View Full Version : Incredibly Fugly Black Women - Warning : Wear Welder's Mask

Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 12:05 PM
I'm going to start with what could be the goddamn ugliest thing that ever lived on planet "earf" -
one "Tarana Burke", supposed founder of the @MeToo (bowel ?) movement. Some nigger
actually harassed this monster ? I'd call that charity. It had a chile, so there must be some blind
nigger out there somewhere. Yikes !!!!




Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-18-2021, 12:20 PM
Maybe the nigger buck thought "she" was a man, and he forgot that he wasn't currently pursuing an education at nigger university.

Even Malcolm X (a proud black muslim), when he wasn't working as a gay prostitute and sucking white dick, used to have sex with trannies.

Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 12:22 PM
Next in our installment of the world's most hideous jungle critters, is one "Dr." Alice "Gorilla Cookie" Green,
an awful cibbil rights troublemaker from Albany, NY. She pops out of the woodwork whenever any local
jaboon cries raycizzums, and somehow has made a living off of it for decades. There's no way this thing is
human, or should be allowed to run loose. God help us all.




Chiggun Noodle Soup
07-18-2021, 12:30 PM

Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 12:35 PM
Jeebus H. Christ-on-a-cracker, here is the murdering jungle bat sister of NBA spook Kawhi Leonard,
one Miesha Slayton. She is supposedly 6'2" tall, and 320 pounds, and all of it is fugly. Wow, this thing
should never have been on the loose, and whomever let it out should be locked up forthwith.



Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 12:45 PM
Here's the go-to 'groid, when the subject is fugly sheboons, one Whoopie Goldnigger. Uglying up the silver screen
for decades, she's still putting a hurt on everyone's eyes today. There's no pics of her below the neck, because
a wide angle lens would be required. She wears a poncho to work, to cover up the horror. Awful, as always.




07-18-2021, 12:54 PM



Croak already!

Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 01:11 PM
Croak already!

Nice lineup. Yeeech !
Thanks for putting in the work on your post.

Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 01:42 PM
Here we have former lezboon, and current beard for NYC mayor Bill De Commie-O. There's no way he had sex
with this Borneo-bred bush nigger, and they're another fake Marxist family, like the Obamas, and the almost
Florida governor/niggerfaggot Andrew Gillum's brood. Chirlane McCray is also conspicuous, for stealing a billion
from NYC taxpayers, on behalf of the "homeless". Too bad the homeless never heard of her, or "Thrive NYC".




07-18-2021, 01:47 PM
Here we have former lezboon, and current beard for NYC mayor Bill De Commie-O. There's no way he had sex
with this Borneo-bred bush nigger, and they're another fake Marxist family, like the Obamas, and the almost
Florida governor/niggerfaggot Andrew Gillum's brood. Chirlane McCray is also conspicuous, for stealing a billion
from NYC taxpayers, on behalf of the "homeless". Too bad the homeless never heard of her, or "Thrive NYC".

The daughter is uglier!

07-18-2021, 03:04 PM
Next in our installment of the world's most hideous jungle critters, is one "Dr." Alice "Gorilla Cookie" Green,
an awful cibbil rights troublemaker from Albany, NY. She pops out of the woodwork whenever any local
jaboon cries raycizzums, and somehow has made a living off of it for decades. There's no way this thing is
human, or should be allowed to run loose. God help us all.




Homo Erectus is what it beez!!

animal mother
07-18-2021, 03:18 PM

This sow looks like a past ghetto lobster victim. Someone set it’s face on fire then put it out with a track shoe.

07-18-2021, 05:53 PM

This sow looks like a past ghetto lobster victim. Someone set it’s face on fire then put it out with a track shoe.

I'm thinking golf.


Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 10:49 PM
Combine some serious ugly, with profound stupidity, and add in an incredibly obnoxious personality, and you
have a she-zilla known as Sheila Jackson-Lee. This pile of dried orangutan shit should be scaring wildlife at a
waterhole on the Serengeti, but it's somehow in our congress in Washington D.C.. I hope it dies real soon.




