View Full Version : Liberals live in a total fantasy world

02-26-2022, 07:12 AM
Nonstop superhero movies, niggers as #1, niggers plastered on every single area of television, political correctness, lack of freedom of speech, "unisex" clothes, transgenders in the military etc. Nigger loving liberals are mentally ill and do not live in reality. They live in a sick, lack of morality fantasy world of what THEY want, and not what is logical and correct. We are being submerged with their sickness

Jim Crow
02-26-2022, 08:01 AM
You forgot to mention that white libs are also self loathing because of their whiteness!
Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder!

02-26-2022, 11:26 AM
You forgot to mention that white libs are also self loathing because of their whiteness!
Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder!

Well that is their problem. They can go live with the niggers and pay for them. We are not stopping them.

02-26-2022, 12:05 PM
Nonstop superhero movies, niggers as #1, niggers plastered on every single area of television, political correctness, lack of freedom of speech, "unisex" clothes, transgenders in the military etc. Nigger loving liberals are mentally ill and do not live in reality. They live in a sick, lack of morality fantasy world of what THEY want, and not what is logical and correct. We are being submerged with their sickness

Eloquently and accurately stated. Niggers are most certainly a curse. The liberal filth that enables them are many times worse. The concept of equality is rooted in 'Cultural Relativism' where if there is a propensity for a particular behavior in a group, it, by definition, is 'normal' and beyond reproach. This includes all manner of nigger dysfunction including crime, violence, single parenthood, school failure.... Cultural Relativism is at the foundation of liberal philosophy and it, along with liberals, are at the heart of our nation's decline


02-26-2022, 01:02 PM
More and more folk are at the cusp of their tolerance. I think the upswing into a new Christian focussed era has begun. Morals have nowhere left to sink in.

02-26-2022, 04:37 PM
Well that is their problem. They can go live with the niggers and pay for them. We are not stopping them.

Yep, but they won't do that! Socialism is just "legalized robbery", libtards almost always live from other people's money. That's why they love niggers so much, socialists are just as criminal & lazy as niggers.

02-26-2022, 06:09 PM
More and more folk are at the cusp of their tolerance. I think the upswing into a new Christian focussed era has begun. Morals have nowhere left to sink in.

Well said.

02-26-2022, 06:13 PM
Eloquently and accurately stated. Niggers are most certainly a curse. The liberal filth that enables them are many times worse. The concept of equality is rooted in 'Cultural Relativism' where if there is a propensity for a particular behavior in a group, it, by definition, is 'normal' and beyond reproach. This includes all manner of nigger dysfunction including crime, violence, single parenthood, school failure.... Cultural Relativism is at the foundation of liberal philosophy and it, along with liberals, are at the heart of our nation's decline


I totally agree

02-27-2022, 05:55 AM
More and more folk are at the cusp of their tolerance. I think the upswing into a new Christian focussed era has begun. Morals have nowhere left to sink in.

I agree with you. I do feel the beginning of a sea-change in our culture. I fear that the liberal filth in Washington also sees and feels it - and have for some time. They are making EVERY effort to snuff out this return to sensibility and are willing to take short and medium term set backs in order to subvert this conservative groundswell. Just look at what these treasonous worm DemonRATS are doing.. They've eliminated our Southern Border... 100,000 to 200,000 illegals are streaming across every MONTH... That equals the population of the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined EVERY YEAR....

The demonRAT filth in DC knows 2 things about these invaders. First, they do not have 2 dimes of their own to rub together and will be dependent on the taxpayer for perpetuity. Second, given the opportunity, they will invariably vote demonRAT in every election. Biden's handlers are LEASING AIRCRAFT and putting these enemies of the state on them and flying them to Republican swing states. Florida is a notable destination as is the mid-west. AT THE SAME TIME... These socialist traitors are pushing for voting rights for this filthy rabble. I know that talk of violence is Verboten... And I'm not... BUT THIS IS AN UNMITIGATED ACT OF WAR AGAINST CONSERVATIVES AND DEMOCRACY.... With millions streaming in, these demonRAT cock suckers will hold a super majority in both houses and will hold the White House 10, 15 years out.

In the short term, these vermin liberal cucks are going to get a trouncing in the next 2 elections, at least. Yes, next election we may even get Trump back in office. The reality is it's near impossible to undo damage the vermin TREASONOUS demonRATS have done - even with good conservatives at the helm. Illegals, once dug in, are like ticks and rarely get arrested/removed. New liberal laws are near impossible to reverse. I give you FAGGOTS and TRANNIES in the military, And Obumbler-Care as examples. So, once the rabble is here, the damage is already done. It's only a matter of time before they're voting. And voting IN WHAT WILL BE THE MILLIONS.... This shit is NO JOKE... The United States as we know it will devolve into a cesspool of untermensch and socialism. There will be no hiding from The Nigger...

4:30 here and can't sleep. With this in our collective future, how can anyone?...

02-27-2022, 08:12 AM
I don't usually like to post politically derived images, but I thought this one sums it up....


