on the west coast but not much beyond that. Lots of additional, expensive gear is necessary to be self-sufficient. An R/O water system with spare elements priced out at 9 thousand bucks and that's without the gear to integrate it into the boat's systems. I'm former Navy but the learning curve would still be steep. I'd have to sell everything here to do it and I have too many depending on me to do that... But... It's do-able.
Yes, price is the main problem, it's really expensive. All the marine stuff is really expensive, and very often it does not even last very long. I know a guy who lived on a (small) sailboat for a few years, he travelled the world and chartered himself and the boat from time to time to tourists. But: I personally would go nuts on a 45 foot boat, it would have to bee much larger (=expensive). And then, if I'd live on it, I wouldn't want to have one of the yoghurt cups, but something made of steel or even better aluminium (=even more expensive).

08-02-2022, 09:26 PM
Yep, if I had the money, that would be my choice as well!

Yes, price is the main problem, it's really expensive. All the marine stuff is really expensive, and very often it does not even last very long. I know a guy who lived on a (small) sailboat for a few years, he travelled the world and chartered himself and the boat from time to time to tourists. But: I personally would go nuts on a 45 foot boat, it would have to bee much larger (=expensive). And then, if I'd live on it, I wouldn't want to have one of the yoghurt cups, but something made of steel or even better aluminium (=even more expensive).

"Tupperware" is the term I've always used for fiberglass boats. It's light, cheap, easy to maintain but it will not put up with much abuse. Hit a container out in deep water and you're in the shit. Steel or Aluminum is certainly best but, as you say, it's damn expensive. This may be a minor point but it drove me nuts the water hitting those chines can drive you crazy when you're at anchor and trying to sleep - slap..slap...slapSLAP... Frigg'n thing sounds like a bell wrapped in a towel. I've lived aboard a steel 40 foot dive boat. In addition to the noise, they stink of diesel/gas - I'd want to avoid that shit again. Never lived on a sail boat, tho... Can't see how it could be all that different as they have engines, too. One material is completely out of the question: wood.

Another thing... Every day you're in that boat, it's losing value... Every day you're in a house, it increases in value (provide niggers are not moving into the area). But what the guy, above, is getting at is that the Great Re-Set is coming and assumptions on things like real estate values will be meaningless. W hat will have value is your ability to get out of Dodge - and the wide expanses of the South Pacific with all those islands certainly fits the bill. You read about this shit.. but nothing can do it justice until you see it... There are THOUSANDS of islands out there with most uninhabited. Lots of food, too if you know what to look for. Yams.. Cassava.. Those root veggies store very well - as do coconuts. Green stuff can be had too but they do not travel well and go bad quickly in that heat. Tropical fishing is different than northern waters. North = lots of biomass, little diversity. South = low biomass with lots of diversity. You fish those reef lines for an afternoon and you catch, say, 7 fish... most, if not all, are different species. Try fishing away from those reefs and there ain't a whole lot of fish out there. You don't see the huge trawlers in Southern waters like you do in, say, the Baring Sea... The reason is simple... No frigg'n fish in open water.

Anyway... If you've got a family, the boat option is sketchy at best. Kids won't thrive in that shit. Unless you've got one hell of an adventurous wife, she won't put up with that shit, either. You're a single white guy in his 30's and it can be pretty awesome. I did envy the hell out of that guy

EDIT... You hit the 50 foot point on sailboats (and I guess other boats) and the prices simply explodes. Not sure how that works but that 50 foot size range is defiantly a price inflection point. 45 foot beater that needs a little work, some new rigging, paint, maybe can be had for like 40 to 75 thousand bucks. The same condition boat in the 50 - 60 foot range is going to run you well into 6 figures...

08-02-2022, 11:11 PM
Yep, if I had the money, that would be my choice as well!

Yes, price is the main problem, it's really expensive. All the marine stuff is really expensive, and very often it does not even last very long. I know a guy who lived on a (small) sailboat for a few years, he travelled the world and chartered himself and the boat from time to time to tourists. But: I personally would go nuts on a 45 foot boat, it would have to bee much larger (=expensive). And then, if I'd live on it, I wouldn't want to have one of the yoghurt cups, but something made of steel or even better aluminium (=even more expensive).

