View Full Version : Chimpcago Alderman she boon indicted for bribery and lying to the Feds

Whitey Ford
07-04-2021, 01:36 AM
Ald. Carrie Austin Indicted for Bribery, Lying to the Feds


Ald. Carrie Austin (34th Ward) was indicted Thursday on four charges that she took bribes in the form of home improvements including new kitchen cabinets and granite countertops from a developer and lied to Federal Bureau of Investigation agents.

Austin, 72, is the third sitting member of the Chicago City Council to be charged with federal crimes. Ald. Ed Burke (14th Ward) has pleaded not guilty to 14 counts of corruption and Ald. Patrick Daley Thompson (11th Ward) has pleaded not guilty to seven charges in connection with a failed Bridgeport bank.

Austin is the second-longest serving member of the City Council. She faces one count of bribery conspiracy, two counts of using interstate facilities to promote bribery and one count of lying to the FBI.

The indictment also charges Austin’s chief of staff Chester Wilson Jr., 55, with bribery conspiracy, two counts of using interstate facilities to promote bribery and one count of theft of government funds.


Magic Nigger Rashad
07-04-2021, 03:46 AM
I wonder if I will ever find tnb surprising again. In my experience from the military to corrections and even educational institutions, I don't think I have come across a coon in power that I respected. It seems at every level low to high they're up to some form of corruption whether its some quid pro quo to muh dik their subordinates or hitting the gym with former inmates as a so called captain. One of my first leaders in AIT told me you will never see anyone rise faster in the military than a black woman. My libtard ass of that time thought he was a little biased. The next six years proved him right time and again. Affirmative action combined with natural coon nature is still making once great places a fucking joke.

07-04-2021, 01:17 PM
Ancient Rome, it's said, had the death penalty for public officials found guilty of corruption. That is, the ones who were caught and weren't high enough to be untouchable.

I absolutely believe in the same for modern times. Humans or nigger, give one appeal, and after that, get out the rope.

07-04-2021, 01:59 PM
Ancient Rome, it's said, had the death penalty for public officials found guilty of corruption. That is, the ones who were caught and weren't high enough to be untouchable.

I absolutely believe in the same for modern times. Humans or nigger, give one appeal, and after that, get out the rope.

A few years ago, I would have said that idea is completely and utterly crazy. Seeing how corrupt and destructive liberal politicians have been in all the western societies I have to admit I full-heartedly agree with you today! Regardless of niggers or humans.

07-04-2021, 02:45 PM
A few years ago, I would have said that idea is completely and utterly crazy. Seeing how corrupt and destructive liberal politicians have been in all the western societies I have to admit I full-heartedly agree with you today! Regardless of niggers or humans.

There are a lot of politicians caught for bribery, pocket-lining, cronyism. Niggers are always among the worst. But the penalties are never bad enough.

You've heard of Jesse Jackson, I'm sure? One of its sprogs got elected to Congress, and like so many politicians (human and nigger), it used campaign funds for personal purchases. It spent only 17 months at NU, then time at what's called a halfway house. Big deal.


07-04-2021, 06:28 PM
Ald. Carrie Austin Indicted for Bribery, Lying to the Feds



Is that "thing" related to george "fentanol" groid?! They BOTH have boot lips like a blowfish!!

07-05-2021, 11:38 PM
I'm guessing someone at the FBI didn't get the memo that these were niggers they were arresting? Because usually, niggers do shit like this completely unmolested anymore...I can easily see a white mid-level bureaucrat getting pink-slipped for a mistake of this magnitude...

07-10-2021, 02:15 PM
There are a lot of politicians caught for bribery, pocket-lining, cronyism. Niggers are always among the worst. But the penalties are never bad enough.

You've heard of Jesse Jackson, I'm sure? One of its sprogs got elected to Congress, and like so many politicians (human and nigger), it used campaign funds for personal purchases. It spent only 17 months at NU, then time at what's called a halfway house. Big deal.


Yes, of course I heard of Jesse Jackson, the priest from nigger hell! Yet I did not know that one of his nigglets got elected to Congress, that's purely evil. Of course I am not surprised that it stole money! Wasn't it the former nigger major of Detroit who stole $17 million?
But, right at the moment in Germany the "free press" (blogs, alternative media) just discovered how incredibly corrupt the presidential candidate of the Green party (Annalena Baerbock - she probably will win the election by the way) is, and how much tax payer money she "stole" (more or less legal, since the left and the green have established the perfect Kleptocracy here). So not only niggers steal, but lefties are almost as bad.

07-10-2021, 04:26 PM
Yes, of course I heard of Jesse Jackson, the priest from nigger hell! Yet I did not know that one of his nigglets got elected to Congress, that's purely evil. Of course I am not surprised that it stole money! Wasn't it the former nigger major of Detroit who stole $17 million?
But, right at the moment in Germany the "free press" (blogs, alternative media) just discovered how incredibly corrupt the presidential candidate of the Green party (Annalena Baerbock - she probably will win the election by the way) is, and how much tax payer money she "stole" (more or less legal, since the left and the green have established the perfect Kleptocracy here). So not only niggers steal, but lefties are almost as bad.

Kwame Kilpatrick! Because, you know, niggers were the original Irishmen.

OK, I didn't know Trump commuted the nigger's 27-year sentence. What was wrong with him?

07-10-2021, 05:28 PM
Kwame Kilpatrick! Because, you know, niggers were the original Irishmen.

OK, I didn't know Trump commuted the nigger's 27-year sentence. What was wrong with him?
Oh, you did not know? But niggers are the original inhabitants of every country on earth, so of course they are the true irishmen ;). Niggerwood & Niggflix tell you that in every film they produce. E.g. the Queen, she of course is a nigger as well ("Bridgerton").
It is a shame that Trump let the nigger run free, either somebody was able to blackmail him, or he had way too much Irish whiskey one day.

07-10-2021, 07:57 PM
Is that "thing" related to george "fentanol" groid?! They BOTH have boot lips like a blowfish!!

Do not insult a blowfish by comparing it to nigger Floyd! Fish are much more civilized!

07-10-2021, 08:02 PM
Do not insult a blowfish by comparing it to nigger Floyd! Fish are much more civilized!

Tru Dat!! And USEFUL!!