02-27-2022, 08:15 AM
Yeah exactly. For a long time I started to think that I was the only one who was thinking these things. And then the door of truth opened up and others like you and here on Chimpout etc. started having an open voice. The garbage nigger loving fantasy land liberal media tries to blind common sense from the masses. But the truth will prevail

02-27-2022, 08:22 AM
I don't usually like to post politically derived images, but I thought this one sums it up....


Pic you posted did not load - at least not here

Nig Zero
02-27-2022, 11:55 AM
When I first heard the phrase "liberalism is mental disorder", I just took it as a hyperbolic soundbite. I was wrong. Liberalism is, as the above comments eloquently state, liberalism is an infantile, delusional, anti-data, anti-fact, anti-biology, anti-science, anti-civilization, and just plain anti-human mental disorder. In short, liberalism is total evil. Our nation is seems so racially polluted and our leaders are so corrupt and/or stupid that our nation probably is not salvageable at this point. This new bill HR 919 appears to be defacto declaration of war against sane White people.

02-27-2022, 12:55 PM
Yeah exactly. For a long time I started to think that I was the only one who was thinking these things. And then the door of truth opened up and others like you and here on Chimpout etc. started having an open voice. The garbage nigger loving fantasy land liberal media tries to blind common sense from the masses. But the truth will prevail

Consider signing up. Spending some time with like minded people is true therapy. It's worked for me.

02-27-2022, 02:03 PM
CoonsЯus...Consider signing up. Spending some time with like minded people is true therapy. It's worked for me.

Agreed! I too have lurked this site. There are certainly clear thinkers who visit regularly. We do need them and we can certainly help them in dealing the lernaean hydra stalking us all..


http://www.chimpout.org/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAIAAdwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGBwABAv/EADwQAAIBAwMBBgMFBgQHAAAAAAECAwAEEQUSITEGEyJBUWEyc YEUkaGx8BUjUsHR4TNCYnIkRIKSssLx/8QAGAEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwT/xAAhEQACAgICAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFRQmFxMv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Ac2sksWPNT5GiY4jd3XiGFAzjyqGNXZ0Uj Jp5a2qogzw3ma4ToIsLEuBQ8jnqalu1xwDxQpbIyelISRJFhmo 9FVFyQMUDHtCqVOT517cXTKgX I4oQ2CXV0ovUVgdsh2q3ln0o8KFAyRSDW45Y4AjL0O8Hzr7s76 S5iXcRuUYOP17U2vIDd5gHwq59DRy3YijzIQFApXaozqWPJ6Cl 2qTtPutICSc J88CkkDD4T9ouXmb4fKvLqTg0NY2c9rGAtxlfNWHFR3lzGH27s 464GadbA FXe/t1NSRjvJcn4V6V4rKEAHxP0qbAhgz5mhjBrhtz48hXtR9TXUAW WxtTne2Paj3XauKkiVVUdOlKNa1Y2ciJEgdiQXJ6AenzoIbO1A iOMtg5oBbuFRtkI58hUGuXlwY1mV1EAG9dnO7yHP30o0tHvrqe 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02-27-2022, 07:52 PM
The white men are fighting with Molotov cocktails, small arms, and hand to hand combat to keep their country alive, and the stupid niggers are upset because a few people aren’t nice to them. Link-


I did not even know they had niggers in Ukraine. It seems these simians are everywhere. It reminds me of Detroit in 1943, when in the middle of a World War the blacks rioted because of their ‘ rights’.

02-28-2022, 06:28 PM
I knew this was going to come up. They do nothing but complain. The stupid idiotic US will take them.

02-28-2022, 06:48 PM
I knew this was going to come up. They do nothing but complain. The stupid idiotic US will take them.

I'm sorry, but I feel the whole Russian episode is a ploy by the global commanders to ensure more refugees flood into Europe to destroy the Euro identities. I actually trust the Russian government more than the US shambolic traitors, this is the sad part.

Nig Zero
02-28-2022, 10:55 PM
Maybe the Ukrainian government can use their niggers as "human" shields. That way the Roosskies can check the zero on their weapons, and no humans get harmed. Everyone is happy.

02-28-2022, 11:05 PM
Maybe the Ukrainian government can use their niggers as "human" shields. That way the Roosskies can check the zero on their weapons, and no humans get harmed. Everyone is happy.

will not work at night. The niggers will be easy to spot in the snowy day time though.


03-01-2022, 06:17 PM
I'm sorry, but I feel the whole Russian episode is a ploy by the global commanders to ensure more refugees flood into Europe to destroy the Euro identities. I actually trust the Russian government more than the US shambolic traitors, this is the sad part.

And have you noticed, These "planned crisis's" happen like clockwork? To me, that within the last several weeks, right before the Ukrainian conflict happened, the media started lifting mask mandates all of a sudden. Suspicious!! . And the 24/7 fear-mongering about that Goddamn virus suddenly mysteriously slowed down almost to a stop. And we know that the liberals do not want the virus to end. We are dealing with some serious dirty players these liberal Democrats. I'm not sure exactly what they are up to but I know it's not good