Little big 4 one person ... Glass boat check price... DAMN


08-03-2022, 02:31 AM
Got to love american retards and how stupidly they think Russia is some "white paradise". They get all their news from bullshit propaganda machines, which they visit from their mother's basement.

08-03-2022, 05:37 AM
Little big 4 one person ... Glass boat check price... DAMN
Haha, yes, I know, that is more of a "first world problem". The thing is, due to the shape of a vessel, the shorter ones feel very cramped inside (even though I admit that that is purely subjective). So if I decided to live on a boat long term, I'd have to chose something bigger, because I know I'd go nuts on a 45 foot thing.

Damn! And that is for a fibreglass one, hence you can probably double the price for a aluminium vessel.

08-03-2022, 06:17 AM
"Tupperware" is the term I've always used for fiberglass boats. It's light, cheap, easy to maintain but it will not put up with much abuse. Hit a container out in deep water and you're in the shit. Steel or Aluminum is certainly best but, as you say, it's damn expensive. This may be a minor point but it drove me nuts the water hitting those chines can drive you crazy when you're at anchor and trying to sleep - slap..slap...slapSLAP... Frigg'n thing sounds like a bell wrapped in a towel. I've lived aboard a steel 40 foot dive boat. In addition to the noise, they stink of diesel/gas - I'd want to avoid that shit again. Never lived on a sail boat, tho... Can't see how it could be all that different as they have engines, too. One material is completely out of the question: wood.
My sentiments, exactly!! Thing is, we are talking living on a boat when the shit hits the fan. So a boat would have to be durable and reliable. Tupperware (that's nice by the way) breaks when you hit a bigger piece of driftwood. Of course its nice that it does not rust etc., but still, I wouldn't consider that to be "blue water". What's absolutely crazy though: There are even really big (~100ft) yachts out there that are made of plastic. Of course it's way cheaper, but still, having a boat of this size and knowing it's just two inches of fibreglass - no thanks!
"they stink of diesel/gas": I think that is doable. On most of the boats I've been so far, that hasn't been an issue. (But I've been only on "weekend yachts" so far) You probably just have to make sure there are no leaking fuel pipes etc., hence do your maintenance regularly.

Another thing... Every day you're in that boat, it's losing value... Every day you're in a house, it increases in value (provide niggers are not moving into the area).
Exactly, that's the main problem! When you buy a boat, you have to be able to consider that investment as a total loss (hobby). Most people (me included) can't afford that.

But what the guy, above, is getting at is that the Great Re-Set is coming and assumptions on things like real estate values will be meaningless. W hat will have value is your ability to get out of Dodge - and the wide expanses of the South Pacific with all those islands certainly fits the bill. You read about this shit.. but nothing can do it justice until you see it... There are THOUSANDS of islands out there with most uninhabited. Lots of food, too if you know what to look for. Yams.. Cassava.. Those root veggies store very well - as do coconuts. Green stuff can be had too but they do not travel well and go bad quickly in that heat. Tropical fishing is different than northern waters. North = lots of biomass, little diversity. South = low biomass with lots of diversity. You fish those reef lines for an afternoon and you catch, say, 7 fish... most, if not all, are different species. Try fishing away from those reefs and there ain't a whole lot of fish out there. You don't see the huge trawlers in Southern waters like you do in, say, the Baring Sea... The reason is simple... No frigg'n fish in open water.

Anyway... If you've got a family, the boat option is sketchy at best. Kids won't thrive in that shit. Unless you've got one hell of an adventurous wife, she won't put up with that shit, either. You're a single white guy in his 30's and it can be pretty awesome. I did envy the hell out of that guy
Yep, you are absolutely right! That's only an option only under the condition that living on land becomes too dangerous. Still, if I had plenty of money, I'd buy one, just to be prepared. Because I do think things can go downward pretty fast, and it will happen sooner or later. I don't know if that will happen during my lifetime, but it's possible.

