View Full Version : Mass Casualties Waukesha WI

11-21-2021, 07:46 PM
Car drives into Thanksgiving Parade while firing guns into crowd. Early reports, at least 30 humans down. ( likely perp is a YT guy named "Bob" )
Happening right now


11-21-2021, 09:12 PM
1. 3 black males were in car. Car was abandoned
and 3 tried to flee on foot.

2. 1 jig is in custody 2 are being chased.

3. The reported gunfire was police shooting at the car. Failed to connect. Car has been recovered.

Total hurt "more than 20". Another report says dozens. TV station says at least 30.

Never fear. CNN reports the Biden White House is MONITORING the situation...

11-21-2021, 10:16 PM
“My friend was approached by the people in the car. One was arrested, other two on the run. They asked to use his phone.
3 African Americans, early 20’s, dreadlocks.” We are not printing his name, either, for his own protection, but we have it.

Yeah make sure you protect the guilty groids...

11-21-2021, 11:00 PM
"people just died in front of me bro .."

looking for 2 more snake head niggers... the worst... this was for Jake the Snake ?


11-22-2021, 12:05 AM
The media will be silent on the fact it was niggers. Especially if we find out it was ass lifting niggers. We can probably guess this was niggers mad because a white guy wasn't found guilty of killing white guys. Black lies matter an sheit.

11-22-2021, 01:25 AM
I just found out my brothers wife and daughter were at this parade. They are fine, but now the little girls scared to death and crying at home.
I am so fucking angry at niggers right now, I think I’m gonna get a throwaway email and finally join im hopping furious and sick of this scum race they need to be fucking segregated or preferably booted back to fucking Africa or Haiti. They should not be allowed to live in first world countries they need to be back in the jungle eating bananas and raping children.

11-22-2021, 06:41 AM
I just found out my brothers wife and daughter were at this parade. They are fine, but now the little girls scared to death and crying at home.
I am so fucking angry at niggers right now, I think I’m gonna get a throwaway email and finally join im hopping furious and sick of this scum race they need to be fucking segregated or preferably booted back to fucking Africa or Haiti. They should not be allowed to live in first world countries they need to be back in the jungle eating bananas and raping children.

Agreed. Panamax oil tanker ships converted to convict transports. Empty our prisons onto the shores of East Africa. Old England did it, we can too.

Coon Club Road
11-22-2021, 07:00 AM
I just found out my brothers wife and daughter were at this parade. They are fine, but now the little girls scared to death and crying at home.
I am so fucking angry at niggers right now, I think I’m gonna get a throwaway email and finally join im hopping furious and sick of this scum race they need to be fucking segregated or preferably booted back to fucking Africa or Haiti. They should not be allowed to live in first world countries they need to be back in the jungle eating bananas and raping children.

We welcome you to join up!

You'll be able to post in the other areas off limits to the general public which is great therapy my friend as far as relieving stress from nigger fatigue!

Jim Crow
11-22-2021, 08:26 AM
Time for liberals to ban cars!

Nig Zero
11-22-2021, 08:27 AM

I'm no historian, but I'll bet wars have started over less.

Here's a local news article on this muggafugga nigga: https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/2021/11/22/darrell-brooks-criminal-record/

The nigger should have been in prison for last twenty years, not murdering White people celebrating Christmas.

The female judge will probably seek to classify it's five victims as dying of COVID (the monkey may have be released in part due to the Coof), instead of "Death by Nigger".

11-22-2021, 08:30 AM
I'm Watching Good morning nigger America as we speak and they haven't uttered a fucking word about this incident. Because it was niggers responsible. Sickening!!

Coon Club Road
11-22-2021, 10:48 AM
Leave it to the media to sniff out the most non niggerest photo of the spook they can find. Probably lightened the skin tone a bit too.

Another picture I saw of him looked like a snake headed nigger.

11-22-2021, 11:04 AM
Time for liberals to ban cars!

It's that darn car show loophole!

