View Full Version : Colostomy bag sporting crack sprog goodifies itself. Bullying and raycizzums blamed.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-23-2022, 02:41 PM

This one shot itself because some kids were bullying it. The more likely story, it was playing with mammy’s gun and blasted itself. Anyway, mammy is gonna sue the school district for gibs because ya know, it was their responsibility to keep the gun away from the lil future felon. The kid wore a colostomy bag likely because of drug induced birth defects.

Ray Cizzums
01-23-2022, 08:38 PM
The sprog hung itself, in the mammy's nigger nest, so it should be impossible for the shyster to sue the school.
But because we're talking niggers, and the taxpayers are a bottomless pit of gibs for said niggers, expect the worst.

01-23-2022, 09:24 PM
Someone called it the "N-word"! Enough to induce suicide in any nigga - we WISH. The mammy whines there was no 'paperwork' on this horrific incident.


"As I stood up, I looked over my shoulder and I saw the back of my son hanging from a noose that he had made from his belt," she said.

There was no suicide. The little poopy bucklet was trying out the new fad, getting a high from choking and of course, screwed it up.

The choking game refers to intentionally cutting off oxygen to the brain with the goal of inducing temporary loss of consciousness (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syncope_(medicine)) and euphoria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphoria)

I would bet every penny I have that's what your little defective sprog was up to, Mammy.


I aint bin dun did dat!
01-24-2022, 01:25 AM
The sprog hung itself, in the mammy's nigger nest, so it should be impossible for the shyster to sue the school.
But because we're talking niggers, and the taxpayers are a bottomless pit of gibs for said niggers, expect the worst.
wow, I was reading another one where the kid shot itself and the mammy was suing the school. Got em mixed up I guess. The best thing niggers can do to avoid whitey’s racisms is to segregate themselves. It’s for their own safety.

Nig Zero
01-24-2022, 07:31 AM
Or the buck and sow got tired of the niglet's bags of shit and lynched it themselves.....and then blamed YT's systemic racism for some gibs.

Jim Crow
01-24-2022, 08:03 AM
Niggers never assume their own responsibility.It’s always YT’s fault! And the liberals will see that it’s kept that way