View Full Version : Ape-bortion and Niggers

Chimp Detester
06-24-2022, 03:55 PM
The new U. S. Supreme Court decision on abortion, after 49 years of Roe vs. Wade, came down today. Now, when we are speaking of humans, I am 100% against abortions. However, in any case involving the sub-cockroach mega-turd feral nigger crap beasts, (coal-burning, oil-drilling, nigger on nigger muh-dick, etc.) we should be actively promoting ape-bortions. Can you imagine how glorious a nigger-free world would be?

And even if the ape-bortions were 100% funded by human tax dollars (niggers never pay their fair share!), the savings for the human race would be astronomical. Imagine the billions saved in Wail-Fare, fooo skamps, Section Ape housing, Ape-bammy phones, medical and dental costs, schooling these unteachable worthless retards, etc. By ape-borting the micro-turds, how many billions would be saved just in prevented crime, vandalism, shop-lifting, nigger caging (incarceration) and legal costs, etc.? How many murders of valuable humans would not be koon-mitted?