EDIT... You hit the 50 foot point on sailboats (and I guess other boats) and the prices simply explodes. Not sure how that works but that 50 foot size range is defiantly a price inflection point. 45 foot beater that needs a little work, some new rigging, paint, maybe can be had for like 40 to 75 thousand bucks. The same condition boat in the 50 - 60 foot range is going to run you well into 6 figures...
I noticed that too! Thing is, I have no idea how the prices have been 10 years ago! It would be really interesting to know if more people just think "hmm, might be good to have a big boat, just in case", or if it's just that there are fewer manufactures of bigger vessels. What makes me think tough: E.g. New Zealand banned non-residents from buying real-estate recently (2019?). Some other relatively safe places have implemented similar rules (Iceland, Madeira).

08-03-2022, 06:26 AM
Got to love american retards and how stupidly they think Russia is some "white paradise". They get all their news from bullshit propaganda machines, which they visit from their mother's basement.

Oh, welcome dear Antifa nigger-lover!

08-03-2022, 10:25 AM
It would be really interesting to know if more people just think "hmm, might be good to have a big boat, just in case", or if it's just that there are fewer manufactures of bigger vessels. What makes me think tough: E.g. New Zealand banned non-residents from buying real-estate recently (2019?). Some other relatively safe places have implemented similar rules (Iceland, Madeira).

"If more people think..." Yeah... right... These are the very same people who think niggers are just fine... JUST LIKE US...... You are 100% correct that, at some point, the shit most certainly is going to hit the fan. Ask yourself.. How many people do you know who have more than a 7 days supply of food? When I was on-island, I had 3 months supply of MRE's... And it was this that 'inspired' me to stock up

https://www.saipantribune.com/index.php/3-years-after-yutu/#:~:text=Super%20Typhoon%20Yutu%2C%20a%20Category, also%20a%20Category%205%20storm.


I used to think 90 miles an hour winds was something awe-inspiring. Try SUSTAINED winds of 180 or 190... No one is sure because the damn wind guages all packed it in in the storm.... I had the roof ripped right the fuck off my rented apt. The stone walls held but made the place a literal bath-tub. Water was up past my knees. My wife and I simply dealt with it. Going outside was fucking outright suicide and, to be sure, there were deaths from this thing. Right outside the reef line on Saipan are 5 pre-positioned supply ships stationed there permanently if ever a war starts in Korea. Each can completely supply a battalion and keep it going for 30 days of hard fighting. Anyway, they unloaded much of their combat gear so they could get to the MRE's. They distributed ALL of the food to keep the island going because what grocery stores were not simply blown down (and there were many) had at least their roofs blown off. For all intents and purposes, there was only canned food on island for 45,000 plus people and most of that shit was blown all over the island. School started 2 months late and even so, I taught in SWELTERING heat for weeks without power. Even so, I made those little bastards work and work hard. I brought in a 3 liter camel back every day and filled it up once while there... You have no idea just how much the human body can sweat... Frigg'n gallons.

Get this, the Chamorro Governor, a guy by the name of Inos, I think..., would not let any food be distributed by the military. They argued for days and finally agreed that the Military would at least be present at distribution points. Even with that, the fucking Chamorros (locals) stole more shit than you could possibly imagine... Inveterate thieves, the lot of them. Within a week, there were C-5 Galaxy's coming in with more food and other stuff. What a cluster fuck. Anyway... I bought up dozens of boxes of MRE's when things returned to normal. From one fucking family I bought 15 boxes of MRE's for 25 bucks a box... A bargain. They had plenty more... all of which they stole. Ask me how much I have put away here, Stateside?... Nada....... I am on a major lake, tho and can fish.

Anyway, there was only one marina that weathered the storm reasonably well... 'Smiling Cove'... Even so, whole fucking coconut palms (trees) flew into the rigging of a few sailboats moored there taking them out. Sad that New Zealand closed their real estate market... I bet it was Chinese interest in their beautiful country that made them stop outside sales.... No one would ever think to just limit the gooks... Nahhh Dat shieet bez RAYCISS.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Bottom line is be prepared and owning a good sailboat and having access to the ocean is definately a way to go..

08-03-2022, 11:55 AM
Got to love american retards and how stupidly they think Russia is some "white paradise". They get all their news from bullshit propaganda machines, which they visit from their mother's basement.

Go prance over to your diverSHITY infused paradise, there toady.... Have your family accosted, your belongings destroyed and your investments lost. Know these facts: 1) niggers show up, real estate DRAMATICALLY under performs.... 2) Schools turn into day care facilities with the primary goal being the prevention of nigger-caused violence and, 3) Crime, especially violent crime SKY ROCKETS....