Blue Gum
11-22-2021, 01:36 PM
18 admitted between the ages of 3-16 as per FOX, 10 of the kids are in the ICU...5 Fatalities unknown ages... they showed a mug shot,.....looks like a light-skinned nigger to me, Daryl Brooks 39 is the name given along with this nigger POS's Horrific 20 year history of Violent crime which include domestic violence, Strangulation a registered sex offender in Nevada, assault, agg-battery, gun charges, The charges and convictions of this nigger are violent and lengthy, THIS nigger should have been caged permanently, a long time ago at a bare minimum, but some spineless nigger-loving judge set it free, it was also mentioned more than once the nigger was let go with very small bail amounts, $500 & $1000 , even though the charges against the nigger were felony and violent charges. Its reported this nigger was uncaged from the po-po just 3 days before it did this.... apparently a group of seniors were struck too, resulted in 1 reported fatality. A nigger like this shouldn't even be breathing at this point in time and just think of All the niggers out there that are EXACTLY like this nigger! Its really really scary. Niggers are Time-Bombs, you never know when a niggers brain is gonna snap...Never.

I was thinking, it's too bad Mr. Rittenhouse wasnt there with his AR-15 to do a 30 rd mag dump on the vehicle running men, women and children down!!!!!

Something HAS to be done about the nigger problem we have....

animal mother
11-22-2021, 01:45 PM
When Dylaan Roof shot up a bunch of niggers at a nigger church in South Carolina back in 2017, this “hate crime” was on the news for months. He was sentenced to death under a federal hate crime statute, the only time this ever was applied. Let’s see how quickly this disappears from the news cycle and if this fucking nigger is charged the same way. Any bets?

Coon Club Road
11-22-2021, 01:49 PM
When Dylaan Roof shot up a bunch of niggers at a nigger church in South Carolina back in 2017, this “hate crime” was on the news for months. He was sentenced to death under a federal hate crime statute, the only time this ever was applied. Let’s see how quickly this disappears from the news cycle and if this fucking nigger is charged the same way. Any bets?

Nigga pleeez!

By Wednesday, you'll be hard pressed to find mention that this incident even existed.

11-22-2021, 02:27 PM
18 admitted between the ages of 3-16 as per FOX, 10 of the kids are in the ICU...5 Fatalities unknown ages... they showed a mug shot,.....looks like a light-skinned nigger to me, Daryl Brooks 39 is the name given along with this nigger POS's Horrific 20 year history of Violent crime which include domestic violence, Strangulation a registered sex offender in Nevada, assault, agg-battery, gun charges, The charges and convictions of this nigger are violent and lengthy, THIS nigger should have been caged permanently, a long time ago at a bare minimum, but some spineless nigger-loving judge set it free, it was also mentioned more than once the nigger was let go with very small bail amounts, $500 & $1000 , even though the charges against the nigger were felony and violent charges. Its reported this nigger was uncaged from the po-po just 3 days before it did this.... apparently a group of seniors were struck too, resulted in 1 reported fatality. A nigger like this shouldn't even be breathing at this point in time and just think of All the niggers out there that are EXACTLY like this nigger! Its really really scary. Niggers are Time-Bombs, you never know when a niggers brain is gonna snap...Never.

I was thinking, it's too bad Mr. Rittenhouse wasnt there with his AR-15 to do a 30 rd mag dump on the vehicle running men, women and children down!!!!!

Something HAS to be done about the nigger problem we have....

My feelings exactly. Always they are already felons out on the streets for some reason or other or on some "watch list" nobody watches... if we are not going to gas them, at least mean business with imprisioning.
Life means Natural Life, not 25-life or some other excuse to sic back them on us. You are right. Something must be done about this nigger problem
And soon.

11-22-2021, 03:00 PM
if anyone there laid a finger on this nigger theyd be charged

11-22-2021, 03:21 PM
Every nigger loving media outlet in the country will have this incident snuffed out faster than a nigger running with a watermelon 🍉

Tell it like it is
11-22-2021, 03:46 PM
As soon as I saw the story break last night, I thought I smelled nigger......
Humans don't do this kind of shit....
And it is too bad the weak ass judge that cut him loose wasn't among the victims.
God forbid he had been White....Would have been 10 times worse than Rittenhouse.My anger at these sub human creatures grows daily.God be with the victims, and hope they get to see this mud colored piece of shit pay with his sorry life.

11-22-2021, 04:07 PM
Once again the shit-for-brains are at it again.

There are dead people and this chimp along with it's pals did this intentionally. Not long ago these apes would have become wind-chimes.

Coon Club Road
11-22-2021, 04:36 PM
Every nigger loving media outlet in the country will have this incident snuffed out faster than a nigger running with a watermelon 🍉

Hey Unreggie... you got The One Liner of the Day Award!

You should think about joining up!

