View Full Version : Falwell Wonders Why Liberals Don’t Ask Muslim Mosques to Perform Gay Weddings?

07-02-2017, 05:47 PM
Jerry Falwell Jr. has a question we’ve all been wondering. Why aren’t liberals targeting Muslim mosques to host their gay weddings? Furthermore, why not to go a Muslim bakery and ask for a wedding cake for a gay wedding? Why do these groups only target Christians? Especially*when so-called moderate Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia routinely hang gays in the town square. Watch the video: .@JerryFalwellJr: “I’ve never heard a single liberal attack a Muslim church for not having gay weddings.” @JudgeJeanine pic.twitter.com/tYTjOIBEMB — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 2, 2017 Amy Moreno is a*Published Author, Pug Lover & Game of Thrones

More... (http://truthfeed.com/falwell-wonders-why-liberals-dont-ask-muslim-mosques-to-perform-gay-weddings/87437/)