View Full Version : Tesla called him nigger 100 billion times

07-08-2021, 08:02 AM
Niggers have no concept of numbers.
This nigger claims it was called the nigger word 100 times.
Go figure. If a white man called a nigger a nigger just once, he'd be hanged immediately.


07-08-2021, 08:46 AM
Niggers have no concept of numbers.
This nigger claims it was called the nigger word 100 times.
Go figure. If a white man called a nigger a nigger just once, he'd be hanged immediately.


So...............................WHAT"S the problem?! A nigger will call another nigger "nigger" 10 times during one of their "Bix Nood" sessions!!

Coon Club Road
07-08-2021, 10:52 AM
Niggers have no concept of numbers.
This nigger claims it was called the nigger word 100 times.
Go figure. If a white man called a nigger a nigger just once, he'd be hanged immediately.


Hey look! The NYP didn't capitalize "black" like every other nigger dick slobbering media source does!

As far as being called a nigger, isn't he one?

SC Anemia
07-08-2021, 01:17 PM
and saw KKK signs and swastikas graffitied in bathroom stalls.

Bullshit or we'd have seen the pictures.


Tesla employees refer to the Fremont factory as “the Plantation” and its black employees as “cotton workers,” the report said.

OK, that's funny and probably true. :rofl

Ray Cizzums
07-08-2021, 05:01 PM
Tesla has 10,000 people working there. If you act like a nigger, you get called a nigger.
That's never gonna change, nigger.

07-08-2021, 05:26 PM
I'll take "that never fucking happened" for $500, Alex

07-08-2021, 08:55 PM
I smell not only a lying nigger but one that is looking for the ghetto lottery.

The company that I worked for after the Navy had a nigger who called itself a welder working back in the fab shop. This guy's work failed inspection a quarter of the time. Numbers like that get people killed in the oil/gas industry and he was constantly called on the carpet about it. Toward the end, someone had put a paper sign above the toilet paper roll in the fab shop shitter. It read "Obama paper." We all immediately knew who that someone was.

No-one used that nasty shitter outside of the flunkies in the fab shop. We wouldn't let them use the ones in the office spaces because these guys were filthy, their shitter was filthy, and nobody wanted them too spread their filth around.

There was only one other guy working inside the fab shop and it was an old crusty coalburner who would muh dipstick any whore he could. He would regularly complain about the latest disease that he acquired from his nigger-fucking. The two of them were thick as thieves (literally, you couldn't leave your lunch in the break room refrigerator without it disappearing) so we knew it wasn't him that did it. The nigger knew that everyone else in the building HATED Obunghole and everything he stood for. This nigger was trying to save his job by screaming RAYCISS!

The next day, HR reps showed up and lawyers from corporate got involved. The nigger started making other shit up about his mistreatment.

Two weeks later, the company shut down the fab shop and laid them all off rather than deal with it. All the work load was transferred to another branch about a hundred miles west of here. It was easier to do it that way since the company could claim bad numbers and not have to defend the job closures.

Six months or so after that, they shut the whole branch down and consolidated all the work to the same branch. Seems we didn't have enough reason to justify leaving the branch open after the fab shop closed. Now, everyone was out of a job.

Niggers ruin everything.

If there is 'scriminashun going on, you can bet your ass that it's bullshit and that a nigger's fear of losing it's paycheck is behind it.

Fuck 'em. I hated that place anyway.