Ray Cizzums
07-18-2021, 11:12 PM
Here's an animal, that strikes fear into the heart of any all-you-can-eat buffet operator. You thought Buffarilla
Monsoon was dead, yet here she is, no doubt the fattest porker in the lineup, it's Stacey Abrams. She remains
in Georgia politics, when she should be in the weight room, getting ready to stuff the run on the Falcon's D-line.
She's got more chins than a Chinese phone book, BTW.




07-18-2021, 11:47 PM
May I present Shawyn Patterson-Howard, the Mayor of Mt. Vernon, NY, in her culturally appropriated red wig?


Don't forget, this is AFTER the highly paid makeup people have worked on it for hours.

I have a story to post about this...mammal.

07-19-2021, 12:24 AM
The nigger is the most foul, vile, ugly, proto sub-simian species there is. Male, female, gay, old, young, all examples are not fit to mix and mingle with humans. These abominations just take the cake. What's worse, is we're supposed to listen to their useless opinions, in the Senate, in public office, in the media, etc. Why would we have to be exposed to their ugliness and mindlessness?

Even before the New World, our ancestors knew by instinct that they were not human. To allow them to be part of our society is a disservice to all of us. The females are only fit to breed with their males, as in the old days of animal husbandry, and therefore any species mixer is abhorrent. The females pictured here are examples of gorillas in our midst. There was a time when we were able to say they are monkey-ugly, savage, and not worthy of human acknowledgment. Sadly, today, traitors of our kind have the niggers thinking they are beautiful, smart, fit for public office, or attractive to be a movie star.

Not the same species. We need segregation from their kind. They have the right to live on their efforts, but we know that without any of our help they'd die out. Which is how I'd prefer it.

Ray Cizzums
07-19-2021, 02:14 PM
When the subject is fat African gorillas, Beyonce immediately springs to mind. Blubberous ass, tree trunk legs, giant
fright wig, and as obnoxious as a sow can get. This beast will someday be in a Goliath casket, getting craned into
a hole, hopefully real soon. In the meantime, she should be caged in a zoo, right next to her camel-faced husboon.




Ray Cizzums
07-19-2021, 02:36 PM
Maybe two welder's masks would be a good idea, for our next subject, one Leslie Jones.
Sanding 6' tall, with zero talent, and a face that could not only stop a clock, but melt it,
she is guaranteed box office poison, single handedly ruining the Ghostbuster's franchise.
Hated by all, her MSM woketurd enablers have finally realized that beating this dead horse
is not working, and it's starting to stink.




Ray Cizzums
07-19-2021, 03:03 PM
No one should know who this zero talent pig is, but for some reason, it gets talked about a lot. "Jordyn Woods"
doesn't do anything for a living, other than fuck niggers behind her friend's backs. How that makes her a celebrity,
I couldn't explain. What she's wearing is often a subject, but why ? She's built like a manatee, with a bad tit job,
and a stable-full of horse tails plopped on her hairless melon. Yeeech !




07-19-2021, 05:13 PM
When the subject is fat African gorillas, Beyonce immediately springs to mind. Blubberous ass, tree trunk legs, giant
fright wig, and as obnoxious as a sow can get. This beast will someday be in a Goliath casket, getting craned into
a hole, hopefully real soon. In the meantime, she should be caged in a zoo, right next to her camel-faced husboon.




I see your Beyonce, and raise you a Lardzo, modeling her new "naked" and immense underwear.

I think you'll need this.


Looking good as hell! The singer shared a sexy snap via Instagram, posing in nothing but nude lingerie. “I look like a Barbie🥰but 😏DONT PLAY W ME HEAUXXXXX🤬,”

animal mother
07-19-2021, 05:48 PM
I see your Beyonce, and raise you a Lardzo, modeling her new "naked" and immense underwear.

I think you'll need this.


JFC, Diva!


