View Full Version : A coalburner burns her niglet's coal

01-01-2022, 10:22 AM
Species traitor suspected of pimping out 5 year old niglet and making it good (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10358997/Mom-charged-5-year-olds-murder-selling-sex.html)

An arrest warrant included in court records claims Kristy Siple, 35, agreed to accept payment from someone 'for having sexual intercourse and sodomy with her minor child.' Authorities arrested Siple on Tuesday and charged her with murder and human trafficking in connection with the death of her daughter, Kamarie Holland.

Jeremy Tremaine Williams, 37, is also charged with capital murder for allegedly strangling Kamarie to death.

Charging documents against Williams said Kamarie died by asphyxiation from a ligature, and her body showed signs of sexual assault.

There is just so much wrong with this story.


01-01-2022, 02:24 PM
Species traitor suspected of pimping out 5 year old niglet and making it good (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10358997/Mom-charged-5-year-olds-murder-selling-sex.html)

There is just so much wrong with this story.


Yet another example of why you don't mix with the beast. At least this one and its spawn won't be collecting welfare and shitting out more.

As if it needs to be said... Can you imagine the media if this had been an oil drilling white cuck who murdered a 5 year old sow? They would probably try and call it a Trump supporter.

01-01-2022, 02:34 PM
Coal burners actually become sows when they bed down with niggers. They are just as vicious, vile, and nasty dirtbags as any sowzilla lumbering around.

01-01-2022, 02:37 PM
Man, that was confusing as usual.
Can you imagine mapping out a nigger fambily tree?

01-01-2022, 04:06 PM
Coal burners actually become sows when they bed down with niggers. They are just as vicious, vile, and nasty dirtbags as any sowzilla lumbering around.

Coal burners, as far as I am concerned, do nothing except contribute to the moral decline of America.

This image perfectly encapsulates my worst nightmare.

Deuteronomy 27:21
‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

01-02-2022, 12:08 AM
One drop rule applies no matter how many generations removed. That thing looks like more than just inter-species. It looks like some nigger coupled with its sister.

01-02-2022, 10:05 AM
I'm not a scientist and all that but I can say positively that niggers are not fully human. If at all. The way they look, they're violence, unpredictability is that of an animal. Period.

01-02-2022, 11:33 AM
I'm not a scientist and all that but I can say positively that niggers are not fully human. If at all. The way they look, they're violence, unpredictability is that of an animal. Period.

I'm going to quote a small section of what you said (again) because I think it makes for an interesting sidetrack to this discussion.

unpredictability is that of an animal. Period.

I think the reason we tend to perceive nigger behavior as unpredictable is because humans have a tendency to anthropomorphize (attribute human behaviors to) animals, like cats and dogs, and we find it odd when we encounter something vaguely human shaped that does not behave like a human or even a cat or a dog. Not only that, but most, if not all humans, have the capacity to perceive themselves (self-awareness) and perceive time, and find ways to use their awareness of themselves and their position in time to make decisions about the future. A nigger does not.

When a nigger thinks about robbing a convenience store, all it is thinking about is getting those monies. It doesn't think about what would happen when the clerk trips the silent alarm, and it doesn't think about what would happen if it were to point a gun at a clerk and pull the trigger.

And if the nigger did think far enough into the future to think that shooting a clerk might be something it wanted to do, even then in the nigger's mind it is only thinking far enough into the future to think "I needs ta squeeze dis heah trigger to kill dis heah Whitey (or Asian, or Jew, or Native-American, or whoever happens to be behind the counter)." Everything that happens after it squeezes the trigger is a surprise to the nigger. It doesn't know that it might injure or hurt the human. It doesn't know that the gun might make a loud noise. It doesn't know that it might be committing a felony. It doesn't even know that there might be consequences for its actions.

And that is truly what makes niggers unpredictable in my mind. They think literally only of the here and now. They are utterly incapable of planning for the future in any capacity, in any way, shape or form. And that is incomprehensible to most humans because almost everything we do involved planning for future events in some manner.

Even something as simple as making sure you wake up at a certain time in the morning so you can shit, shower, shave, and maybe eat before going to work requires planning, ahead of time, and that is something niggers rarely do. When having a conversation with someone, or typing things on a forum, we think about the message we are trying to get across to someone else, and to coherently spread that message, we have to think about what we are trying to say, the potential consequences of what we want to say, and our target audience; whether consciously or not, when we communicate with each other, we are using our knowledge of the past, present, and future to send each other verbal (and non-verbal, in the case of real life interactions) messages. With niggers, we tend to get confused because they are only aware of the present, and trying to understand things from their perspective tends to be difficult, if not impossible, even if you do have some knowledge of how their bix nood language functions.

And another thing that makes me uncomfortable around niggers is that even when they are capable of speaking english, they often only do so because they think that if they make certain sounds in a certain order, they can get certain responses from humans. Cats and dogs do something like that, albeit usually because they also can't speak english, but they want to communicate a message to us in a way that they think we might understand. A pet cat or dog might want food or water, or to say hello when you come home from work, or to get your attention because he or she enjoys your company, but when a nigger does that sort of thing, it is almost always trying to run a "hustle" or some kind of con game wherein you do not benefit in any way, shape, or form. Besides all of that, niggers can and will bite the hand that feeds them. I have no problem going to sleep with a cat or dog in my bed, but if a nigger were in the vicinity, I would be checking to make sure my gun is loaded and take some caffeine pills. "Can't sleep, niggers will kill me..."

Sorry for going so far off track with this little rant.

Back onto the OP's topic, I sometimes think niggers deliberately choose to make niglets with the absolute worst of human society because it is the only way they can feel good about themselves. "I might be a nigger, but this white girl is letting me have sex with her 5 year old daughter, and she's letting me kill the girl. I'm not as evil as the white woman that is giving me permission to do these things."

I think Kristy Siple deserves capital punishment for being such a disgrace to the human species. I know we aren't supposed to bash humans, but there are some things that are just so reprehensible that they deserve condemnation in no uncertain words.

Also, as far as the nigger in the case is concerned, in the links it is also mentioned that it made ghetto lobster on at least one occasion:

Williams was arrested Dec. 15, after police found the child’s body in an abandoned house at one of his previous addresses. At the time, Taylor said the child had been kidnapped and sexually abused. He added that Williams and Siple knew each other previously, but was unable to provide more details because of a gag order issued by the judge in the case.

Williams was previously charged with child abuse in 2009, for allegedly immersing a three-year-old boy’s body in a pot of boiling water, but was acquitted three years later, according to local news site CBS42. (Williams reportedly argued at the time that the boy had pulled the water on top of himself.)

Burning the coal, or drilling for oil, is an activity that clearly leads to moral depravity, and should be banned, for the benefit of humankind. Miscegenation among humans and niggers is, was, and always will be wrong. Any child born of such an unnatural pairing should be shunned by society and treated like a leper. Coal burners, oil drillers, and niglets are abominations before the Lord. God hates niggers.


01-03-2022, 04:11 PM
The buck probably thought the girl was a human and chimped out when it found out she was a minisow.