View Full Version : Nigger sues student for leaving bananas laying around- RAYCISS!

Whitey Ford
04-08-2022, 03:43 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Local history teacher sues student after acts of racism

The cow says mooo. The The cat says meowww. The nigger says raycisss.


A local history teacher is suing one of his former students after he says multiple acts of racism were committed against him.

In his 21 years as a history teacher at Menchville High School, Joel Mungo has never seen anything like it.

“Someone left a banana at my door. The banana was perfectly placed in the doorway,” Mungo told 10 On Your Side.

Mungo shared images with 10 On Your Side that were taken two weeks ago. The first instance happened in October.

“Then it happened once a month,” Mungo explained.

A banana was always in the same spot in Mungo’s classroom doorway.

“It was clearly a deliberate act,” Mungo stated.

After the sixth time, Mungo said enough was enough.


04-08-2022, 05:00 AM
Nigger will be exposed for planting the bananas itself in 3, 2, 1...

04-08-2022, 08:08 PM
Nigger will be exposed for planting the bananas itself in 3, 2, 1...

I don't know...
Niggers haven't planted a crop since the mid 1800's.:D

Seriously though, they allegedly did get the kid on video. His entire future is now cancelled. He will be demonized for life. This kid probably had a good reason for his hatred of the monkey but in today's climate and his circumstances, he fought the wrong battle with the wrong weapons.

This nigger needs to chalk it up to youthful indiscretion and grow some thicker skin. I'm sure he has a shit ton of stuff from his youth that he should be outright ashamed of - if only niggers had a sense of shame.

04-08-2022, 08:27 PM
Fruits be racist. The kid should have left non-discriminatory fruits like apples, grapes, or plums. No to watermelons.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-09-2022, 01:11 AM
Fruits be racist. The kid should have left non-discriminatory fruits like apples, grapes, or plums. No to watermelons.
Or a rotted stick filled with juicy termites. A nigger delicacy.
This story is hilarious because the nigger has to imply it is a monkey in order for the racism accusations to be true. He is suing a high school kid? Oh yea nigger, you are well on your way now. I am sure he would be treated with the utmost respect in an all nigger, inner city school.

04-09-2022, 03:24 AM
He is suing a high school kid? Oh yea nigger, you are well on your way now. I am sure he would be treated with the utmost respect in an all nigger, inner city school.

Yeah, what exactly are the monetary damages here? Exactly how is this nigger going to squeeze blood out of that turnip? Is he going to garnish wages from his bagger job at Piggly Wiggly?

This is chickenshit behavior from a supposed adult. I expect childish behavior like this banana stunt from a teenager - especially if he has an ax to grind (and probably did). I expect adult behavior from an adult teacher. Of course, it's an adult nigger teacher so that's out.

04-09-2022, 09:00 AM
Nigger will be exposed for planting the bananas itself in 3, 2, 1...

I'll bet the nigger called shyster ben crump!! Niggers need to calm down!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-09-2022, 01:28 PM
Yeah, what exactly are the monetary damages here? Exactly how is this nigger going to squeeze blood out of that turnip? Is he going to garnish wages from his bagger job at Piggly Wiggly?

This is chickenshit behavior from a supposed adult. I expect childish behavior like this banana stunt from a teenager - especially if he has an ax to grind (and probably did). I expect adult behavior from an adult teacher. Of course, it's an adult nigger teacher so that's out.
Exactly! What is the end game here? He wants the kid’s skateboard he got for Christmas? The nigger will likely try to squeeze the parents for raising the banana gifter.

04-09-2022, 05:37 PM
Maybe the kid was worried the nigger wasn't getting enough potassium in his diet of chikken and grape soda?

04-09-2022, 06:18 PM
You know, if I were this kid's father I would have a long stern talk with my kid. I'd tell him that in the future, he needs to think about the size of his hints.

After all, you can't help it if you had a hole in your pocket!


04-09-2022, 06:24 PM
I don't know...
Niggers haven't planted a crop since the mid 1800's.:D

That exact same thought was the first thing that crossed my mind as well when I read Anastasia's post.

Ray Cizzums
04-09-2022, 07:24 PM
I'm pretty sure you can't sue a minor for anything, especially for providing a niggerfaggot teacher
with a noo-trishus banana on occasion. The kid needs to learn some tactics, like not being predictable,
and using the same schtick, same time, same place.

04-09-2022, 11:53 PM
I'm pretty sure you can't sue a minor for anything

Unfortunately for this case, I'm afraid he can. While most states put a cap on damages in civil cases for minors named in civil lawsuits, it is basically suing the parents. The minor child cannot represent himself or make any decisions without legal and parental counsel. The cost of counsel as well as any judgments against him would fall on the parents to pay.

It's the same as if a minor stole a car and caused an accident. It would be on the parents even though the suit would be brought on the child, it is vicariously on the parents.

This suit will cost the parents thousands in legal bills and headache whether the nigger wins or not.

This teacher is a complete piece of shit poofter for doing this.

When my son was 4, some idiot wigger parked his ricer on the sidewalk instead of the street because he didn't want a car to hit it on the street. Here comes Tweak Junior on his bike with all the rest of the kiddies in the neighborhood. He sideswiped this punk's overpriced custom paint job with his handlebars. I offered to do a touch up or buff to which he scoffed and then this moron started bitching about it and threatened to sue. I went to Autozone and bought a two dollar bottle of touch up paint, tossed it to him and told him to fuck off.

Too bad these parents can't do the same.