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View Full Version : Monkey Pox NiggerIn Texas

Ray Cizzums
07-17-2021, 10:35 AM
Some stank nigger came here from Nigeria, and is carrying the simian version of small pox.
In a related story, monkeys in Nigeria are dealing with an outbreak of Nigger Pox, and every
STD known to man. Muh dikk is suspected.
Niggers please, stop fucking those monkeys, ffs !


I aint bin dun did dat!
07-17-2021, 11:12 AM
An appropriately named disease for niggers.

07-17-2021, 12:19 PM
An appropriately named disease for niggers.

Tru Dat!!

SC Anemia
07-17-2021, 12:59 PM
According to the CDC,

transmission can occur via an animal bite or by direct contact with an infected animal’s bodily fluid

The same way HIV, HPV and similar viruses are transmitted. I wasn't there, I didn't see it but I have a damned good idea how this happened.

Full clip
07-17-2021, 10:59 PM
To date we have no I.D or information on the Nigerian (Niggerland) visiting 'Victim' apart from it being 'a Dallas resident' so I'm guessing Nigger. A Nigger who likes to Muh-dik monkeys!

07-18-2021, 08:47 AM
Unless this nigger was a zookeeper or it's mud hut had a monkey infestation, just how the hell could it have come into coontact with a monkey's bodily fluid?


07-18-2021, 10:17 AM
I was just about to post this after hearing it on the news. Nigeria, monkey pox? This stinks worse of nigger than a dozen of them locked in an airtight cage for a week.

07-18-2021, 02:12 PM
Unless this nigger was a zookeeper or it's mud hut had a monkey infestation, just how the hell could it have come into coontact with a monkey's bodily fluid?


The media will blame whites and say we are racist for being grossed out by the thought of the nigger having sex with a monkey. Fucking liberal fucks.