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View Full Version : 911 operator steals 1.2 million dollars

04-11-2021, 02:20 PM
This stupid sheboon thought she could actually do this and get away with it???

Guys I'm telling you that Nig Orleans not only has some of the most violent niggers on the planet, we have the lowest IQ niggers around.

To think that this niggress was charged with the responsibility of the direction of first responders to critical incidents when it was too stupid to avoid jail time over something this stupid just blows me away.

No wonder niggers say 9-11 is a joke. They should know. They answer the damn phones.


A Louisiana woman who was supposed to get $82.56 instead received $1.2 million by mistake — and refused to give it back, officials said.

Instead, 33-year-old Kelyn Spadoni used some of that money to buy a new house and car, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said, according to multiple news outlets.

Spadoni, a Harvey resident, was fired from her job as a 911 dispatcher after she was accused of theft, bank fraud and “illegal transmission of monetary funds” in connection with the case, nola.com reported Friday.

The story of course did not mention whether the criminigger was black or not but my Nigdar pinged so I found it's booking picture:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews. com%2Fnola.com%2Fcontent%2Ftncms%2Fassets%2Fv3%2Fe ditorial%2Fe%2Ff2%2Fef2a7982-98be-11eb-80f0-dbfd8423079d%2F606f8cd64cadf.image.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Ray Cizzums
04-11-2021, 02:41 PM
How many crime victims has she harmed on the job ? Can you imagine talking to this pea-brain in a crisis ?

04-11-2021, 05:53 PM
Saw the title and said 'let me guess'.

04-11-2021, 06:02 PM
The story of course did not mention whether the criminigger was black or not but my Nigdar pinged so I found it's booking picture:

These days if the article doesn't scream "WHITE" you pretty well know it's a nigger, even when they have appropriated human names like "Spadoni". Naturally the dumb sow goes and blows all the money on some "looks at muh!" tacky shit, knowing full well it's not entitled to it.

04-11-2021, 07:43 PM
Here's the thing:

I've been to the very 911 call center where this fat ass genius worked a few times in the past to do some work on some of their systems and noticed that the operators are about 70-80% niggers. It's really sad that there are people whose lives are in danger and who are forced to call for help, only to end up having one of these shiftless, nail filing, "dat doan beez mah problum" animals answering the phone. This could very well be the last voice a person hears before death and to know that I could possibly end up being forced to deal with one of them when my life depends on it is just downright depressing. These sows can't even communicate in English coherently enough to be trusted to make things happen in minutes when seconds count.

Mrs. Tweak actually thought about dropping a resume to work there. It seems the pay is pretty good for this area and COL, starting around 20/hr for a job without any schooling or experience required. It also required little real responsibility since you just sit behind a computer to relay info and weed out the stupid niggers calling 911 over a botched order at a drive thru.

This fatty gave up a pretty sweet gig for a nigger with no skills, no future and no other job that would pay this well in this location. All for a house she can't keep and an Exgalaidze that lost half it's resale value as soon as she drove it out of the lot. Now, she's got no car, no house, no job, and no coming back from what was an easy life before doing something this retarded - and she STILL has to pay the money back that she blew!

Also, her picture looks like she's high as a damn kite. That's a no-no for operators.

Coon Club Road
04-11-2021, 07:57 PM
"Spadoni had opened an account with Charles Schwab before a software upgrade led the financial company to transfer her much more money than it intended..."

A coon opening a Charlie Scwabbie account sounds extremely suspicious indeed.

Could this software upgrade have been an inside job involving another brohammie?

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-11-2021, 08:02 PM
This stupid sheboon thought she could actually do this and get away with it???

Guys I'm telling you that Nig Orleans not only has some of the most violent niggers on the planet, we have the lowest IQ niggers around.

To think that this niggress was charged with the responsibility of the direction of first responders to critical incidents when it was too stupid to avoid jail time over something this stupid just blows me away.

No wonder niggers say 9-11 is a joke. They should know. They answer the damn phones.


The story of course did not mention whether the criminigger was black or not but my Nigdar pinged so I found it's booking picture:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews. com%2Fnola.com%2Fcontent%2Ftncms%2Fassets%2Fv3%2Fe ditorial%2Fe%2Ff2%2Fef2a7982-98be-11eb-80f0-dbfd8423079d%2F606f8cd64cadf.image.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

I’d say that’s the ugliest one I’ve ever seen but that would be a lie. This one is fugly though. This story is hilarious because these niggers actually think they are entitled to money from massive mistakes. This nig will likely foght this and find a nigger lawyer that will agree to represent it.

