View Full Version : My Doctor Hired a Spook!

Coon Club Road
10-28-2021, 01:15 PM
I walked into my doctor's reception/waiting area this morning for my annual check up... and guess what is seated behind a table just inside the door?

You already know!

She says "sir I has to axe you to put a max on cause we be code oh-range".

I asked what is code orange.
She rolls out a few sentences of bix nood which I didn't understand. Then she beams the IR thermometer at me and asks my name and DOB.

She directs me to the window where I conduct basically the same interview with the human lady that's been there for years as if the spook behind me wasn't there.

There are about a half dozen people seated in the waiting room on their phones or watching TV. Apparently the newspaper and mags are a distant memory.

The spook suddenly asks an elderly gentleman his name. She looks at her list and asks him if he checked in with her.

His wife speaks up and says "yes, you checked both of us in, don't you remember?"

She says "there be so many people coming and going Ize cants remember".

I wonder if all us crackers look alike... just like coons do to us?

She said "Ize hads to takes a baffroom break and I thinks youz sneaks ins on meez!

Goddamn... I'm glad she's in charge of the max box and a thermometer a pre schooler could operate, not anything medically related.

I got called into the treatment room shortly after that, a human nurse taking my vitals, the doctor entering only minutes later.

I've been going to this guy for 20+ years now so I know I can joke with him. I asked him was the spook in the waiting room a Halloween decoration or what? :lol

He laughs and told me he had nothing to do with it. When the hospital system reaches a certain threshold of Covid cases, they send out a "Halloween decoration" (his own words) with a card table, a thermometer and a case of masks.

He said "now do you see why it is so important to control Covid and get the numbers down" and laughed !

What a waste of time and space. I wonder how much my insurance company is contributing to support this useless chimp?

10-28-2021, 06:54 PM
Can't avoid the groid it seems.

10-28-2021, 08:34 PM
You should make this your cell phones screen saver and whipped it out and showed the sheboon it :lol



I don't know if even the Star Trek Universal translator could decipher nigger babble!

10-28-2021, 10:54 PM
It would have been so tempting so say, "Code orange? Sounds like orange is the new NIGGER."

Of course, that would have resulted in an automatic category N chimpout.

Coon Club Road
10-29-2021, 03:35 AM
It would have been so tempting so say, "Code orange? Sounds like orange is the new NIGGER."

Of course, that would have resulted in an automatic category N chimpout.

I never thought to say that but that is too funny!

What is infuriating is that number one, the hospital system sends out a ghetto nigger that "axe" me to put on a "max".

We live in a predominantly white community so why send a jig? If you have to send the minority hire, can't you send an educated one?

Number two, why "axe" my SSN and name? I get it. Keep the covid down. Check my temp and send me on. But why ask questions for absolutely no apparent reason, only to have to repeat them at the window staffed by a legit RN and Paramedic?

My family has been seeing this doctors office since the 70's. Second and third generation staffing now but we have always been treated well.

About 5 years ago, the "practice" was absorbed into one of the major Cleveland hospital systems who came in and dicked up everything as far as scheduling appointments, prescription administration and labs are concerned.

To get an appointment your call is directed to the main campus to an apparent 100% minority hire call center. You can hang up all you want and call back but assuredly, you'll just get the next jig who will in some way cause an inconvenience. It is impossible to contact my doctors office directly.

The doctor I see I'll guess is bumping 65 maybe 70. When he's done, I'm done with this jackoff outfit. I'll find another small MD practice as there are still a few left in the area that the Clinic, University or Metro have not had a chance to get their niggerized fingers on.

Not sure what it is with hospital systems, but they all have gone overboard with being woke, diversity, inclusion, equality and every other alphabet combination feel good thing they can think of.

They probably furnish pedophiles with kidde porn in the waiting room if requested. :lol

10-29-2021, 04:00 AM
^In Nig Orleans, it's pronounced /kōt/ /hər-inj/ (coat erringe) so I'm surprised you could make that much out.

Coon Club Road
10-29-2021, 04:25 AM
^In Nig Orleans, it's pronounced /kōt/ /hər-inj/ (coat erringe) so I'm surprised you could make that much out.

Yes... because I about laughed out loud about the "max"! :lol

10-29-2021, 10:19 AM
You should make this your cell phones screen saver and whipped it out and showed the sheboon it :lol



Coon Club Road
10-29-2021, 10:40 AM
Bring back the old Diva avatar, is this one just for Halloween?

The new one looks like a condom stretched over the... uhhhh... head of a dick?

10-29-2021, 12:07 PM
Bring back the old Diva avatar, is this one just for Halloween?

Good idea. :lol

10-29-2021, 01:06 PM
Yes... because I about laughed out loud about the "max"! :lol

The last time I had to go to Whirl Maht, the coof patrol nigger in the foyer wouldn't let me in without my max own. I told her I didn't have one and she grabbed opened up a fresh max box, placing her nose pickers right in the center of a fresh one from the top of the box. I told her "No thanks... Your paws touched the center of the mask right where my mouth would go" and I grabbed one by the strings from the center of the box. It looked at me funny like it couldn't figure out what I meant by that. I took the mask and fiddled with it as I walked past as if I was going to put it on. As soon as I rounded the deli, it went in the bottom of the buggy. There is no universe in which I would put that mask on my face after that nigger had touched it.

