View Full Version : Walmart Employee Beats Customer

Uncle Festus
07-15-2021, 11:32 PM
Google it. Pick-a-Ninny no good piece of trash employee of Walmart repeatedly beat a 70 year old woman Remember, Black Lives Matter...

Current news, hope she sues the pants off this Woke Institution.

07-16-2021, 05:52 AM

07-16-2021, 09:15 AM
Google it. Pick-a-Ninny no good piece of trash employee of Walmart repeatedly beat a 70 year old woman Remember, Black Lives Matter...

Current news, hope she sues the pants off this Woke Institution.

Looks like the "employee" was a 17 year old spigress!!

07-16-2021, 09:36 AM
source? https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/17-year-old-walmart-employee-allegedly-beats-70-year-old-customer/ Another nigger on white incident.

07-16-2021, 09:40 AM
None of this is shocking. The Wally Wally World is a nigger infested sto.
Speaking of the Wally World, this is the new place where niggers go to pick up hoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9yBXi-ytwM
Why would anyone shop at the Wally Wally World after seeing this video? This is for niggers only.

07-16-2021, 10:39 AM
I hope she sues them for all they are worth. The story doesn't say, but my nigdar is pinging on the manager that dindu nuffins about this bitch. Wagee nigger equals a few thousand max. Shiftless nigger manager (direct representative of the Walliworld corporation and BOD) equals big holes in deep pockets.

A seventy y/o woman can't just take a punch like a 15 y/o thick skulled nigger. This poor old lady will likely suffer more than just some bruises from this and I hope she cost them more than enough to rethink their hiring policies. The juvenile niggress that did this likely had a rap sheet already but how would any employer know when they are charged as juvies?

She should make part of the settlement that they fire every damn one of them and close the store permanently.

Le Quint Dickey Mining Co.
07-16-2021, 11:58 AM
This is just typical nigger behavior of course. No surprise. The content of their character. But the libs keep trying to convince people they're just like us. And retarded enablers/coddlers keep believing the lie. I NEVER hear of white people behaving like this, or "twerking" on cop cars, at funerals, etc..Someone should set up a tour bus service and drive libs through the "hood" where they can experience the nigger in their natural habitat. The nigger bitch got "suspended". What a joke. Get ready to pay big-time Nig-Mart on your diversity hires behalf, and be ready to continue to pay the next time the little nigger bitch chimps out. It's inevitable.

07-16-2021, 12:02 PM
More white privilege.
We owe the 'teen' employment.

07-16-2021, 12:21 PM
More white privilege. We owe the 'teen' employment. Isn't the gubmint's stimmie checks paying more than walmart? gibs... gimmie gimmie gimmie dat stimmie

07-16-2021, 12:29 PM
None of this is shocking. The Wally Wally World is a nigger infested sto.
Speaking of the Wally World, this is the new place where niggers go to pick up hoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9yBXi-ytwM
Why would anyone shop at the Wally Wally World after seeing this video? This is for niggers only.

Uh, where's my eye bleach? Just like us right? Nigger buck speaking bix-nood and a bunch of dey hoes in wigs shaking dey stanky,ugly black asses at a camera. Instant shut down of that nigger shit vid.

SC Anemia
07-16-2021, 12:41 PM
According to the victim, store employees apparently already knew that the suspect had a temper that could lead to violent outbursts prior to the attack.

It's got shit-colored skin doesn't it?


Who's the dumbass that thought this was OK? Yup, you can pick this one out of a lineup a mile away.


07-16-2021, 01:15 PM
I hope she sues them for all they are worth. The story doesn't say, but my nigdar is pinging on the manager that dindu nuffins about this bitch. Wagee nigger equals a few thousand max. Shiftless nigger manager (direct representative of the Walliworld corporation and BOD) equals big holes in deep pockets.

A seventy y/o woman can't just take a punch like a 15 y/o thick skulled nigger. This poor old lady will likely suffer more than just some bruises from this and I hope she cost them more than enough to rethink their hiring policies. The juvenile niggress that did this likely had a rap sheet already but how would any employer know when they are charged as juvies?

She should make part of the settlement that they fire every damn one of them and close the store permanently.
I hope so. No respect for our elderly. My mom died from a fall. She was alone at the time when she fell but it is no joke.