Doubt that? Cross reference rank-ordered census race data to Dept of Ed and FBI crime data bases. Real estate values for those rank-ordered areas is easy to find....

Wake up you coward toad..... start dealing with reality....

08-03-2022, 11:59 AM
Got to love american [sic] retards and how stupidly they think Russia is some "white paradise". They get all their news from bullshit propaganda machines, which they visit from their mother's basement.

And where, exactly, were you when you typed this drivel?

Where's your tolerance for dieversity, bro? Russia has 193 different ethnic groups including niggers. Doesn't that count for something in your book of socialist virtues?

No nation is paradise. The highest estimated number of niggers is still well below 100,000. At a total population of over 146 million, that's still less than .06% of the population making it as close to a nigger free paradise as one could hope for in an industrialized nation. While there are many good reasons not to move to Russia (corruption, poorly performing economy, lack of our Bill of Rights, etc.), that percentage alone makes Russia a virtual paradise compare to America's 13% niggers. As far as the economy goes, Joe Bidensky's goal is to make our economy worse than Russia's and we are headed down that slope at breakneck speed. Russians are dumbfounded at the fact that while they have become more free, they watch America becoming more socialist.

How about YOU put YOUR commie, libtard, nigger loving BLM propaganda down, turn off CNN and do some reading outside of campus - if you made it that far.

There are no American retards here outside of the occasional visitor.

P.S. Your mom said you need to change your sheets and bring her good dishes back up to the kitchen. They're growing mold and attracting bugs.

08-06-2022, 06:03 AM
"If more people think..." Yeah... right... These are the very same people who think niggers are just fine... JUST LIKE US...... You are 100% correct that, at some point, the shit most certainly is going to hit the fan. Ask yourself.. How many people do you know who have more than a 7 days supply of food? When I was on-island, I had 3 months supply of MRE's... And it was this that 'inspired' me to stock up

https://www.saipantribune.com/index.php/3-years-after-yutu/#:~:text=Super%20Typhoon%20Yutu%2C%20a%20Category, also%20a%20Category%205%20storm.

Wow, that pic is crazy! It really shows that you should never underestimate forces of nature. Tanks for sharing your crazy story!! Luckily I've never been in a situation like that. May I ask how you did end teaching on that island?
You are right with the food supply, hardly anyone I know does that. What I discovered during Covid: A lot of people, especially younger ones (at least here, in a town) don't even know how to "cook" the most basic things (I am talking rice & noodles here). Surprisingly it seems to be increasingly common to "eat out" day in, day out.

Get this, the Chamorro Governor, a guy by the name of Inos, I think..., would not let any food be distributed by the military. They argued for days and finally agreed that the Military would at least be present at distribution points. Even with that, the fucking Chamorros (locals) stole more shit than you could possibly imagine... Inveterate thieves, the lot of them. Within a week, there were C-5 Galaxy's coming in with more food and other stuff. What a cluster fuck. Anyway... I bought up dozens of boxes of MRE's when things returned to normal. From one fucking family I bought 15 boxes of MRE's for 25 bucks a box... A bargain. They had plenty more... all of which they stole. Ask me how much I have put away here, Stateside?... Nada....... I am on a major lake, tho and can fish.
There is a reason why yt used to rule the world (pre libtard)! But you can consider yourself lucky, here our government neither had the resources to supply food, nor do they have food stocked - except for politicians. We would have been screwed!

Anyway, there was only one marina that weathered the storm reasonably well... 'Smiling Cove'... Even so, whole fucking coconut palms (trees) flew into the rigging of a few sailboats moored there taking them out. Sad that New Zealand closed their real estate market... I bet it was Chinese interest in their beautiful country that made them stop outside sales.... No one would ever think to just limit the gooks... Nahhh Dat shieet bez RAYCISS.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Bottom line is be prepared and owning a good sailboat and having access to the ocean is definately a way to go..
I am not sure about that. I once watched a realtor show from New Zealand, in which a real estate agent casually mentioned that she had a lot of politicians from the US & Europe as well as rich Arabs looking for a second home in NZ right now. Whereas many Chinese people seem to actually live there. I was a bit surprised because of the mudslimes, but probably their people will go after their rich ones as well when things go wrong in the west.
The southern island by the way could be a perfect retreat: Very low population density, lots of wood & fish, and surprisingly they have a "deer problem" (invasive species). Hence you can hunt as many of them as you want and there seem to be lots of them. Only problem: Legally it's hard to immigrate there, and their politics is the usual ultra liberal feminist crap as well.

