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View Full Version : Time has come for cops to say "Fuck the niggerhoods" and stop answering calls there.

04-21-2021, 06:02 PM
Either stop answering calls or "slow roll" them. Take their time getting there.

Why should these men and women risk being put through what Chauvin was then getting thrown in prison for decades over some stupid, stinking ghetto apes that hate them anyway?

I wonder how long it will be before nobody wants to be cops anymore.

I wonder how long it will be before it's too dangerous to step outside in your front yard because police departments don't have any patrol officers to answer calls anymore because nobody wants to deal with the consequences of interacting with stupid fucking niggers.

In this day and age, why would anyone want to be a cop?

This shit has to end somehow.

04-21-2021, 07:02 PM
I said it on another thread. Only nigger cops should be able to apprehend niggers - even if it means a 10 hour wait while they find one. How long before the nigger Judas cops are kneeling on the nigger felon's nasty nappy necks?

04-21-2021, 07:24 PM
The only time white cops should go after niggers is if a nigger commits a crime against a white victim and the crime happened in a white human part of town. If it's a nigger on nigger crime or if it happened in a niggerhood, fuck it. Let a nigger cop handle it or just let it slide. Let them kill each other until they decide that it's better for an occasional nigger thug to die while resisting arrest, than for the cops to abandon them altogether.

Even niggers shouldn't be too stupid to eventually figure that out.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-21-2021, 08:50 PM
Even niggers shouldn't be too stupid to eventually figure that out.

You’re giving them way too much credit.

Coon Club Road
04-21-2021, 09:07 PM
I said it on another thread.

Only nigger cops should be able to apprehend niggers - even if it means a 10 hour wait while they find one.

How long before the nigger Judas cops are kneeling on the nigger felon's nasty nappy necks?

That's a seriously great idea.

04-21-2021, 09:33 PM
You’re giving them way too much credit.

Tru Dat!!

04-22-2021, 04:51 AM
I said it on another thread. Only nigger cops should be able to apprehend niggers - even if it means a 10 hour wait while they find one. How long before the nigger Judas cops are kneeling on the nigger felon's nasty nappy necks?

I love the sound of it.

Sadly, like the communism the radical Bitchy Little Marxist are pushing for, it only looks good on paper. Even then only for a couple of seconds to anyone who thinks it through.

Nigger cops let purps walk if they bother to try to catch them at all. A nigger cop is only interested in itself - no different from nigger civilians. Payoffs, kickbacks, side gigs selling their badge to the highest bidder...

To leave niggers to police niggers means no niggers will be policed unless there is something in it for that individual policeape.

Do make them arrest each other, and they scream RAYCISS because human cops won't do anything while they lie bleeding out and no-one ever stops or solves crimes.

Don't do this, and the niggers scream RAYCISS because we "didn habz to shoot him!"

The teenigger sow stabby incident with the white cop that just sacrificed himself to save another teenigger sow - that's a perfect example. This cop is the next Chauvin. They are going to throw him under the bus.

There is no winning with these idiots.

The best thing to do is blockade the cities. Give YT 48 hours notice, then shut it down.

Move back in once they've self goodified the entire city.

animal mother
04-22-2021, 08:13 AM
Guys, this is happening now in South Chicago. Does anyone think the police are looking for any of the nigger on nigger murders? They are basically just filing reports and hauling the dead carcass off to dead nigger storage.

Coon Club Road
04-22-2021, 08:26 AM
Guys, this is happening now in South Chicago. Does anyone think the police are looking for any of the nigger on nigger murders? They are basically just filing reports and hauling the dead carcass off to dead nigger storage.

The way it should be!

04-22-2021, 08:44 AM
A 7 year old nappy hayed was shot dead while in the car with her nigerdaddy who was wounded, in a Chimpcago McDonalds drive thru.


Just another violent crime almost certainly perpetrated by another nigger or multiple niggers.

Anyone hear anything other than crickets chirping out of the "We be deemands'n jusstiss fo' ___________________________" crowd?
.................................................. .................................................. .................................(insert name of dead nigger here)

No, and you're not going unless by some crazy long shot the shooter turns out to be white.

