View Full Version : The Old Axiom Is True Yet Again

10-07-2021, 01:04 PM

The old axiom reads 'if you gather enough blacks (read;niggers) in one place, one of them is sure to be a criminal...' True enough. The particular gathering is the NBA (Nigger Baskeetbawl Association, an sheeit...) and these 18 niggers got caught in a typical nigger scam.

Fuck you, niggers.

Nig Zero
10-07-2021, 05:27 PM
This white collar type crime is actually pretty high functioning behavior for a nigger. I'd like to hear the details of how they attempted the crime and got caught.

Nigger Bawkeball Afflete "Hello, is this the NBA health care office?"

YT "Yes, how may I help you?"

Nigger Bawkeball Afflete "Gimmee aw yah muggafuggin moneee white bitchhh!!!!"