View Full Version : Boston University nigger video: property be raycisss!

Whitey Ford
05-28-2022, 05:30 PM
Boston University video calls property racist, justifies George Floyd riots (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/watch-boston-university-video-calls-property-racist-justifies-george-floyd-riots/ar-AAXNSwk?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=ebfcee4b78d1400aacc90d58e68bebe0)


Grundy, who is described by her Boston University profile as a "feminist sociologist," attacked politicians, including President Joe Biden, who asked people to avoid destroying property during the George Floyd riots.

"We often hear politicians, we hear civic leaders, from inside black communities and from outside of them as well. We hear President Biden say, you know, 'I understand your frustrations, but don't destroy property,'" she said.

"Well, when you say that to black people who historically have been property, one of our greatest weapons against injustice was the looting of ourselves, as property, from the system of slavery," she added. "And what we see in communities is they're reacting to the very racism of what we call property."

Throughout the summer of 2020, riots across the United States are believed to have caused damages likely in excess of $2 billion, according to a report.

However, judging what is good or bad regarding the the "community reactions" is dangerous and can "re-victimize" the black community, Grundy said.

Defund Welfare
05-28-2022, 10:17 PM
You know where this wouldn’t be a problem, nigger? Africa.
Why don’t you go live there, and try to find the niggers who sold your ancestors asses for gunpowder and salt.

05-30-2022, 07:39 AM
Wakanda it. Now !

06-07-2022, 02:07 PM
So in other words, what she's saying is that it's perfectly okay to destroy someone else's stuff they spent their whole lives building just because you're a nigger.