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View Full Version : Assliftin' Ilhan Omar gets beatdown for complaining about Christians singing and having a good time on a plane

Whitey Ford
04-18-2022, 04:10 PM
Why don't the dumb asslifters just piss off back to asslifterville? Because their countries are shitholes! And if we keep letting them in, ours will be too. :(
Ilhan Omar mocked for voicing outrage over Easter worship on plane: 'Why do you hate Christians?'

https://i.ibb.co/Tg7DvWY/aab0c93b4cb1028d7490eed6bb0ddb2b906bd49bd130a6c76a 4926eb8b5e2930-1.jpg

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., expressed outrage over a video of Christians singing on a plane, leading many Republicans to attack her for what they suggested was anti-Christian bigotry.

Omar shared a video Saturday evening in which a worship leader with a guitar sings Christian worship music on an airplane.

"I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane," Omar, who is Muslim, wrote with the video. "How do you think it will end?"

Hopefully it would end with your deportation and permanent BAN, you fucking cunt!


Conversation on twitter:
https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1515528668227018752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1515806735235231757%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fpolitics%2 Filhan-omar-mocked-for-voicing-outrage-over-easter-worship-on-plane-why-do-you-hate-christians

Tar Remover
04-18-2022, 08:23 PM
"I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane," Omar, who is Muslim, wrote with the video.

I think you should have it in hell, diaper head nigger.

04-27-2022, 10:09 AM
Oh how I hate this despicable ass-lifter sow! Whenever I see a picture of her, I want to, how shall I say it without breaking the rules, "wish her the worst". Interestingly in Germany the state of Berlin does have its own version of her, she's called Sawsan Chebli, gets a boatload of tax payer money and is some sort of state secretary for "integreation". Exacly as evil and disgusting as the Omar sow. The only thing she does is promoting mohammedanism and blaming everything and everyone constantly of mohammedanophobia on twatter:

Jim Crow
04-27-2022, 04:03 PM
Some niggers shouldn’t be allowed to fly on a plane because they won’t even acknowledge that their own nigger religeon was responsible for 9-11.Why does our county allow this anti western anti christian piece of shit to hold office?

04-27-2022, 05:11 PM
Some niggers shouldn’t be allowed to fly on a plane because they won’t even acknowledge that their own nigger religeon was responsible for 9-11.Why does our county allow this anti western anti christian piece of shit to hold office?

Exactly! And why on earth did Congress change the rules for the obnoxious asslifter sow? Concerning 9-11: I was really taken aback that they manage to avoid mentioning mohammedanism at the 9-11 memorial museum almost entirely! Ok, that's not completely true, at the beginning there is a shown a short video, where Al Quaeda is mentioned etc., but to my mind in the rest of the museum they seem to avoid that topic, "a plane hit the world trade center".

04-27-2022, 08:47 PM
I cannot, for the life of me, think of one single tragic event caused by any Christian group that were singing hymns prior to it's happening. Not one hijacking, bombing, shooting, beheading or anything else. Not even Waco. You can say what you want about Koresh, but that one doesn't count and we all know it since Billiary Clinton, Reno and their alphabet goons squads did that!

Tar Remover
04-27-2022, 09:59 PM
Oh how I hate this despicable ass-lifter sow! Whenever I see a picture of her, I want to, how shall I say it without breaking the rules, "wish her the worst". Interestingly in Germany the state of Berlin does have its own version of her, she's called Sawsan Chebli, gets a boatload of tax payer money and is some sort of state secretary for "integreation". Exacly as evil and disgusting as the Omar sow. The only thing she does is promoting mohammedanism and blaming everything and everyone constantly of mohammedanophobia on twatter:

THIS individual is a goddamn 2-legged pig, and I'm appalled at the actual humans that say they want to fuck this disgusting animal. I'd rather she die of dysentery and burn in hell. I would rather jack off with broken glass and salt, as every single aspect of her thoroughly disgusts me.

Tar Remover
04-27-2022, 10:00 PM
I cannot, for the life of me, think of one single tragic event caused by any Christian group that were singing hymns prior to it's happening. Not one hijacking, bombing, shooting, beheading or anything else. Not even Waco. You can say what you want about Koresh, but that one doesn't count and we all know it since Billiary Clinton, Reno and their alphabet goons squads did that!

AGREED, Tweak. I despise and HATE this 2-legged pig with a burning passion.

Jim Crow
04-28-2022, 06:43 AM
Exactly! And why on earth did Congress change the rules for the obnoxious asslifter sow? Concerning 9-11: I was really taken aback that they manage to avoid mentioning mohammedanism at the 9-11 memorial museum almost entirely! Ok, that's not completely true, at the beginning there is a shown a short video, where Al Quaeda is mentioned etc., but to my mind in the rest of the museum they seem to avoid that topic, "a plane hit the world trade center".
Fuck that nasty mussie vermin pos and the rest of her commie crew!(Especially Ocrazio!) I’d like to see those four bitches heads on fucking sticks!

04-28-2022, 08:04 AM
THIS individual is a goddamn 2-legged pig, and I'm appalled at the actually humans that say they want to fuck this disgusting animal. I'd rather she die of dysentery and burn in hell. I would rather jack off with broken glass and salt, as every single aspect of her thoroughly disgusts me.
I absolutely and fully agree, with EVERYTHING you said!!

04-28-2022, 08:05 AM
This lightbulb headed sub-70 IQ tribal nigger muslime is the reason I think Somalicoons are the worst, even worse than Haitian niggers. We, misguidedly, allowed her into the country because Somalia was a shithole country that could never be America, yet she is an opponent of America which our white ancestors built. A country that Somalia could never be. Japan is Japan because of the Japanese. America is/was America because of the Whites. Somalia is Somalia because of the Somalicoons. And it's one of the worst shitholes out of all the shitholes in the world.