View Full Version : JPMorgan Chase donates $400 million for nigger housing projects

03-04-2022, 04:55 PM
JPMorgan wants to donate $400 million to nigger and 'latinx' people to "to address the housing affordability gap". Would be interesting though if they pay for the maintenance as well, because if they do, they would have to file for bankruptcy within five years.

03-05-2022, 02:50 AM
You can give niggers housing, education, food stamps, but they'll still sell drugs, murder each other, rape, and burn places down. There is not one clean nigger city, anywhere.

03-09-2022, 12:03 AM
Urban blight is in their genes.

03-09-2022, 05:29 AM
God I hate that fucking liberal term "latinx". By the way, they can stick that 'housing project' up their fucking ass. Me being a hispanic, I don't need their "help" or their fucking useless handouts because I'm not a nigger. Only niggers need this level of coddling because of muh racism. Fuck this shit.

04-09-2022, 10:41 AM
The original Latins were Romans, who were white. I don't think they'd appreciate being lumped in with worthless niggers.

04-15-2022, 10:16 AM
God I hate that fucking liberal term "latinx". By the way, they can stick that 'housing project' up their fucking ass. Me being a hispanic, I don't need their "help" or their fucking useless handouts because I'm not a nigger. Only niggers need this level of coddling because of muh racism. Fuck this shit.
I don't even understand what that is supposed to mean. Do they want to embed the gender craziness into the word latin, or did they realize that there is more than one Spanish speaking country (and then again, what about Portuguese)? Strange!
Apart from that, how impertinent can one be to compare ANYONE to niggers?! Liberals are scumbags!!

04-15-2022, 01:23 PM
It always seems like we keep hearing from woke companies that continue to donate money to niggers non-stop, so why is that that niggers keep coonplaining that they aren't getting enough gibs? To me, it seems like the cost of niggers in America is just too much to keep them here. I see no change in nigger behavior, etc..., so what's the point of donating millions and billions of dollars of money to niggers? That money could be put to better use for America as a whole and not just for niggers.