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View Full Version : Flying Monkey Biles on Ritalin, Banned in Japan

SC Anemia
08-01-2021, 02:05 AM
Ah. It's all making sense now.

In 2016 Simone Biles revealed she has ADHD and takes Ritalin and Focalin for it

She received a therapeutic use exemption for it in 2016 and took home 4 gold medals in Rio

Fast forward to Tokyo 2020 and Ritalin is 100% illegal in Japan.

So the bitch cant focus without her speed. BTW, if you don't think Ritalin and other ADHD meds aren't amphetamines or amphetamine like drugs, I've got news for you.

Speed makes you laser-focused so I'd imagine the lack of it would do just the opposite, like withdraw from competition maybe?


08-01-2021, 02:30 AM
Both meds are stimulants and performance enhancing drugs. Why would they ever give her a "therapeutic use exemption" to begin with no matter the fact that she was diagnosed as a nigger that won't pay attention?

Far too many doctors nowadays happily diagnose every kid that walks through the door with ADHD. Schools encourage it since it's easier than beating their assess when they won't behave and too many parents go right along with it - especially the nigger parents.

ADHD was the anomaly when I was a kid. Now it's the new normal. I only knew of maybe one kid out of several dozen that were on that shit. Now, it seems hard to find one that's not. Several teachers tried on numerous occasions to badger us into putting both of our kids on that shit for some of the dumbest reasons you could think of. This one fiddles with her pencil too much... This one argued his innocence after he was bullied... It was always something that amounted to a big fat nothing.

Parents and teachers - DO YOUR DAMN JOBS! Big pharma gets enough of our money.

As for Biles, she knew the rules. More importantly, so did the team - so why did they send her?

She's just another failed magic nigger... Just another example of what happens when you put faith in them.

08-01-2021, 08:41 AM
Both meds are stimulants and performance enhancing drugs. Why would they ever give her a "therapeutic use exemption" to begin with no matter the fact that she was diagnosed as a nigger that won't pay attention?

Far too many doctors nowadays happily diagnose every kid that walks through the door with ADHD. Schools encourage it since it's easier than beating their assess when they won't behave and too many parents go right along with it - especially the nigger parents.

ADHD was the anomaly when I was a kid. Now it's the new normal. I only knew of maybe one kid out of several dozen that were on that shit. Now, it seems hard to find one that's not. Several teachers tried on numerous occasions to badger us into putting both of our kids on that shit for some of the dumbest reasons you could think of. This one fiddles with her pencil too much... This one argued his innocence after he was bullied... It was always something that amounted to a big fat nothing.

Parents and teachers - DO YOUR DAMN JOBS! Big pharma gets enough of our money.

As for Biles, she knew the rules. More importantly, so did the team - so why did they send her?

She's just another failed magic nigger... Just another example of what happens when you put faith in them.

Spot on!!

08-01-2021, 03:14 PM
Oh, so it wasn't "mental health" like we were told at first, or "twisties." Now it's because it couldn't use drugs that gold medalists don't have to use? What will the new excuse be tomorrow?