View Full Version : Tranny Nut Teacher Tells HER Students that Doctors only Guess at the Sex of an Infant..

04-14-2022, 04:13 PM
May this psychotic child abuser and his enablers find hell visited upon them...


If my child was abused in such fashion, you'd at least be able to donate to my defense through a GoFundMe drive... Site rules forbid from disclosing for what crime.

04-15-2022, 05:30 AM
Why hasn't Arnold been cancelled?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.q2ehxA5X1dBNFAU9GEzKTAHaEO%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Just a short ten years or so ago I had never even heard the bullshit made up word "cisgender." The spell checker on my ten year old computer just now tried to change the spelling as I typed it - that's how stupid this is.

These mentally ill deviants are in charge of our children. 50 years ago they would have been locked up for their own good.

Coming up with bullshit words to replace existing English words like normal, functioning, healthy, acceptable, established, sex, factual and any others that rub these deranged lunatics the wrong way, is par for their course.

The word gender didn't even exist outside the study of plants until the mid 50's when it was first used by "sexologist" John Money. This sick bastard butchered children in ways that not even Josef Mengele would approve of and many more than the public is aware of. His work still carries on today and this "teacher" is proof of his handiwork.

04-15-2022, 10:11 AM
Evil! But, to be fair, the teacher did not come up with that stuff. If I am right (and I could be wrong on that very easy, since liberals and feminists copy&paste from each other since 1900), that nonsense was invented by Judith Butler (the wicked high priestess of feminism).
She claimed that white males forced midwifes to randomly declare 50% of newborns to be females, and because of male evilness these females then shall be the oppressed sex. And yes, I know how many logical mistakes that statement has, and how crazy that sounds, but I did not make that up (google it)! Remember, they manage to say in one sentence that there is no such thing as gender, and then in the same sentence claim that “we” need quotas for women. If you want to annoy a libtard big time, ask him who that "we" is :D.