Lousy Anna's Governor rescinded the mask order the day before but the POS nigger mayor of Nig Orleans is still mandating it. This particular Nig Mart, while being the closest to my house is technically in Nig Orleans parish so they are still enforcing it but most of the employees in the store either don't wear them or have them around their necks. Screw 'em.

10-29-2021, 04:00 PM
We live in a predominantly white community so why send a jig? If you have to send the minority hire, can't you send an educated one?

By educated minority you must mean an Asian, because we all know there are three things you can't give a nigger - a black eye, a fat lip, and an education.

About 5 years ago, the "practice" was absorbed into one of the major Cleveland hospital systems who came in and dicked up everything as far as scheduling appointments, prescription administration and labs are concerned.

To get an appointment your call is directed to the main campus to an apparent 100% minority hire call center. You can hang up all you want and call back but assuredly, you'll just get the next jig who will in some way cause an inconvenience. It is impossible to contact my doctors office directly.

The doctor I see I'll guess is bumping 65 maybe 70. When he's done, I'm done with this jackoff outfit. I'll find another small MD practice as there are still a few left in the area that the Clinic, University or Metro have not had a chance to get their niggerized fingers on.

Not sure what it is with hospital systems, but they all have gone overboard with being woke, diversity, inclusion, equality and every other alphabet combination feel good thing they can think of.

5 years ago...who was prez'dunt then? Oh, right, Nigger Obama.

The destruction of large numbers of small, private medical practices is one of the many turds that the Obongo adniggerstration laid on America and is still stinking up this country to this day.

10-30-2021, 08:14 AM
I wonder how much my insurance company is contributing to support this useless chimp?
:fume If they are contributing even a single cent, then it's a penny too much! :lol

Tar Remover
11-11-2021, 08:25 PM
I never thought to say that but that is too funny!

What is infuriating is that number one, the hospital system sends out a ghetto nigger that "axe" me to put on a "max".

We live in a predominantly white community so why send a jig? If you have to send the minority hire, can't you send an educated one?

Number two, why "axe" my SSN and name? I get it. Keep the covid down. Check my temp and send me on. But why ask questions for absolutely no apparent reason, only to have to repeat them at the window staffed by a legit RN and Paramedic?

My family has been seeing this doctors office since the 70's. Second and third generation staffing now but we have always been treated well.

About 5 years ago, the "practice" was absorbed into one of the major Cleveland hospital systems who came in and dicked up everything as far as scheduling appointments, prescription administration and labs are concerned.

To get an appointment your call is directed to the main campus to an apparent 100% minority hire call center. You can hang up all you want and call back but assuredly, you'll just get the next jig who will in some way cause an inconvenience. It is impossible to contact my doctors office directly.

The doctor I see I'll guess is bumping 65 maybe 70. When he's done, I'm done with this jackoff outfit. I'll find another small MD practice as there are still a few left in the area that the Clinic, University or Metro have not had a chance to get their niggerized fingers on.

Not sure what it is with hospital systems, but they all have gone overboard with being woke, diversity, inclusion, equality and every other alphabet combination feel good thing they can think of.

They probably furnish pedophiles with kidde porn in the waiting room if requested. :lol

The cucks did that shit on purpose.......:mad:

Tar Remover
11-11-2021, 08:30 PM

Lawdy Jeebus! Muh-Max!

Tar Remover
11-11-2021, 08:31 PM

I want one.....

11-12-2021, 02:06 AM
did you say to her..

did you explain that you don't speak nigger
certainly you should send an email to the hospital and get the chimp fired

Buck Simian
11-18-2021, 07:03 AM
A couple years back i went to see my regular doctor, probably just a check-up. I dont remember at this point. I know half way through the visit he needed to step out of the room and told me to sit tight, he'd be right back. Wasn't a minute later some boon in scrubs and holding a clipboard steps in and tells me im good to go. I knew this just wasn't right. I tried telling her the Doctor said he'd be right back, we werent finished. She kept looking at her board and said no, you are done. Go check out. So i go to the check-out desk and my Doctor walks back by asking me where im going......2 minutes later i would have been out the door.

Coon Club Road
11-19-2021, 12:26 PM
A couple years back i went to see my regular doctor, probably just a check-up. I dont remember at this point. I know half way through the visit he needed to step out of the room and told me to sit tight, he'd be right back. Wasn't a minute later some boon in scrubs and holding a clipboard steps in and tells me im good to go. I knew this just wasn't right. I tried telling her the Doctor said he'd be right back, we werent finished. She kept looking at her board and said no, you are done. Go check out. So i go to the check-out desk and my Doctor walks back by asking me where im going......2 minutes later i would have been out the door.

If this had been in recent times, she would have told you to put a MAX on! :lol