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View Full Version : ‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman Predicts ‘Civil War’ If GOP Takes Control in Midterms

06-15-2022, 06:00 PM
“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth."
The post ‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman Predicts ‘Civil War’ If GOP Takes Control in Midterms (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/06/squad-rep-bowman-predicts-civil-war-if-gop-takes-control-in-midterms/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/06/squad-rep-bowman-predicts-civil-war-if-gop-takes-control-in-midterms/)

Jim Crow
06-15-2022, 09:36 PM
The Gop will take both houses in Nov.So,my question to y’all is”what color uniform with you be wearing? I’ve always looked good in gray myself,LOL!

06-16-2022, 02:03 AM
I'm certain the GOP will retake both the House and the Senate. Nobody wants a war, but we have the right of self defense. They've been angling for a fight with what they push for:
No freedom of speech
Take away our guns
Niggers are our equals
Open border and unlimited border niggers coming
Free everything for all niggers
Niggers are not held accountable for their actions
Nigger violence
Pushing for endless gay agenda
Condemning us for not agreeing with any of their shit
Allowing Muslim immigration and presence here

Did I forget anything?

06-16-2022, 10:11 AM
The Gop will take both houses in Nov.So,my question to y’all is”what color uniform with you be wearing? I’ve always looked good in gray myself,LOL!

I'm not advocating any of this. Obviously, being an American citizen, I hope and pray for peace but I'm simply reading the writing on the wall here.

I don't see the next civil war involving uniforms as we know them, at least not for the rebels fighting for freedom from tyranny. I foresee cammies, and lots of them with no insignia, no organization in the classic sense and no normal rank structure of officer/enlisted. Think Russia versus the Afgan rebels. I see foolish federal forces trying to take to the hills to root out ghost, only to be met with righteous fury and knowledge handed down from old 'Nam and Middle East vets who know a little bit about asymmetrical warfare and some very brutal homemade devices and tactics.

Considering the fact that patriot rebels will be an entrenched force on their home turf and the UN backed Federal thug force will be staffed with beta males, poofters and stupid niggers, I predict that not if, but when it happens, it will be a bloody affair the likes of which have never been seen in recorded history.

Remember, the whole purpose of mandating vaccines, forced acceptance of homosexuals and every other tool used to demoralize our military in the past few decades was to slowly force out the old guard. You know the ones. These were the guys who knew that the oath doesn't come with an expiration date. These are the crusty, mean, big, war fighters who know what it's like to kill and are accustomed to it. The NWO/Globohomo conspiracy needed to get rid of all of them to avoid any possible military coup which could have been led by them to restore Constitutional power to it's rightful leaders. It's basically mission accomplished for them or very close from what I've seen on base lately but they don't understand that this is a double edged sword for them. They got the tech, the money and the numbers but they sacrificed the true power of the sword. No matter the size of the weapon, it is worthless in the wrong hands. They have no training, willpower, camaraderie, unit cohesion or mission drive. They sent them all home. The older, wiser and brilliantly brutal men that they chased from the ranks have all of this and more. They actually have something to fight for and not just a meager paycheck, college money or promise of a sex change surgery and forced group acceptance of individual unsavory, immoral or just plain bad behavior.

In the end, it will be the foolish undoing of their choosing.

It will be Armageddon.

Jim Crow
06-16-2022, 08:48 PM
I'm not advocating any of this. Obviously, being an American citizen, I hope and pray for peace but I'm simply reading the writing on the wall here.

I don't see the next civil war involving uniforms as we know them, at least not for the rebels fighting for freedom from tyranny. I foresee cammies, and lots of them with no insignia, no organization in the classic sense and no normal rank structure of officer/enlisted. Think Russia versus the Afgan rebels. I see foolish federal forces trying to take to the hills to root out ghost, only to be met with righteous fury and knowledge handed down from old 'Nam and Middle East vets who know a little bit about asymmetrical warfare and some very brutal homemade devices and tactics.

Considering the fact that patriot rebels will be an entrenched force on their home turf and the UN backed Federal thug force will be staffed with beta males, poofters and stupid niggers, I predict that not if, but when it happens, it will be a bloody affair the likes of which have never been seen in recorded history.

Remember, the whole purpose of mandating vaccines, forced acceptance of homosexuals and every other tool used to demoralize our military in the past few decades was to slowly force out the old guard. You know the ones. These were the guys who knew that the oath doesn't come with an expiration date. These are the crusty, mean, big, war fighters who know what it's like to kill and are accustomed to it. The NWO/Globohomo conspiracy needed to get rid of all of them to avoid any possible military coup which could have been led by them to restore Constitutional power to it's rightful leaders. It's basically mission accomplished for them or very close from what I've seen on base lately but they don't understand that this is a double edged sword for them. They got the tech, the money and the numbers but they sacrificed the true power of the sword. No matter the size of the weapon, it is worthless in the wrong hands. They have no training, willpower, camaraderie, unit cohesion or mission drive. They sent them all home. The older, wiser and brilliantly brutal men that they chased from the ranks have all of this and more. They actually have something to fight for and not just a meager paycheck, college money or promise of a sex change surgery and forced group acceptance of individual unsavory, immoral or just plain bad behavior.

In the end, it will be the foolish undoing of their choosing.

It will be Armageddon.

I thought it was obvious that I was being sarcastic. Being a father and a grandfather, I also pray for peace.

06-17-2022, 03:36 AM
I thought it was obvious that I was being sarcastic. Being a father and a grandfather, I also pray for peace.

Sorry about that. I knew you were being sarcastic. I just sometimes tend to talk to myself on the keyboard. Please accept my apologies for the rant. It wasn't directed at you.

I'm just angry...


Jim Crow
06-17-2022, 07:21 AM
Sorry about that. I knew you were being sarcastic. I just sometimes tend to talk to myself on the keyboard. Please accept my apologies for the rant. It wasn't directed at you.

I'm just angry...


No apology was necessary because I didn’t take offense.And I did agree wih all you were saying!