07-19-2021, 06:20 PM
JFC, Diva!


You better get used to this. It's what is now considered sexy in the New Agenda.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-19-2021, 10:19 PM
I'm going to start with what could be the goddamn ugliest thing that ever lived on planet "earf" -
one "Tarana Burke", supposed founder of the @MeToo (bowel ?) movement. Some nigger
actually harassed this monster ? I'd call that charity. It had a chile, so there must be some blind
nigger out there somewhere. Yikes !!!!




Imagine the nigger buck’s surprise when he thought he fucked another buck and this one came back wanting chile suppo.

07-20-2021, 04:37 PM
Here's an animal, that strikes fear into the heart of any all-you-can-eat buffet operator. You thought Buffarilla
Monsoon was dead, yet here she is, no doubt the fattest porker in the lineup, it's Stacey Abrams. She remains
in Georgia politics, when she should be in the weight room, getting ready to stuff the run on the Falcon's D-line.
She's got more chins than a Chinese phone book, BTW.




I recently found out this sheboon writes cheesy porn romance novels under a pen name.
Here are a few excerpts: https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/03/stacey-abrams-romance-novel-excerpts/

07-20-2021, 04:39 PM

What in the actual fuck? Who looks at that and thinks its prime meat? Are humans going for this or is it just niggers?

07-20-2021, 05:23 PM
I recently found out this sheboon writes cheesy porn romance novels under a pen name.
Here are a few excerpts: https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/03/stacey-abrams-romance-novel-excerpts/

An epic tome to be sure. Of course, like anything a nigger (especially one in heat like this beast) scribbles it's only semi-literate.

He thrust deep, control broken, shattered. Again and again, deeper and hotter and further than fantasy.

With urgency, she accepted him, fascinated by the power, and for a moment, she wavered, wondering if she was prepared. In the next second, she knew she could never be.

Kat moved beneath him, her body too full to stay motionless. Theirs mouths coupled, imitating the dance that frenzied her limbs, wrapping her into him.

Sebastian flew above her, driven to claim and imprint himself forever. He nuzzled her breast, finding the wild beats, and pressed a kiss just there, sealing his fate.

OMG. She needs to go back to elementary school to learn the basics of commas. Most of them are incorrectly used. This is really bad soft porn/erotica. I've seen so much better in fan fiction. including the hysterical crap written by 13-year-old virgins. I've written a hell of a lot better myself. Do niggers ever think about anything but muh dik/muh poosay? EVER? Stupid sowpotomus.

07-20-2021, 05:28 PM
What in the actual fuck? Who looks at that and thinks its prime meat? Are humans going for this or is it just niggers?

Well, from what I've seen it's mainly super-morbidly obese YT "Fat activist" (oxymoron?) women singing its praises. I would bet a lot that not one single YT male, other than trannies and Beta nu-males, find anything admirable about this greedy glutton.

07-20-2021, 06:18 PM
An epic tome to be sure. Of course, like anything a nigger (especially one in heat like this beast) scribbles it's only semi-literate.

OMG. She needs to go back to elementary school to learn the basics of commas. Most of them are incorrectly used. This is really bad soft porn/erotica. I've seen so much better in fan fiction. including the hysterical crap written by 13-year-old virgins. I've written a hell of a lot better myself. Do niggers ever think about anything but muh dik/muh poosay? EVER? Stupid sowpotomus.
Yeah her stuff is pretty bad. Very poorly written. A horny teenage boy can write better smut. hahaha.

Well, from what I've seen it's mainly super-morbidly obese YT "Fat activist" (oxymoron?) women singing its praises. I would bet a lot that not one single YT male, other than trannies and Beta nu-males, find anything admirable about this greedy glutton.
Yep, blue haired obese "lesbians" and "bisexuals" who decided to become "lesbians and bisexuals" and go for obese women because they kept striking out with men - even the beta male loser kind and niggers.