Then, the ooking will be deafening.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-22-2021, 09:11 AM
The best thing to do is blockade the cities. Give YT 48 hours notice, then shut it down.

Move back in once they've self goodified the entire city.
How long you think it would take? I think the place would look like a bomb went off after 24 hours and the majority would be deyad within a month.

Coon Club Road
04-22-2021, 09:21 AM
I can tell you one thing, if you were in the market for some athletic shoes or a Tee Bee, you'd be outta luck!

04-22-2021, 11:10 AM
How long you think it would take? I think the place would look like a bomb went off after 24 hours and the majority would be deyad within a month.

I'm not sure. Africa looks like a bomb went off everywhere all the time but just like after a nuke, cockroaches seem to keep living until the food supply dries up or the exterminator sprays for them.

I say just keep dumping bullets, Hi Points and matches over the wall until the gunfire stops! Don't roll the trucks in until they've eaten each other and purified everything with fire.

Give the city back to the humans that evacuated in the first 48 hours. Show them how to work a bulldozer and let them have it. I'll guarandamntee you they'll never let another nigger in the city for a hundred years.

04-22-2021, 12:09 PM
Don't you see what's happening? This is the rise of Communism. The Great Reset. The police will lose morale. Next, it will be the national guard before it ends up with the military. When we collapse economically, which is imminent, we will plunge into war where a new government (the new left) will rise and do a power grab. Already, we see the left gaining power and moving more and more leftwards. We will see a totalitarian takeover and the new brand of cops will be something out of a Soviet / Chinese /North Korean nightmare.
The people voted for this. It won't end up being pretty. Be prepared for a new government with pretty names like the Great Reset, Equity, Equality, New Normal, etc.
Oh and this is not a conspiracy theory. Time Magazine ran a whole story on this and featured it on their cover. The media and elites are not even trying to hide it now. Niggers and liberals are just the "useful idiots" being played.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-22-2021, 12:46 PM
I'm not sure. Africa looks like a bomb went off everywhere all the time but just like after a nuke, cockroaches seem to keep living until the food supply dries up or the exterminator sprays for them.

I say just keep dumping bullets, Hi Points and matches over the wall until the gunfire stops! Don't roll the trucks in until they've eaten each other and purified everything with fire.

Give the city back to the humans that evacuated in the first 48 hours. Show them how to work a bulldozer and let them have it. I'll guarandamntee you they'll never let another nigger in the city for a hundred years.
You could give all of them a wakandaesque utopia with no police presence and it would look like Africa in 24 hours. I think your idea would make a great reality show. Give them unlimited ammo and grab the popcorn.

Keep Britain White
04-22-2021, 01:14 PM
Either stop answering calls or "slow roll" them. Take their time getting there.

Why should these men and women risk being put through what Chauvin was then getting thrown in prison for decades over some stupid, stinking ghetto apes that hate them anyway?

I wonder how long it will be before nobody wants to be cops anymore.

I wonder how long it will be before it's too dangerous to step outside in your front yard because police departments don't have any patrol officers to answer calls anymore because nobody wants to deal with the consequences of interacting with stupid fucking niggers.

In this day and age, why would anyone want to be a cop?

This shit has to end somehow.

I seriously wonder when the white people in America are going to react to all this nigger shit!
As for the police, turn in your badges!!! When enough officers resign, ONLY THEN will authorities react, and bring in new laws protecting police. They put their lives at risk every time they have to deal with these apes.
Whites are just handing power over to the niggers. I don't understand it. The people need to march and demonstrate their support for the police. This is also a way of demonstrating against niggers without even mentioning them.

04-22-2021, 01:21 PM
I say just keep dumping bullets, Hi Points and matches over the wall until the gunfire stops! Don't roll the trucks in until they've eaten each other and purified everything with fire.

