View Full Version : University of Illinois Chicago Wants to Cancel the Word ‘Obesity’ Because It’s ‘Racist’

05-22-2022, 02:11 PM
The definition of racism just got a lot wider.
The post University of Illinois Chicago Wants to Cancel the Word ‘Obesity’ Because It’s ‘Racist’ (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/05/university-of-illinois-chicago-wants-to-cancel-the-word-obesity-because-its-racist/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/05/university-of-illinois-chicago-wants-to-cancel-the-word-obesity-because-its-racist/)

Jim Crow
05-22-2022, 03:01 PM
I describe people as they are. I got friends that are obese. Doesn’t make them bad guys. And I refer to them as “fatso“. And they refer to me as “slim“ and “muscleman“. We’re just describing each other as we really are. What’s wrong with being honest? Maybe the truth will get them on a diet and to the gym with me one day!

Ray Cizzums
05-22-2022, 10:42 PM
"Author Amanda Montgomery, RN, argued that race scientists used “fatness and differing body characteristics” to classify black people as “less civilized” and “as a way to justify slavery, racism and classism, and control women,” according to her health brief, entitled “Addressing weight stigma and fatphobia in public health.”
Race scientists, classifying black people as less civilized ? Now there's a case where we should believe "The science".
Too bad there are no "race scientists" making any such claims, because they'd be out of a job in 5 seconds.
Fat, black and ugly is no way to go through life, Amanda. There's no one disputing that the fattest, most disgusting
women on the planet are black. There are consequences when you stuff yourself with fast food, mapuh bacon, pork
cracklin's, and buckets of popeye's fried chiggun. There are all sorts of reasons why black women are despised, and
the one thing they can change, is their disgusting fat bodies. They instead blame raycizzums and 'skriminations....