07-20-2021, 06:34 PM
Yep, blue haired obese "lesbians" and "bisexuals" who decided to become "lesbians and bisexuals" and go for obese women because they kept striking out with men - even the beta male loser kind and niggers.

Yep. They rave about how "courageous", "daring" and "brave" this gargantua is for showcasing the results of it stuffing its fat face with junk food night and day. They also write comments like, "Oh, that outfit is darling!"

The picture-perfect example in every way of a typical Lardzo fan:


07-20-2021, 06:38 PM
yep. They rave about how "courageous", "daring" and "brave" this gargantua is for showcasing the results of it stuffing its fat face with junk food night and day. They also write comments like, "oh, that outfit is darling!"

the picture-perfect example in every way of a typical lardzo fan:


aaaaargh!!! Kill it before it lays eggs!

Ray Cizzums
07-20-2021, 07:20 PM
If you need any proof that Bigfoot once mated with a silverback gorilla, look no further than Lizzo. Instead of
occupying a barnyard stall, or a cage in the primate exhibit, the MSM has decided that this thing is a recording
artist. Weighing in at 350 pounds on-the-hoof, and with a shit-knuckle brown complexion, her ticket to stardom
was punched, and whether we like it or not, we're going to see her.




07-20-2021, 08:55 PM
If you need any proof that Bigfoot once mated with a silverback gorilla, look no further than Lizzo. Instead of
occupying a barnyard stall, or a cage in the primate exhibit, the MSM has decided that this thing is a recording
artist. Weighing in at 350 pounds on-the-hoof, and with a shit-knuckle brown complexion, her ticket to stardom
was punched, and whether we like it or not, we're going to see her.




You're right about that. She ticks the boxes for two of the most popular libtard icons - morbidly obese and a crude, hypersexual nigger sow.



Ray Cizzums
07-24-2021, 07:13 PM
Our next eyeball scorcher, Boston's African Uncle Fester, is one of the most obnoxious sub-humans ever born,
the awful Ayanna Pressley. A member of "The Squad", she can be seen blinking, twitching, and duck lipping
whenever the other 3 twunts are talking, due to a bad case of re-tardive dyskinesia. As hideous a jungle bat
as has ever been seen.




Ray Cizzums
07-24-2021, 07:40 PM
While we're on the subject of hairless retards, here we have an incredibly despicable buffarilla, who's Mesozoic era mandible is proof positive she's not human. Symone Sanders can chew through the side of a building with ease. And she's a fat pig, which they hide on television. It would be great if ISIS burned her alive in a cage, then allowed me to piss on her smoking corpse.




07-24-2021, 08:46 PM
So many people (liars and phony nigger lovers) see beauty in this ugly, scowling Walking Dead sow. I find her hideous. She looks like something from the movie, 'The Quest for Fire".


Ray Cizzums
07-29-2021, 01:54 PM
All aboard the ugly train, we've got a hideous halfrican as our next stop, known as Naomi Osaka. She should serve
as a cautionary tale, to any Asian who considers mating with an ape. Far from attractive, and her wild wool
not helping matters at all, she is also incredibly obnoxious. She relinquished her American citizenship to represent
Japan in the Olympics, then her cunt clutch slipped, and she pulled out. Please ban this twat from reentering our
great nation, along with our soccer twunts.





08-01-2021, 05:19 PM
Next in our installment of the world's most hideous jungle critters, is one "Dr." Alice "Gorilla Cookie" Green,
an awful cibbil rights troublemaker from Albany, NY. She pops out of the woodwork whenever any local
jaboon cries raycizzums, and somehow has made a living off of it for decades. There's no way this thing is
human, or should be allowed to run loose. God help us all.




At first glance I thought that picture shows the hideous Whoopsie Goldberg sow.

08-01-2021, 06:12 PM
For all the niggers who say they are victims of raycisms for the colour of their skin? Not at all.

This one is whiter than I am. "Stunning" it is not, even though libtards declare it a model.