08-06-2022, 09:38 AM
Getting passports to leave

I prefer getting niggers to leave.

08-06-2022, 10:03 AM
Wow, that pic is crazy! It really shows that you should never underestimate forces of nature.

I was the first in my command to come back to NOLA after Katrina. I had to get permission from my unit commander to do so. Security was tight in my parish, with NG troops and the Sheriff's department having locked the entire parish down with no entry except for residents with proof. Once through the parish blockade, almost no-one was allowed south of my base, NAS New Orleans, but we were waved through with my military ID. The destruction was indescribable. I saw an entire fifty foot section of concrete paved road some ten inches thick, on the protected side of the Mississippi River levee which was gone and I mean literally nowhere in sight. The storm surge just ate it along with the entire, one and only nigger subdivision in our entire parish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironton,_Louisiana). Further south toward the end of our peninsula, we were driving down the highway when we noticed an object stuck in an oak tree some 30+ feet in the air. We couldn't tell what it was at first until we stopped and stared for a minute before we realized it was what was left of a cow. Nothing but a skeleton and leather. The buzzards had picked it clean.

Meanwhile, back at my house one the northern side of our parish, we had what was left of our 75 foot tall red oak tree to clean off of our roof. We had already had to clean up half the branches left on our roof from when Cindy the month before Katrina. I had just finished the minor roof repairs the same morning we evacuated for Katrina. The branches were the size of telephone poles. Between the two storms, we filled up three long truck sized dumpsters with that one tree.

There really is no rhyme or reason to a storm like this. Ironton is only about 15 miles as the crow flies from my house. The total damage to my house from those two storms was one half bail of shingles and one refrigerator. We wouldn't have lost the reefer but for Mrs. Tweak was freaking out about how long it was taking us to evacuate the morning of the storm and didn't want to take the time to dump the contents. She was hysterical thinking we would be stuck in traffic with the storm on top of us. I should have ignored her. You cannot imagine the smell of rotting meat sitting in a powerless home with no ac for 3 weeks.

08-06-2022, 10:13 AM
Wow, that pic is crazy! It really shows that you should never underestimate forces of nature. Tanks for sharing your crazy story!! Luckily I've never been in a situation like that. May I ask how you did end teaching on that island?
You are right with the food supply, hardly anyone I know does that. What I discovered during Covid: A lot of people, especially younger ones (at least here, in a town) don't even know how to "cook" the most basic things (I am talking rice & noodles here). Surprisingly it seems to be increasingly common to "eat out" day in, day out.

There is a reason why yt used to rule the world (pre libtard)! But you can consider yourself lucky, here our government neither had the resources to supply food, nor do they have food stocked - except for politicians. We would have been screwed!

I am not sure about that. I once watched a realtor show from New Zealand, in which a real estate agent casually mentioned that she had a lot of politicians from the US & Europe as well as rich Arabs looking for a second home in NZ right now. Whereas many Chinese people seem to actually live there. I was a bit surprised because of the mudslimes, but probably their people will go after their rich ones as well when things go wrong in the west.
The southern island by the way could be a perfect retreat: Very low population density, lots of wood & fish, and surprisingly they have a "deer problem" (invasive species). Hence you can hunt as many of them as you want and there seem to be lots of them. Only problem: Legally it's hard to immigrate there, and their politics is the usual ultra liberal feminist crap as well.