We are together finely tuned in synchrony tweak ! :thumb

04-22-2021, 01:21 PM
I seriously wonder when the white people in America are going to react to all this nigger shit!
As for the police, turn in your badges!!! When enough officers resign, ONLY THEN will authorities react, and bring in new laws protecting police. They put their lives at risk every time they have to deal with these apes.
Whites are just handing power over to the niggers. I don't understand it. The people need to march and demonstrate their support for the police. This is also a way of demonstrating against niggers without even mentioning them.

How bad are niggers in the UK? I am in the process of getting my EU passport (although with Brexit, I guess I can't move to England.... maybe Scottland?) Are people welcoming to (conservative) Americans? How bad of a problem are asslifters?

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2021, 01:31 PM
Some years ago, there was a "scandal", I think in the Boston area, where a group of white officers were using "N.H.I." as part of their routine radio jargon. This was when police radio traffic was in the clear, being monitored on scanners. Somebody spilled the beans however, and it became known that N.H.I. meant No Humans Involved. That got tied together with the lack of response, and a whole bunch of officers got fired.

04-22-2021, 06:23 PM
Some years ago, there was a "scandal", I think in the Boston area, where a group of white officers were using "N.H.I." as part of their routine radio jargon. This was when police radio traffic was in the clear, being monitored on scanners. Somebody spilled the beans however, and it became known that N.H.I. meant No Humans Involved. That got tied together with the lack of response, and a whole bunch of officers got fired.

That is too fucking funny!!!!!

Except for the part about them getting fired.

Keep Britain White
04-23-2021, 03:00 PM
How bad are niggers in the UK? I am in the process of getting my EU passport (although with Brexit, I guess I can't move to England.... maybe Scottland?) Are people welcoming to (conservative) Americans? How bad of a problem are asslifters?

The nigger problem is really being copied from the USA; niggers here are now getting emboldened too. But it's the same pretty much throughout Europe.

Incidentally, can I comment that it isn't just England that left the EU. The rest of the UK (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) also left. In other words, it was the UK that left the EU, not just England.
And yes, people here are generally welcoming to Americans. An American I know who came here in the 80s still lives here. He describes living in Britain as pretty much the same as the US, but at a gentler pace.
I think you'd like it here - but yes, niggers are now a problem everywhere, I'm afraid. As everywhere else, the British people weren't ever consulted as to whether we wanted them here.

04-23-2021, 07:20 PM
I said it on another thread. Only nigger cops should be able to apprehend niggers - even if it means a 10 hour wait while they find one. How long before the nigger Judas cops are kneeling on the nigger felon's nasty nappy necks?

Absolutely right! And isn't that what they always demand? No interference from evil yt? I personally would go even further, let them implement their own form of "justice". E.g. use some abandoned stadiums or malls to give them the opportunity to "fight it out" in a "safe environment without da poolice". Every Sunday 3pm we present: Crips vs. Bloods in the Minneapolis Bank Stadium

04-23-2021, 07:30 PM
I seriously wonder when the white people in America are going to react to all this nigger shit!
As for the police, turn in your badges!!! When enough officers resign, ONLY THEN will authorities react, and bring in new laws protecting police. They put their lives at risk every time they have to deal with these apes.
Whites are just handing power over to the niggers. I don't understand it. The people need to march and demonstrate their support for the police. This is also a way of demonstrating against niggers without even mentioning them.

A lot of officers in Baltimore have resigned in the past few years, and a lot of the remaining ones just do the bare minimum, since the Freddie Gray debacle. As a result, more and more batwings are being issued.

04-23-2021, 08:12 PM
E.g. use some abandoned stadiums or malls to give them the opportunity to "fight it out" in a "safe environment without da poolice". Every Sunday 3pm we present: Crips vs. Bloods in the Minneapolis Bank Stadium

As long as those Battle Royales are televised! Lots of sports niggers need to be included, because they love taunting and shoving each other, knowing a YT ref will step in to save their sorry nigger asses.

Jim Crow
04-23-2021, 10:12 PM
I’ve been saying this for a long time. If I were a police officer and they put me to patrol in the nigg hood, I’d say “fuck it”. I’d switch careers.