View Full Version : This Hollywood Libtard Wants to Label the NRA a “TERRORIST ORGANIZATION”

07-04-2017, 08:52 AM
The Democrat Party is allowing out of touch Hollywood nutjobs to define them. These unhinged, entitled, clueless idiots are now leading the Dem parade, with ISIS-like beheading photos, assassination plays, giant rubber vagina suits, and are inciting violence among the people with a barrage of death threats. Is it any wonder why the average American no longer relates to the Democrat*Party? These people live in an alternate version of reality, and have become so detached from the average American, they no longer represent them. Take for example D-list actor Michael Ian Black, who has his facts so mixed up over

More... (http://truthfeed.com/this-hollywood-libtard-wants-to-label-the-nra-a-terrorist-organization/87907/)