View Full Version : HYPOCRITE Anti-Trump Actor with 14 Houses Vows to “Fight Global Warming”

07-11-2017, 10:34 AM
The liberal hypocrisy continues… Why celebrities feel they’re the best voices to fight global warming will always be a mystery. Johnny Depp is well known for his suggestion that President Trump should suffer the same fate as Abraham Lincoln; that an actor such as him should assassinate Trump. But now, the liberal actor is promising to fight global warming. Depp plans to fight the impending climate change brought on by manmade destruction, all from the comfort of his 14 mansions, four private islands, private jet, and yacht. What a joke. From The Blaze Movie star actor Johnny Depp recently made

More... (http://truthfeed.com/hypocrite-anti-trump-actor-with-14-houses-vows-to-fight-global-warming/90311/)