Nig Zero
11-22-2021, 05:06 PM
Agreed. Panamax oil tanker ships converted to convict transports. Empty our prisons onto the shores of East Africa. Old England did it, we can too.

Yep, round up every nigger and put their ass on transport ships back to Africa. Fuck 'em.

Blue Gum
11-22-2021, 05:18 PM
With all the carnage and death this nigger is responsible for, it should be chained to the rear bumper butt naked of a '59 Chrysler going 20 mph and dragged up and down the parade route until there's nothing but a whisker left....how typical is it? Here we have another nigger in classic nigger fashion, praying on and directly affecting with fatal intentions the lives of very young and very old innocent humans....terroristic attacks like this are in the DNA of every nigger on the planet.

11-22-2021, 05:44 PM
With all the carnage and death this nigger is responsible for, it should be chained to the rear bumper butt naked of a '59 Chrysler going 20 mph and dragged up and down the parade route until there's nothing but a whisker left....how typical is it? Here we have another nigger in classic nigger fashion, praying on and directly affecting with fatal intentions the lives of very young and very old innocent humans....terroristic attacks like this are in the DNA of every nigger on the planet.

I like your way of thinking, my friend! But you forgot the shards of broken glass left on the road. Or would that make it too much of a mess to clean up afterward?

I absolutely defend this nigger's right to a fair trial. Five minutes ought to do it, including putting the rope around its neck. That's as fair as it gave its victims.

11-22-2021, 06:14 PM
Milwaukee County DA admits it was a mistake to grant $1,000 bail to SUV-driving felon days before he smashed into Xmas parade: Darrell Brooks was freed after running over mother of his child and is now charged with homicide after killing five.


11-22-2021, 07:48 PM
John Gross, Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School and the Director of the Public Defender Project, said while he expects public outrage regarding Brooks’ prior bail, he said Sunday’s deadly incident was an “aberration.”

Yeah, because we've never heard of a criminigger being released and murdering, mugging, and/or raping someone before it's knuckled even two blocks away.

“My fear here is that people are going to have a knee-jerk reaction and say people charged with violent crimes shouldn’t be allowed on the streets,” Gross said. “They are presumed to be innocent and we don’t want to just lock people up because we think they might do something violent when they are out. And in fact, most studies show that it is very unlikely that someone who is out on bail, even if they’re charged with a violent offense, is going to commit another violent offense.”

How dare humans expect that violent niggers will be locked up? On what planet is he living that he thinks criminiggers will "turn their lives around" when released? I would just wish that feral niggers being let go would target these nigger-loving ivory-tower asswipes.

11-22-2021, 08:21 PM
What a scumbag, I’d love to tell him a lot of us have been complaining about the “catch and release” program for decades but the censors won’t let me. Knee jerk reaction? Guy just sounds like he’s trying to protect his liberal conscious like the rest of them. Fuck this clown.

Chimp Detester
11-22-2021, 10:18 PM

18305 18306

This story and its ingredients made me really furious. For example, the scumbag radiator-hose-sucking DA that let this menace loose on the skreets 3 days before.

But n the good side (if there is one) is that the lib-tard main stream press is always saying that mass murderers are always white. This proves that hideous niggers can also koon-mit mass crimes.

11-22-2021, 11:41 PM
Yeah, because we've never heard of a criminigger being released and murdering, mugging, and/or raping someone before it's knuckled even two blocks away.

And in fact, most studies show that it is very unlikely that someone who is out on bail, even if they’re charged with a violent offense, is going to commit another violent offense.”

How dare humans expect that violent niggers will be locked up? On what planet is he living that he thinks criminiggers will "turn their lives around" when released? I would just wish that feral niggers being let go would target these nigger-loving ivory-tower asswipes.

That niggerlover "professor" is full of bullshit. "Most" just means over 50%, and it's true only because it includes all the non-violent whites who get bailed out for a token $100, $500 after petty theft, drunken disorderly, simple assault. Take into account all the violent niggers, especially with long criminal careers, and most don't show up.

Did you ever hear of that especially vile nigger Willie Horton? Talk about another of Obama's sons. It was supposed to serve life at NU for murder, but it was given repeated weekend furlough passes. It decided not to come "home" one day and wound up robbing, attacking, and muh dikking. It should have been put to death in a public square once captured.


Then 11 years ago was Obama's Willie Horton, a Haitian buck supposed to be deported for felony burglary. After it was released from state prison, it wasn't deported, and it stepped up to killing three people.



