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11-14-2021, 12:16 AM
Afghan refugees in Toronto area frustrated over constant moving between hotels

Hundreds of Afghan refugees in the Toronto area could be moving for the fourth time to another hotel while they wait for their permanent residency applications to be processed. Some refugees say the constant moving is disrupting them from building their lives in the community.

Oh, my blood pressure! I couldn't afford to live in Toronto - one of the most expensive cities here - but Muzzies can, well, as long as I pay for it. I have a friend who would love to move there to be near her family, but can't. Too expensive. :mad:

I wonder if I could go to Afghanistan, get put up for free in a hotel and then complain because they ask me to move to another hotel?


I need to calm down before I blow a blood vessel.

Afghan refugees in Toronto area frustrated over constant moving between hotels (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/afghan-refugees-in-toronto-area-frustrated-over-constant-moving-between-hotels/vi-AAQEpqA?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531)

11-20-2021, 02:14 PM
They are upset because it took them a long time to stink up that hotel to the piss, shit, and raped camel. Now they will have to start all over!

I feel bad for the hotel owners, even if they are corporate. They will have to refinish the floors and walls. Probably need need linens and furniture as well.

11-20-2021, 03:36 PM
All of these "migrants" need to do is move in front of a 105 mm gun.

02-26-2022, 04:32 PM
Oh, my blood pressure! I couldn't afford to live in Toronto - one of the most expensive cities here - but Muzzies can, well, as long as I pay for it. I have a friend who would love to move there to be near her family, but can't. Too expensive. :mad:

I wonder if I could go to Afghanistan, get put up for free in a hotel and then complain because they ask me to move to another hotel?


I need to calm down before I blow a blood vessel.

Afghan refugees in Toronto area frustrated over constant moving between hotels (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/afghan-refugees-in-toronto-area-frustrated-over-constant-moving-between-hotels/vi-AAQEpqA?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531)

Exactly! Our asshole politicians / corrupt courts are doing the same over here: The native people can't afford to live in the cities where they work any more, because rents exploded due to the millions of colonialists shipped to Europe. And of course all the mudslimes get accommodated in the cities, even though they (of course) don't work. Because without that, they "would be unable to integrate", because in foreign countries "they need to live near their social peer groups". Hence white people get thrown out of the cities, and have to commute. God damn libtards, may they burn in hell!