View Full Version : Lawsuit: Farm Hired White Immigrants Over Black US Laborers

09-15-2021, 01:25 PM
Why would an employer prefer Afrikaners to blacks?
The post Lawsuit: Farm Hired White Immigrants Over Black US Laborers (https://www.amren.com/news/2021/09/lawsuit-farm-hired-white-immigrants-over-black-us-laborers/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2021/09/lawsuit-farm-hired-white-immigrants-over-black-us-laborers/)

Ray Cizzums
09-15-2021, 01:41 PM
Gee, I wonder who got more work done ? I'd bet the farm that whites consistently got twice as much done.
Harvesting crops is usually piece work, where you get paid X amount per bushel, crate or ton. You won't
see many niggers thrive under such circumstances, as they don't get paid anything for malingering.