Ray Cizzums
07-16-2021, 03:38 PM
None of this is shocking. The Wally Wally World is a nigger infested sto.
Speaking of the Wally World, this is the new place where niggers go to pick up hoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9yBXi-ytwM
Why would anyone shop at the Wally Wally World after seeing this video? This is for niggers only.
Upstate NY WalMarts are mostly white, but all it takes is a few blacks to nigger up the whole place.
Sporadically, they appear in groups, steal, cause trouble - then disappear. Black Walmart employees
will malinger, and this lady should not have talked to her, or about her, without a male protecting her.

07-16-2021, 04:21 PM
this lady should not have talked to her, or about her, without a male protecting her.

I can't lay one tenth of a percent of the blame on her. I blame the nigger first, her boss and anyone else that witnessed anything leading up to this incident.

If anyone saw and did nothing they are absolute cowards that should be charged as accessories to elder abuse. Criminal indifference should be prosecuted and if any man witnessed and did nothing, he should have his balls cut off since he doesn't know how to use them anyway.

FFS! I can't walk ten feet in a store without finding SOMETHING that I could use as a weapon. If I can think of a half dozen ways just off the top of my head to kill someone with a can of beans or a rolled up magazine, anyone can surely find something to incapacitate a teenigger.

07-16-2021, 04:24 PM
I hope she sues them for all they are worth. The story doesn't say, but my nigdar is pinging on the manager that dindu nuffins about this bitch.

SC quoted part of the article that I saw too. The store knew. I wonder if the store manager is a nigger, or a coddler, that hired the niggeress so it could get "fired" after a few weeks on its first job, and collect unemployment.

07-16-2021, 04:29 PM
this lady should not have talked to her, or about her, without a male protecting her.

I can't lay one tenth of a percent of the blame on her. I blame the nigger first, her boss and anyone else that witnessed anything leading up to this incident.

I can see both sides. There's no reason in the world the woman should have expected things to go badly, and at her age she probably isn't used to niggers.

The rest of us, though, know that the lesson can be learned gently from sites like Chimpout, or the hard way by being sent to the ER.


07-16-2021, 04:59 PM
This (and all the comments) is so sad. And the world is bending over backwards for these animals.
We want to live in peace and not have to worry about chimpouts. This is like being around uncaged wild animals.

07-16-2021, 05:19 PM
This (and all the comments) is so sad. And the world is bending over backwards for these animals.
We want to live in peace and not have to worry about chimpouts. This is like being around uncaged wild animals.

Hence the saying: no niggers, know peace, but know niggers, no peace.

SC Anemia
07-16-2021, 06:17 PM
Mr. Sandman mentioned that I quoted the story:

"According to the victim, store employees apparently already knew that the suspect had a temper that could lead to violent outbursts prior to the attack."

That's all the attorney for this poor woman needs to cash an ENORMOUS check in a civil case. Slam dunk, cha-ching. Fuck Walmart. :finger

07-16-2021, 07:03 PM
"According to the victim, store employees apparently already knew that the suspect had a temper that could lead to violent outbursts prior to the attack."

Well, DUHHHH! It is a nigger! That should be pretty goddamn obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells.

Ray Cizzums
07-16-2021, 08:08 PM
I can't lay one tenth of a percent of the blame on her. I blame the nigger first, her boss and anyone else that witnessed anything leading up to this incident.
I don't care about who's at fault. An elderly woman should NOT be confronting a hostile sheboon. Nor should she
count on anyone to intervene. Right and wrong has nothing to do with it. White knights like you and me are few,
idiots shooting viral videos are the norm, as are gutless beta boi males. My mother, who's in her '80s, will confront
a nasty ratchet parked in a handicapped spot, and there's no way to stop her. She's going to get herself and my 92
year old father killed. Old folks don't know how dangerous today's wild negroes are. They don't see the attack
videos that we do, they still have faith in the police, courts and corrections. I don't give anyone a chance to hurt
me, if I can help it.

07-17-2021, 12:01 AM
Old folks don't know how dangerous today's wild negroes are. They don't see the attack
videos that we do, they still have faith in the police, courts and corrections. I don't give anyone a chance to hurt
me, if I can help it.

It's a growing learning experience. A lot of elderly, plus a lot of non-coddlers who grew up in mostly white areas, don't realize how dangerous it can be with just one nigger.

There was always the potential for any nigger to turn violent, but things started getting really bad since the HNIC got elected. Someone once posted, "USA + nigger president = South Africa," and give us a few more years to have wide-scale murders of entire white families (it already happens every so often). Some people, however, are in very human areas and don't realize what a single nigger can do.

