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View Full Version : She Gots In Muh Lane

03-26-2021, 10:18 AM

Sometimes there isn't enough that can be said to accurately describe the callous, shallow, stupid attitude of niggers...Most of the time the sheboons are worse than the bucks. This particular sheboon nigger cunt is only entitled to one thing. I wish our rules would allow me to say what...

Victim blaming is never a good thing unless they truly brought it upon themselves. This nigger whore takes it to a typical nigger extreme. This is the shreiking, eeking-and-ooking, and unintelligible that is the perfect stereotype....Bitches like this are an example of why niggers will never be anything more than lowlife, inner-city ghetto dwelling, and minimum wage earning pieces of shit who are a drain on society. Niggers are God's Vengeance against a sinful people.

I can't wait to watch this fucking stupid cunt nigger get what she truly deserves.

Fuck you niggers...

Coon Club Road
03-26-2021, 10:37 AM
Watched about 15 to 20 seconds into it before I was able to understand 3 consecutive words..."car good bitch", then right back to niggerbabble.

When niggers axe why people hate them, this would be a great clip to play as a rebuttal.

At the 30 sec mark off it went, I hope I didn't miss anything precious in the last 24 minutes!

03-26-2021, 12:41 PM
I can't understand the bix nood. Sow was ugly, well they're a foul and vile species. Importing them here was a baaad idea. All of them deserve to be in chains, next best thing, incarcerate them.

Freedom of speech should not be extended to screaming animals.

Ray Cizzums
03-26-2021, 12:50 PM
Did it say that Car'meshia got batwings ? Who would hurt such a refined young lady ?
Maybe she went in the woods, and some hunter mistook the dead animal on her head for a live one.

Jim Crow
03-26-2021, 01:45 PM
Fucking ugly volatile savage nigger beast creature! I really couldn’t get past the first 30 seconds. That fucking nasty Varmint nigger was shrieking some kind of psycho Ebonics babble that was annoying and made no sense oncesoever. It will be taking it up the backside from some bigger stronger sheboon one it gets to NU.

03-26-2021, 02:10 PM
Watched about 15 to 20 seconds into it before I was able to understand 3 consecutive words..."car good bitch", then right back to niggerbabble.

You understood more than I did. I skipped through and couldn't understand a single thing except for one "po-leese."

Yeah, these things are our "equals."


I aint bin dun did dat!
03-26-2021, 05:15 PM
Listening to this shit damn near gives me a seizure. I don’t last long.

03-26-2021, 06:10 PM
I listened into about 5 minutes of this diatribe of niggerbabble. I now have a splitting headache. Couldn't understand one intelligible word except for "bitch". I look forward to the coming civil war that will sweep our land and the eventual purge that will follow.