The reason they are so stupid there is because of inbreeding. They will be the first to accuse whitey of being inbred but they don’t know who their cousins, aunts, uncles or even brothers/sisters are. They would have no idea if they are inbreeding or not. Daddy had 25 chitfrens from 25 baby mommas. They have no idea. Well, they have no idea about plenty of things to be fair. Damn, they’re disgusting.

Ray Cizzums
04-11-2021, 08:03 PM
It's really sad that there are people whose lives are in danger and who are forced to call for help, only to end up having one of these shiftless, nail filing, "dat doan beez mah problum" animals answering the phone.
It was probably 15 years ago, that there was a audio clip circulating of a lady calling 911, and telling the operator "There's five niggers breaking into my house" ! The operator got herself in a huff, and tried to lecture the woman, who as you might imagine, wasn't having it, and said "What" ? She then proceeded to scream about niggers until the bitch operator got some cops on the way. It was on either the Howard Stern show, or Opie & Anthony.

SC Anemia
04-11-2021, 08:27 PM
The Veterans Administration routinely hires these sheboons to answer phones and to do whatever administrative stuff you could train a chimp to do.
Last time, after listening to a pre-recorded loop of how my call was important to them for about 40 fuckin minutes...I got Shaniqua 'filing muh nails' Washington.

Man I was pissed, it's just so damn frustrating. When Shaniqua axed "wut you beez needin" I lost my shit. I don't remember what I said specifically but did address her as Shaniqua. She started her rebuttal with "dat ain't muh...." then it finally occured to her I was being intentionally rayciss. Yup, she chimped and I just hung up. It was nearly worth the wait .

04-11-2021, 09:13 PM
Fucking niggers are a tragedy. Avoid the groid. I just can't take any more ' niggerness ' enforced upon me. It's all becoming too much for me to handle. Avoiding niggers is now near on impossible. They're everywhere from the top down. We need a big flush !

04-11-2021, 11:11 PM
No wonder niggers say 9-11 is a joke. They should know. They answer the damn phones.
That line should break the Internet! :spinman

04-12-2021, 12:29 AM
That line should break the Internet! :spinman

I think I'll look for a suitable pic to meme that shit and put it out there. All units BOLO for a fat sheboon sitting on her fat ass filing her nails while talking into a headset!

04-12-2021, 04:05 PM
The reason they are so stupid there is because of inbreeding. They will be the first to accuse whitey of being inbred but they don’t know who their cousins, aunts, uncles or even brothers/sisters are. They would have no idea if they are inbreeding or not. Daddy had 25 chitfrens from 25 baby mommas. They have no idea. Well, they have no idea about plenty of things to be fair. Damn, they’re disgusting.


04-12-2021, 04:06 PM
Niggers getting into 911 or a police station are nothing but trouble in a million different ways. A Chimper once linked to a she-nig arrested for using its 911 job to warn its boo's gang about police. That just means a lot more niggers haven't been caught.

04-13-2021, 12:39 AM
Is it just me, or does this negress look like Queen Latifah? Ugly ugly, not fit to occupy human spaces. The problem in the world today is that most people accept the "we are one people, we're all people, one race, the human race". Big mistake there: there's the human race, and primate race, or more specifically, Homo sapiens, and Homo erectus.

Obviously our more advanced species did not wipe out the throwback erectus species. Big mistake #1.

Then some not-forward thinking Dutch traders and English settlers brought some coons for "labor". Big mistake #2.

They shouldn't be slaves. Big mistake#3.

They're humans and our equals. Biggest mistake of all.

04-23-2021, 08:01 AM

She got it and was like "Whoa, betta move it befo yt takes it back," fucking nigger

04-23-2021, 08:17 AM

She got it and was like "Whoa, betta move it befo yt takes it back," fucking nigger

That sheboon is FUGLY even by nigger standards!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-23-2021, 09:14 AM
It got that two tone hair color from letting cows piss on its heyad.

04-23-2021, 11:36 AM

The fat sheboon was supposed to get $82.56 which almost looks like an error in it's self. I'm surprised the nigger was smart enough to open a Charles Schwab account. This should be a teachable moment for Charles Schwab, never do business with niggers. Ever!

Jim Crow
04-23-2021, 11:43 AM
Niggers do not have enough intelligence to know what a paper trail is. I was sent the same tax refund twice by the government one year. I sent called and then sent it back, because I know what the paper trail is. Soon as I deposit that money, I would’ve been liable for it,Niggers are to stupid to think about consequences.