Ray Cizzums
07-17-2021, 12:46 AM
It's a growing learning experience. A lot of elderly, plus a lot of non-coddlers who grew up in mostly white areas, don't realize how dangerous it can be with just one nigger.
The sheboons instigate shit, then get on the sail foam, and call in the thugs, who are just hanging around nearby.
Some older Hispanic guy in Queens got attacked by a 15 year old sheboon on a bus, with a half dozen more niggers
joining in. He took her knife and killed her with it, got charged with murder, and then acquitted. Another boon didn't
like being told to STFU - she then had niggers with AKs show up and shoot up the bus. But most nigger crimes are
never reported, so people have a false sense of security. We've had some major crimes on adjacent blocks, and
mum's the word, unless you know some cops.

07-17-2021, 01:01 AM
I don't care about who's at fault. An elderly woman should NOT be confronting a hostile sheboon. Nor should she
count on anyone to intervene. Right and wrong has nothing to do with it. White knights like you and me are few,
idiots shooting viral videos are the norm, as are gutless beta boi males. My mother, who's in her '80s, will confront
a nasty ratchet parked in a handicapped spot, and there's no way to stop her. She's going to get herself and my 92
year old father killed. Old folks don't know how dangerous today's wild negroes are. They don't see the attack
videos that we do, they still have faith in the police, courts and corrections. I don't give anyone a chance to hurt
me, if I can help it.

I re-read the article and didn't catch it at first that she exchanged words with it. A fool-hearty attempt indeed. I knew she tried to snap a pic and would have assumed she was trying to be subtle when taking the nigress' pic but then, old people and phones. Whatcha gonna do. She may not have even thought about the phone's shutter sound if she could even hear it at 70.

The problem with getting old is that you assume that people and times will stay the same as you but they don't. I think that's a major part of why old folks are easy victims. They just can't fathom how bad things are getting or how different society if changing around them enough to be on guard for the unexpected. Predators see elderly as easy targets. Elderly see predators as children who need correction. I'm betting that's why she Karened IRL and asked to speak to the manager. I'm also betting that unlike an actual Karen, she did it out of frustration not entitlement.

I've always said I would never turn into my grandfather but that's about as silly as saying my hair won't fall out. People get old, times change, old people don't, and niggers only get worse.

I'm at the age that my daughter is starting to laugh at me for not knowing how to use a certain app especially when I have no interest in them. When she was young, she called my record player an "old timey CD player" Her kids won't know what either of those relics are.

I'm sure if my grandfather were alive today, he wouldn't last long. When he was young, if an adult human caught a nigger acting up, they could beat their ass and take them to the parents who would follow up with the another beating.

Those were the days.

http://www.chimpout.org/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgWFhYYGBgaHBwfHBwcHB4cGhweHhwaHBwcHh wcIS4lHB4rIRwcJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzYrJCs0NDQ0NDQ3NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAMABBgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAIHAQj/xABEEAACAQIEAwYDBQYEBQMFAAABAhEAAwQSITEFQVEGImFxgb EykaETQlLB0RQjYnKS8AdTguEVFkPC8TOy0iQ0Y3OT/8QAGAEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAT/xAApEQACAgEEAgEDBAMAAAAAAAAAAQIRIQMSMUEiURNhcYEEMq GxFCMz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCsYbtCwCjunQD6UxwvHyzBco1PI1UVsN3 dNwKMwttkdZEaiufU00luTGhqSumjoS3K9NyhUfSt5rlo6lwCc Zf921Q4K5OHI6Gt K6228qg4TrbYHoaK4M0PeG4jup5xT9LozjxBqoYC5CLr96nYu9 8a8jU5RtjxeBZ2gMsD/D dQ9niMtz Ye1a8YfbXkfeouzdyDcmBqN/KnisDdB9/QzrXjYgKyICGUmCIg6xr9aIvMhO4I50Dj1tQjWiQ67y0j2oyi3 wTfKN1fv3E3Ntonr0qv4l5MeP507wFtUDFnDOxknmSaRYlYJmd 6KXsa8A PHcB8aL7OLmzLtJGvpQuN AedbcDvBc8kLtE6daHYa8WW/hNsoShklefWTTbLSTAcXtAd90DdQdSPGiv8AmDCje8v1pdWLcr RPTVKmFMtA8bSbL/ymo7vaPCj/AKo 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