How did I end up On-Island?? Interesting story... I got my tail fired from a job that was, shall we say, environmentally sensitive. The following is going to shock the hell out of you... I ran a State-side "department" and instituted a lot of changes as soon as I was hired. - primary among them, using technology to monitor system status. In putting in these changes and this technology, I eliminated the jobs entire division of guys that used to ride around in trucks all day checking up on 'equipment'. The system worked GREAT... As soon as there were excursions from the norm, there would be text message generated and the problem could be addressed in under an hour as opposed to 48 hours in some previous cases . Mind you, I installed these systems MYSELF... saving these sorry assed bastards a fortune. Anyway, one of these sorry assed clowns went into one of these places where I made the changed' and sabotaged one of these 'systems' - one that had huge public health implications. 6 of them got together and blamed me.... Calling me 'incompetent' and my changes illegal and foolish. They then called in the entire 'upper managment' team and lied thru their fucking teeth saying the same to them. Little did these fuckwits know, they had to key in a unique security code to gain access to the facility identifying THEM every time they entered... Familiarity breeds contempt ..... Anyway, at the this meeting that was to be my lynching they spouted a full 30 minutes of outright lies and fabrications regarding my work at these sites,

Now it was my turn...

I asked each of them had they been to the sites in question on the day in question... I asked that question 2 or three different ways and just hammered it home... And each time, the same answer... NO.... Finally, after the upper managers were getting pissed off at this apparent waste of time, I asked this one simple and straight forward question: 'have you ever given your security code to anyone else'... One or two piped up and said 'no! no!'. As the words were leaving their lips, they realized.... you could see it in their faces...... I immediately asked: "then how can you explain your code being used at the site and at the time of the system failure'..... I held up the system print out showing the days and times of entry and then I showed the print out of the monitoring system showing these incredibly important public health parameters going south and thereby putting 10's of thousands of people at risk.... And the times on the two sheets corresponded perfectly.... Facility accessed by these people and then 5 minutes later the 'important parameters' all fucked up....

14 people in this room and you could have heard a pin drop........... It was crystal clear what had happened.

You can guess what happened next. In pure public policy fashion, IT WAS ME WHO WAS FIRED.... Remember... Votes count folks and these 6 were all connected.

Anyway, news of this outrage made it up to let's say a 'Federal Regulatory Agency'... They too were outraged at what happened. Anyway... These Feds had some major problems in the Pacific and thought of me when a key job became available.... They called me and said apply. And if you think the above is fucked up..... What I saw in the Pacific put it completely to shame... Romper Room stuff compared to what was going on out there.... But some of it funny in it's ridiculousness. If you're interested, I can private message you with detail... It really is as funny as it is fucked up. I soon decided that I had had it with the 'industry' and took a job teaching 'a hard science' after my contract expired... It was sublime... I had no idea what joy a career could bring. I'm still in touch with many of my students... One made Harvard engineering program and graduated... Another, MIT... Not bad coming from a fly-speck in the Pacific. I think of that place every day and the adventures and friendships I had.... Wonderful.

I can tell you, even after 20+ years, my hands shake as I write this from the absolute outrage of those days....

So help me, every single word of that is true....

08-06-2022, 11:45 AM
So help me, every single word of that is true....

Oh, I believe you. It's too stupid with cronyism not to be true. I hate that shit and dealt with it more in the Navy than most people realize is possible. There's an old saying in the Navy: The difference between a fairy tale and a sea story is that a fairy tale starts with once upon a time. A sea story starts with this is no shit. I could tell you some sea stories that most people wouldn't believe. Every damn one of them are also sadly true.

08-06-2022, 10:06 PM
If you think the Dominican Republic(?!) is a haven from niggers, think again. You would need to live inside a gated and guarded property and I hope you're not too fond of reliable electricity and running water. If you want to leave your sanctuary you'll need to have an escort with you.

Not only that but it's right next door to Haiti, where THOSE niggers - one of the worst nigger species on earth - are constantly sneaking into the DR to prey on normal, Hispanic people there.

Belize? I think that's about 40% Africoon and/or Halfricoons.

There are places still here in Canada with zero niggers where the people are civilized and speak English (if that's a concern) but if you think the DR is better I suggest you do a LOT more research.

08-07-2022, 10:45 AM
Ray Liotta died in the Dominican Republic in his sleep. They always said Dominican Republic was heaven compared to Haiti (on the same island). But it is still on the same island.

08-07-2022, 01:32 PM
P.S. Your mom said you need to change your sheets and bring her good dishes back up to the kitchen. They're growing mold and attracting bugs.

I use a similar line with these toads.... " Hurry along to your gender studies class, toady, you'll be late. And don't forget to close the basement door behind you, your cats will get out'

08-07-2022, 01:45 PM
Ray Liotta died in the Dominican Republic in his sleep. They always said Dominican Republic was heaven compared to Haiti (on the same island). But it is still on the same island.

What's interesting is the DR recieves the same typhoons and hurricanes Haiti does.... The DR, however, handles them just fine while the Hay-shees every brick is overturned. Proof positive that the nigger beasts are TRUELY inferior

08-07-2022, 02:09 PM
What's interesting is the DR recieves the same typhoons and hurricanes Haiti does.... The DR, however, handles them just fine while the Hay-shees every brick is overturned. Proof positive that the nigger beasts are TRUELY inferior

The DR is going to build a wall between them and the Hayshees.

It is estimated that about 500,000 Hayshee savages are living in the (Dominican Rep.) – many of them there illegally.

“In a period of two years, we want to put an end to the serious problems of illegal immigration, drug trafficking and the movement of stolen vehicles,” (President Luis)Abinader said in an address to Congress.

Gee, that sounds like it might be RAYCISS. :lol

Hopefully they don't have a bunch of libtarded hypocrites protesting about the discrimination against peaceful, hard-working Hayshee "migrants".

This aerial view clearly shows the shocking difference between DR and Haiti, since we know niggers only destroy and ruin everything.



08-12-2022, 03:52 AM
I can tell you, even after 20+ years, my hands shake as I write this from the absolute outrage of those days....

So help me, every single word of that is true....
Hi Kagman, thank's for your post!! I absolutely believe every word you said - why should things be better on your side of the pond ;-). If I had experienced that, I would be shaking with anger as well, despite the time that had passed!
What always surprises me is that despite these things, we (in the west) somehow managed to keep things going - and of course how much tax money got wasted and how many people died because of that kind of corruption & incompetence. Then again (and I luckily never experienced that first hand), how much worse it has to be in "third world" countries. (Third world in quotes here because I am convinced that it's not the country, but the people/their gene pool who live there that's responsible for the conditions in these countries. Niggers/Sand niggers ruin everything!)

In putting in these changes and this technology, I eliminated the jobs entire division of guys that used to ride around in trucks all day checking up on 'equipment'. The system worked GREAT... As soon as there were excursions from the norm, there would be text message generated and the problem could be addressed in under an hour as opposed to 48 hours in some previous cases . Mind you, I installed these systems MYSELF... saving these sorry assed bastards a fortune. Anyway, one of these sorry assed clowns went into one of these places where I made the changed' and sabotaged one of these 'systems' - one that had huge public health implications. 6 of them got together and blamed me.... Calling me 'incompetent' and my changes illegal and foolish. They then called in the entire 'upper managment' team and lied thru their fucking teeth saying the same to them. Little did these fuckwits know, they had to key in a unique security code to gain access to the facility identifying THEM every time they entered... Familiarity breeds contempt ..... Anyway, at the this meeting that was to be my lynching they spouted a full 30 minutes of outright lies and fabrications regarding my work at these sites,
You obviously did a great job, and exactly what you were hired for! What makes me smile though: It's unbelievable they did not realize that they had different key codes & that they got logged. That would have been my first guess (and it would have been my first guess 20 years ago ass well, because that's simply how that kind of things should be done). These guys must have been quite dimwits!

You can guess what happened next. In pure public policy fashion, IT WAS ME WHO WAS FIRED.... Remember... Votes count folks and these 6 were all connected.
That's absolutely outrageous! Somehow expected, but still! How many of them have been niggers?

Anyway, news of this outrage made it up to let's say a 'Federal Regulatory Agency'... They too were outraged at what happened. Anyway... These Feds had some major problems in the Pacific and thought of me when a key job became available.... They called me and said apply. And if you think the above is fucked up..... What I saw in the Pacific put it completely to shame... Romper Room stuff compared to what was going on out there.... But some of it funny in it's ridiculousness. If you're interested, I can private message you with detail... It really is as funny as it is fucked up. I soon decided that I had had it with the 'industry' and took a job teaching 'a hard science' after my contract expired... It was sublime... I had no idea what joy a career could bring. I'm still in touch with many of my students... One made Harvard engineering program and graduated... Another, MIT... Not bad coming from a fly-speck in the Pacific. I think of that place every day and the adventures and friendships I had.... Wonderful.
Damn, and we let socialists pollute our societies with these kind of people. I could scream with anger! At least you found you passion, a job you liked and that allowed you to have some impact where it matters: The next generation! To be honest, I can't imagine to teach, kudos to you! I am very good at explaining technical stuff (and I did some teaching at university to earn money when I studied), but with today's kids - tough!! Honestly, one single woke student would get me fired immediately, because I could not make it through one class without "throwing things" at him/her/it! (<- see?)

08-12-2022, 04:08 AM
If you think the Dominican Republic(?!) is a haven from niggers, think again. You would need to live inside a gated and guarded property and I hope you're not too fond of reliable electricity and running water. If you want to leave your sanctuary you'll need to have an escort with you.

Not only that but it's right next door to Haiti, where THOSE niggers - one of the worst nigger species on earth - are constantly sneaking into the DR to prey on normal, Hispanic people there.

Belize? I think that's about 40% Africoon and/or Halfricoons.

There are places still here in Canada with zero niggers where the people are civilized and speak English (if that's a concern) but if you think the DR is better I suggest you do a LOT more research.

True! My sister has been to DR for vacation (Yeah, I know. But, you know, she's more liberal than sane. I give hints, but what shall I do, she's my sis.). Thing is, she actually left the resort a few times for trips. One of the excursions led her to the border to Haiti. There is a kind of death strip, a 500 meter wide cleared border zone to hinder niggers to cross the border.
Despite of that, DR has a massive nigger crime problem. Of course, despite the Haitian rape-apes the border zone is racissssst. That by the way lead to a "mild" disagreement, because as she told me the story, my first impulsive reply was that they should have widened the border zone and installed self-firing systems, that would have saved their country. Ohhh dear. I should have bit my tongue!

08-12-2022, 11:15 AM
True! My sister has been to DR for vacation (Yeah, I know. But, you know, she's more liberal than sane. I give hints, but what shall I do, she's my sis.). Thing is, she actually left the resort a few times for trips. One of the excursions led her to the border to Haiti. There is a kind of death strip, a 500 meter wide cleared border zone to hinder niggers to cross the border.
Despite of that, DR has a massive nigger crime problem. Of course, despite the Haitian rape-apes the border zone is racissssst. That by the way lead to a "mild" disagreement, because as she told me the story, my first impulsive reply was that they should have widened the border zone and installed self-firing systems, that would have saved their country. Ohhh dear. I should have bit my tongue!

We went to the DR for our honeymoon. The country is beautiful, lush and tropical and the beaches are gorgeous. It is NOT advisable to leave your resort without an escort/nigger wrangler to beat the niggers off you when they swarm like flies, begging or trying to sell you something. The mammies send their niglets, some just toddlers, into the street to accost tourists, trying to sell them shells, or whatever. The true Hispanics we met there were not at all fond of the Hayshee savages.

Still, people flock to DR for vacations. I have never EVER heard of anyone going to Haiti for that, or any other purpose except for insane Libtards avid to snatch up sproglets after earthquakes.

08-12-2022, 10:58 PM
I have never EVER heard of anyone going to Haiti for that, or any other purpose except for insane Libtards avid to snatch up sproglets after earthquakes.


08-12-2022, 11:24 PM
I have never EVER heard of anyone going to Haiti for that, or any other purpose except for insane Libtards avid to snatch up sproglets after earthquakes.

I know Hitlery Clinton went there back in the 90's to study with a Voodoo priest. She is a Wiccan, afterall. As far as the errf quake niggers, she also embezzled millions meant for them to use as a slush fund for her laughable Clinton foundation.

08-12-2022, 11:37 PM
but with today's kids - tough!! ! (<- see?)

Welll that's the trick. I taught overseas - American territory - but mostly Philippinos, Thai, some island types, Pakistanis ... others... Less than 3 percent mainland US kids..

Never had a discipline problem... These kids were awesome and very very different from American kids... Our government and liberals have destroyed them... Anyway... great years