View Full Version : A list of nigger descriptors

Chimp Detester
03-27-2021, 09:06 AM
My friends, we are all on these awesome forums because they provide us with the best opportunity to speak the truth about the detestable sub-cockroach members of the manure pile (niggers), the despicable rump-lifters (a.k.a. goat-rapers, towel-heads, diaper-heads mud-slimes, etc.) and their enablers (lib-tards, Demon-craps, Holywood, main-stream media, pro sports, oil-drillers, coal-burners, etc.).
Please help me grow this list of one-liners which describe niggers to a T. (Perhaps another member can start one about muzzies) I will start:

1. Niggers are like Bluetooth: Always ready to pair.

Jim Crow
03-28-2021, 09:39 AM
Niggers are like crime,they don’t pay!

Coon Club Road
03-29-2021, 12:30 PM
Niggers are like crime,they don’t pay!