11-23-2021, 01:22 AM
That niggerlover "professor" is full of bullshit. "Most" just means over 50%, and it's true only because it includes all the non-violent whites who get bailed out for a token $100, $500 after petty theft, drunken disorderly, simple assault. Take into account all the violent niggers, especially with long criminal careers, and most don't show up.

Did you ever hear of that especially vile nigger Willie Horton? Talk about another of Obama's sons. It was supposed to serve life at NU for murder, but it was given repeated weekend furlough passes. It decided not to come "home" one day and wound up robbing, attacking, and muh dikking. It should have been put to death in a public square once captured.


Then 11 years ago was Obama's Willie Horton, a Haitian buck supposed to be deported for felony burglary. After it was released from state prison, it wasn't deported, and it stepped up to killing three people.



Just recently I posted about two bucks, let out their cages (one of them by the Bail Project libtard whore, Robin Steinberg) and immediately knuckled back to their nests and murdered their sow and mudshark. "Not my fault", she said. "Who would think they would do this?" Really - who?

No one gives a rat's ass about sows and burners, but human beings can and are being harmed and murdered by off-leash niggers.

11-23-2021, 10:47 AM
As the Waukesha Parade threads are getting so
long, Im posting this if possible. From Milwaukee's
1 major news paper, an eye opening picture of this jig's history, including a mug of his Rasta Man dreadlocks. Charming.

By the way the total grew overnite to 18 children
10 of which are in ICUs. Many injured were driven to area hospitals directly not transported by ambulance, and are just now being identified.


11-23-2021, 01:31 PM
I would personally love to torture and kill that fucking nigger who plowed into that Christmas parade in Wisconsin. Low life motherfucking nigger

11-23-2021, 04:43 PM
With all the carnage and death this nigger is responsible for, it should be chained to the rear bumper butt naked of a '59 Chrysler going 20 mph and dragged up and down the parade route until there's nothing but a whisker left....how typical is it? Here we have another nigger in classic nigger fashion, praying on and directly affecting with fatal intentions the lives of very young and very old innocent humans....terroristic attacks like this are in the DNA of every nigger on the planet.

And still WI does not have the moral rectitude to put a needle in this thing's arm. You've got to wonder about a society like this....

Coon Club Road
11-23-2021, 06:04 PM
I would personally love to torture and kill that fucking nigger who plowed into that Christmas parade in Wisconsin. Low life motherfucking nigger

^^^ Quite a bit of good material posted on this thread by our Unregistered Guests... especially after such a tragedy.

You guys/gals outta consider joining up!

11-23-2021, 06:49 PM
Milwaukee County DA admits it was a mistake to grant $1,000 bail to SUV-driving felon days before he smashed into Xmas parade: Darrell Brooks was freed after running over mother of his child and is now charged with homicide after killing five.

wonder if the mother of his nasty kid is a nasty mudshark

11-23-2021, 07:43 PM
I would personally love to torture and kill that fucking nigger who plowed into that Christmas parade in Wisconsin. Low life motherfucking nigger

Believe me I know exactly how you feel, half of my family is already pissed at my little rants about this nigger. Also I’m the unreggie that said he had a niece that saw this carnage.
I’m just so sick and tired of people defending this kind of shit.

You know what I think? There needs to be a legal override for these kinds of “public massacres” where if there’s a large amount of witnesses someone can just be fucking executed and thrown in a landfill with no trial.

There’s a lot of cases out there that are open to interpretation and narrative twisting but this one is just a big no-go. There is absolutely no humanity in trying to twist this narrative. This fucking MAGGOT should not be wasting our tax dollars going through any systems. The fact he wasn’t executed on the spot is a travesty of justice.

I hate niggers with a seething passion and I have for a long time. This race should not be allowed in any first world societies and they should not be allowed to breed, especially with other races. They are junk DNA that needs to be eradicated off the face of the planet.

11-24-2021, 06:39 AM
wonder if the mother of his nasty kid is a nasty mudshark

He's not completely Sub-Sahara african, to be sure.
White girl trash are working double time to create a society of this type of 'coloreds'. To quote Estefan,
"Bad bad bad bad boys, make me feel so good..."

11-24-2021, 01:46 PM
^^^ Quite a bit of good material posted on this thread by our Unregistered Guests... especially after such a tragedy.

You guys/gals outta consider joining up!

Yes indeed! Let me make a formal invitation here to our honored guests.