View Full Version : Equal opportunity Nigger follows woman home to Chinatown..and stabs her to death, well, jes cuz !

02-14-2022, 04:07 AM
F***n' Niggers, pointless animalistic.. or lower than an animal, bloodlust... just for the lulz...

take a knee tho... humans, YT have to unnastandz wheah we beezz a comin' frum , nahm sayin' dawg.. ??


Bill Debozo did this, licking BLM a**, and wanting to give his monkey wife feral orgasms from all the senseless death and destruction she's so proud of from her ook ook tribe

how do we take this country back .. ??? 🤬🤬🤬 filthy, useless, POS NIGGERS !!!!

"Three law enforcement officials familiar with the case identified the suspect as Assamad Nash; they said Nash had five prior felonies and three pending court cases on various matters."

