View Full Version : Just How Fucked Up is Academia???

02-16-2022, 07:55 AM
Slightly off topic, but an interesting look into the 'mind' of some Ivory Tower pencil neck. In this paper, he blathers on about 'Temporal Racism'... Yep, racism directed toward ancient peoples. Said another way, racism perpetrated against the dead... You got it! We have ourselves a new Protected Class... Dead People. I'm figuring they can task some of those Sharia Police cars running around Dearborn to protect these new victims of White Hate... That's when the mozzie scum driving those cars are not clubbing women for forgetting to wear a rag on their heads, or harassing Christians who dare wear crosses outside their shirts in MozScum neighborhoods...

https://www.academia.edu/69914681/Beforeigners_Thor_Heyerdahl_and_Ludwig_Gumplowicz_ The_concept_of_timesism_temporal_racism_or_acrochr onism?email_work_card=thumbnail

One very fucked up world we're living in, folks....

02-16-2022, 09:17 AM
Slightly off topic, but an interesting look into the 'mind' of some Ivory Tower pencil neck. In this paper, he blathers on about 'Temporal Racism'... Yep, racism directed toward ancient peoples. Said another way, racism perpetrated against the dead... You got it! We have ourselves a new Protected Class... Dead People. I'm figuring they can task some of those Sharia Police cars running around Dearborn to protect these new victims of White Hate... That's when the mozzie scum driving those cars are not clubbing women for forgetting to wear a rag on their heads, or harassing Christians who dare wear crosses outside their shirts in MozScum neighborhoods...

https://www.academia.edu/69914681/Beforeigners_Thor_Heyerdahl_and_Ludwig_Gumplowicz_ The_concept_of_timesism_temporal_racism_or_acrochr onism?email_work_card=thumbnail

One very fucked up world we're living in, folks....

Dhimmirats HAVE to protect the dead. Who do you think votes for them in OVERWHELMING numbers?!

02-16-2022, 04:59 PM
WTF is this shit? First paragraph in German. Racist, racist, racist. Timeist. What's up with Norway?

BTW, Norway is showing how superior they are in winter sports, with a population of 5.6 million. This may be their last hurrah. Next generation of Norwegians will be mutant niggers or sand niggers.

Maybe a worthwhile read, if only to understand stupidity.

02-27-2022, 08:04 PM
That's when the mozzie scum driving those cars are not clubbing women for forgetting to wear a rag on their heads, or harassing Christians who dare wear crosses outside their shirts in MozScum neighborhoods...

Someone once said that we can make a deal with the asslifters: we'll allow, one for one, mosques to be open in the U.S. for all the churches allowed in Saudi Arabia.

Do you think that's a good deal? I think it's a good deal.


02-27-2022, 10:23 PM
'Asslifters'... that's a new one on me...

02-28-2022, 12:19 AM

I'd never heard the term myself until I found CO about 10 years ago. Asslifters, pisslamists, jizzlamists, jihadists, dune coons, sand niggers, Islamofascists, Mohammedans: all those Satanists by any name still commit the same evil.

For a while we didn't want threads specifically about sand niggers (unless they were confirmed part Apefricoon), mudsharks or sandsharks. I'm glad we opened that up, because they're just as bad as niggers, and the worst kind of niggers when they interbreed. Although is there really a worst kind of nigger, implying that some niggers are not as bad?

02-28-2022, 09:17 AM
That link clogged up my Android.