08-03-2021, 07:45 PM
The massive, twerking, Olympic lesboon belongs here for sure.


animal mother
08-03-2021, 07:58 PM
For all the niggers who say they are victims of raycisms for the colour of their skin? Not at all.

This one is whiter than I am. "Stunning" it is not, even though libtards declare it a model.


Well it does have the boot lips that could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-03-2021, 08:38 PM

This sow looks like a past ghetto lobster victim. Someone set it’s face on fire then put it out with a track shoe.

I am thankful someone recently commented or I wouldve missed your amazing comment. Now dat sheeit is phunny.

Ray Cizzums
08-03-2021, 10:22 PM
The massive, twerking, Olympic lesboon belongs here for sure.


Hell to the yeah ! It ain't human....


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-04-2021, 07:36 PM
Our next eyeball scorcher, Boston's African Uncle Fester, is one of the most obnoxious sub-humans ever born,
the awful Ayanna Pressley. A member of "The Squad", she can be seen blinking, twitching, and duck lipping
whenever the other 3 twunts are talking, due to a bad case of re-tardive dyskinesia. As hideous a jungle bat
as has ever been seen.





LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-04-2021, 07:39 PM
So many people (liars and phony nigger lovers) see beauty in this ugly, scowling Walking Dead sow. I find her hideous. She looks like something from the movie, 'The Quest for Fire".


Looks like she found the fire........ Then fell into it face first.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-04-2021, 07:45 PM
The massive, twerking, Olympic lesboon belongs here for sure.


That thing definitely puts the hurtin on any all you can eat buffets profits.

08-04-2021, 08:10 PM
That thing definitely puts the hurtin on any all you can eat buffets profits.

Imagine the terror of the restaurant owners when they see this buffarilla lumbering in, chowing down for two hours and pausing only to fart, belch, and take rhino dumps in your washroom?

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
08-04-2021, 08:36 PM

Ray Cizzums
08-06-2021, 11:30 PM
Here's the lezboon buffarilla that Kotex decided to have in their television commercial - for about 5 minutes.
YouTube took her video - I'm Not Your Nigger - off as well. If she was my nigger, she'd be at the glue factory
the next day, unless the Japanese whaling season came up short. She is one foul animal....

Ray Cizzums
08-06-2021, 11:46 PM
When the subject is blubber-lipped orangutan shit, this coont automatically springs to mind,
it's Gwen Berry. While she's still dangling off the ass-hair of the 2021 Olympics, her fame
will be gone with one good wipe. What an awful she-spook....

08-26-2021, 07:51 PM
My ol ladies retarded nephew has a thing for heavy make up big belly slopotomus's. Its kinda funny but point is hes retarded so it makes sense.

Coon Club Road
08-27-2021, 10:39 PM
My ol ladies retarded nephew has a thing for heavy make up big belly slopotomus's. Its kinda funny but point is hes retarded so it makes sense.

Niggers are retarded.

08-28-2021, 05:41 PM
When the subject is blubber-lipped orangutan shit, this coont automatically springs to mind,
it's Gwen Berry. While she's still dangling off the ass-hair of the 2021 Olympics, her fame
will be gone with one good wipe. What an awful she-spook....

I'm not even being rayciss when I say it is so often nearly impossible to tell buck from sow, no matter how much makeup or tarantula-like false eyelashes they Gorilla Glue on. How much testosterone do these sows have anyway?

Ray Cizzums
08-28-2021, 07:47 PM
I'm not even being rayciss when I say it is so often nearly impossible to tell buck from sow, no matter how much makeup or tarantula-like false eyelashes they Gorilla Glue on. How much testosterone do these sows have anyway?
I can see the reasoning behind why it's a coin flip for nigger bucks, when it comes to fornicating with sows,
or trannies. Twig and berries aside, the trannies are at least trying to pass as female, and are always available
at Nigger U.

09-03-2021, 01:42 AM





09-15-2021, 02:56 PM
I think I have a winner here:
