View Full Version : When will the US begin to address black brutality?

black brutality must stop
07-23-2022, 06:34 PM
Excellent video by J Taylor at AmRen. This needs to go viral:

Tar Remover
07-23-2022, 11:56 PM
Hopefully never. As long as niggers keep killing each other, I'm a happy Nigger Hater.

animal mother
07-24-2022, 07:57 AM
Hopefully never. As long as niggers keep killing each other, I'm a happy Nigger Hater.

Agreed. As much as we on this site despise niggers, no one hates them more than other niggers. We as humans aren’t the ones out issuing bat wings on a daily basis, we leave that task up to the niggers themselves.

Jim Crow
07-24-2022, 08:16 AM
Did you really need more proof that niggers are dangerous vicious savage and dangerous beasts? But yet,the liberals want to defend their nigger pets and try to brainwash us into believing these volatile shitbeasts are “just like us”!

07-24-2022, 11:46 AM
Did y'all watch the video? They talk about black on white crime. AmRen is the best!

07-24-2022, 12:24 PM
Hopefully never. As long as niggers keep killing each other, I'm a happy Nigger Hater.

As am I!!

Defund Welfare
07-24-2022, 12:57 PM
When will the US consider sterilization for felons and welfare dependents?

07-24-2022, 03:17 PM
Excellent video by J Taylor at AmRen. This needs to go viral:

It will never be addressed. When we read daily reports of niggers slaughtering other niggers, it's because of "gun violence". It's the guns' fault! OH, and YT's fault too. Always. If niggers were banned instead of guns, how much more peaceful the world would be.

07-24-2022, 04:14 PM
It will never be addressed. When we read daily reports of niggers slaughtering other niggers, it's because of "gun violence". It's the guns' fault! OH, and YT's fault too. Always. If niggers were banned instead of guns, how much more peaceful the world would be.

I thought the reason democrats hated SUVs was because of that time an SUV attacked a bunch of people at a Christmas parade, not because they want people to buy electric cars. ;) (My image code was "BBEEPP"... LOL!)

I love American Renaissance. I just wish they would publish more stuff about how terrible niggers are.

07-24-2022, 04:32 PM
niggers are too valuable to let go. They are like herpes....a nuisance, but it keeps coming back and needing expensive treatment. Niggers are only tolerated for the financial gains they bring to their enablers. I am wearing this out, but ' niggers are good for business ! '

07-24-2022, 04:58 PM
niggers are too valuable to let go. They are like herpes....a nuisance, but it keeps coming back and needing expensive treatment. Niggers are only tolerated for the financial gains they bring to their enablers. I am wearing this out, but ' niggers are good for business ! '

I don't get when people say that. We'd do without them quite fine. They need us more than we need them.

07-24-2022, 04:58 PM
When will the US consider sterilization for felons and welfare dependents?

President Clnton tried something like that. It didn't take. He must have just given up.

07-24-2022, 05:46 PM

Ben's got it figured out..........

07-24-2022, 06:11 PM
President Clnton tried something like that. It didn't take. He must have just given up.

Funny how the first black president of the USA (Bill Clinton, not Obama) wanted to sterilize niggers. Martin Luther King Jr also wanted niggers to abort as many of their niglets as they possibly could.

If we should judge people and niggers by the content of their characters, and not the color of their skin*, then I would say that these two niggers could almost pass as honorary humans.

If I were the president of the USA, I'd claim that there was a new pandemic, caused by "COVID-24", and I'd have my peeps make an mRNA "vaccine" that didn't prevent people from getting infected, didn't prevent people from spreading the infection, and was super-leaky so the RNA code would spread to as many people as possible. And I would have it designed so that it would sterilize everyone that had a certain amount of the Sub-Saharan "ghost gene" that is only found in niggers. (I would do some research beforehand to see how much of the ghost gene occurs in criminals and law-abiding citizens first, and then adjust it so that it mostly just affects criminals and niggers; if a nigger wants to be a law-abiding Uncle Ruckus... I'm not entirely sure I would have a problem with that. We could make a vaccine for the vaccine in those extremely rare and special cases, so we could breed subservient and loyal niggers, and encode a special switch into their DNA so that if their offspring are a disappointment, well... sucks to be them.)


* There's nothing wrong with judging niggers by the color of their skin, BTW. I think of it like an early warning detection system, like when you see a snake, a scorpion, a pitbull, a tiger, a niglet, or a lion. They all have track records of attacking humans and human babies for no reason or any reason at all, just like niggers. I mean, if you came home one day and you saw a black kitten on your doorstep, a kitten that you had never seen before, and it meowed at you and flopped over onto her back so you could rub her tummy, would you react the same way you might to the other creatures I listed, or would you consider petting her and maybe give her some food and/or water? If I came home one day and found a bassinet with a niglet inside of it, I would move it to the sidewalk where it is no longer on my property, and I would pretend I never saw or heard it; I'm not legally obligated to be a fucking cuck.

07-24-2022, 08:57 PM
If niggers were banned instead of guns, how much more peaceful the world would be.
If niggers were banned then you can be 100% sure that violence, theft, rape, murder and everything linked to those pests would drop from 100 to 0 in an instant.

07-24-2022, 09:30 PM
If niggers were banned then you can be 100% sure that violence, theft, rape, murder and everything linked to those pests would drop from 100 to 0 in an instant.

I would like to believe that, but there is the elephant in the room that is called Miscegenation.

We would need to ban everyone that has the ghost gene, even if they look human. We can't take any chances.

We could send the niggers to Africa, and the bad "humans" to Australia, like the British did once upon a time. Or we could send our bad "humans" to Europe, since they love niggers and other filth so much.

07-29-2022, 08:03 AM
It will never be addressed. When we read daily reports of niggers slaughtering other niggers, it's because of "gun violence". It's the guns' fault! OH, and YT's fault too. Always. If niggers were banned instead of guns, how much more peaceful the world would be.

Exactly! The same goes for cars/trucks that magically "drive into" crowds of people, "systemic racism", etc. As if any nigger ever used a registered gun! The only reason to blame "guns" is to take guns form law abiding people. To make sure that Whites can't protect themselves and their families.

07-31-2022, 05:20 AM
To the other unregister that said obama/obumer and martin loser king jr are honorary humans i have to disagree.

Both of these Negros fetishize human females and to call them honorary humans because they are self hating negros who want to sterilize there own race is wrong. They may be right to want to end there own race.


They can never be an honorary human thats just the negros way to brainwash human males into getting into the pants of a human female by telling you what you want to hear.

A Negro is a Negro whether they are 100 percent negro or mixed race negro 1 percent drop rule applies.

Negros can never be human beings/honorary human beings!