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View Full Version : All lifer blows away 10

03-23-2021, 04:06 PM
A dune coon opens fire in a Colorado grocery store and kill 10. Media failed to mention name or post pictures of the killer yet now they are focusing on gun control.


03-23-2021, 05:32 PM
The 21-year-old suspect accused of opening fire (https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/boulder-shooting-colorado-10-killed/) inside a Colorado grocery store and killing 10 people has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was being treated at a Bolder hospital for a gunshot wound and officials expected him to be transferred to a local jail later Tuesday.

Muslim filth.

Jim Crow
03-23-2021, 05:35 PM
The religion of peace and niggers.Two species I’d like to see deported from the country.

03-23-2021, 10:46 PM
A refugee from Syria. Why do we let Muslims in? I've never heard of a Buddhist or Quaker or other religious refugee blow away 10 people. We let violent Muslims in, law breaking illegals in, give them healthcare and food, then this is how we are repaid. Fucking Democrat party.

Full Clip
03-23-2021, 11:10 PM
Does anyone know how many humans were in the 10 - hopefully not too many?

03-24-2021, 01:28 AM
Yes, it was a stinking asslifter. They're trying to make him look like some crazy white guy.

03-24-2021, 01:48 AM
Seems like 10 white humans. One was from So Cal, Ventura, CA. She moved there to start anew. Fucking Muslims, they're all no good.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-24-2021, 01:52 AM
Does anyone know how many humans were in the 10 - hopefully not too many?
All 10 were white. Yet, I have to continue to hear about whitey killing asians for the rest of my life. There will be no #stopwhitehate

03-24-2021, 03:52 AM
The media has been going on and on about how the active shooter was a white man (also a member of the NRA, the KKK, QAnon, and supposedly a Trump supporter), and that now Biden is considering passing a bunch of executive orders to take away our guns and shit.

But now that it's been revealed to be a sand nigger, I'm pretty sure Biden will find an excuse to do absolutely nothing.

I hate to say it, but if Biden had revealed during his presidential campaign that he was a frothing mad hater of niggers, I would have voted for him instead of Trump. His Freudian slip during the Munich conference where he said "nigger here next" was quite revealing. He might not be as extreme as Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd, but I think on some level he knows that things have gone sideways in the USA. Being VP while Baquack Obamailure was president probably pushed his psyche over the edge.

Not gonna lie: I did not respond well to a nigger being in the oval office either.

Jim Crow
03-24-2021, 08:03 AM
Comatose Joe Biden was reading a Teleprompter message yesterday.He wants Congress to start voting on a bill to restrict the sale of guns even more. This diaper face cock sucker would also like to impose a high tax on owning firearms,buying ammo and gun accessories and a yearly registration and high rate insurance on each gun you own. Well I would like to help the diaper face fuck, but I don’t own any firearms.

03-24-2021, 08:07 AM
all fingers lead to the white man. Everything is our fault.

03-24-2021, 08:22 AM
A refugee from Syria. Why do we let Muslims in? I've never heard of a Buddhist or Quaker or other religious refugee blow away 10 people. We let violent Muslims in, law breaking illegals in, give them healthcare and food, then this is how we are repaid. Fucking Democrat party.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!! Libtardism is a MENTAL disorder!!

03-24-2021, 08:23 AM
The media has been going on and on about how the active shooter was a white man (also a member of the NRA, the KKK, QAnon, and supposedly a Trump supporter), and that now Biden is considering passing a bunch of executive orders to take away our guns and shit.

But now that it's been revealed to be a sand nigger, I'm pretty sure Biden will find an excuse to do absolutely nothing.

I hate to say it, but if Biden had revealed during his presidential campaign that he was a frothing mad hater of niggers, I would have voted for him instead of Trump. His Freudian slip during the Munich conference where he said "nigger here next" was quite revealing. He might not be as extreme as Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd, but I think on some level he knows that things have gone sideways in the USA. Being VP while Baquack Obamailure was president probably pushed his psyche over the edge.

Not gonna lie: I did not respond well to a nigger being in the oval office either.

NONE of us did!!

03-24-2021, 01:19 PM
Comatose Joe Biden was reading a Teleprompter message yesterday.He wants Congress to start voting on a bill to restrict the sale of guns even more. This diaper face cock sucker would also like to impose a high tax on owning firearms,buying ammo and gun accessories and a yearly registration and high rate insurance on each gun you own. Well I would like to help the diaper face fuck, but I don’t own any firearms.

I'm curious as to how some people have been purchasing guns lately.

I remember how for the last year or so most gun shops were almost completely wiped out, and a lot of gun manufacturers couldn't sell you a gun even if they wanted to because they had nothing in stock. I'm still wondering if that was related to the presidential election in some way (assholes hoarding guns) or if the federal government was somehow involved.

Taxing law-abiding gun owners excessively doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Why not just punish the individuals that break the law? Or even create a federal law that prevents convicted felons from owning guns and voting? (I think some states have made it legal for felons to vote in elections and own guns.)

If the government is planning on confiscating guns, the only way I would be okay with that is if they redistributed the guns in equal measure to law abiding citizens so that everyone (that obeys the law) could have a gun. I already live in the Wild West, and would be okay with it if I and everyone else were walking around in public and in businesses with a gun attached to their belts. Then again, I also spent a bit of time in the Army, so I might be psychologically conditioned to prefer the sight of fellow citizens carrying weapons.

As a bonus, if everyone is either carrying or concealed carrying a gun, certain types of crime tend to significantly decrease. I remember how The Knockout Game (AKA "Hunting the Polar Bear") suddenly stopped being a thing when the victims started shooting the niggers that attacked them.

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03-24-2021, 01:28 PM
Seems like 10 white humans. One was from So Cal, Ventura, CA. She moved there to start anew. Fucking Muslims, they're all no good.

If, sadly, all of the victims were human does that mean -

a/ Colorado is too cold for Niggers.
b/ The supermarket involved was an 'Upmarket' (expensive) one.
c/ It was a normal supermarket but it doesn't sell Watermelon, Coke, 'Chigguns' or bananas.

03-24-2021, 11:28 PM
This is awful. I saw a picture of the 10 victims. It is a definite loss. Is there a reason we need those Arabs in the country? I can't believe we welcomed his family here. What an asshole and his asshole religion.

Full Clip
03-25-2021, 04:32 AM
This is awful. I saw a picture of the 10 victims. It is a definite loss. Is there a reason we need those Arabs in the country? I can't believe we welcomed his family here. What an asshole and his asshole religion.

The only reason that Arabs and their non productive third world ilk are 'Needed' in the U.S is to expand the Democrat voter base!

03-25-2021, 08:34 AM
The only reason that Arabs and their non productive third world ilk are 'Needed' in the U.S is to expand the Democrat voter base!

This is the truth. Believe it or not, sand nigger muslims are in fact more dangerous than shitskin niggers. Simply because they can appear more convincing in their lies of being peaceful. The most dangerous combo however is the muslim nigger. That is the most savage animal on the planet.

This "need" is a wild phenomenon that the left exploits to control niggers, and all sort of "immigrants". The more the left can import, the larger its base becomes. This is also the reason they have infected education at the lowest levels. Teaching kids they are victims of white people and republicans before they get out of finger painting.

03-26-2021, 04:20 AM
We have a problem with our civil authorities

1. Not dispensing equal justice under law
If YT did this he'd be gassed like Timmy Mcvey.
Special rites for the brown people.

2. Seeing prisons as rehab facilities and a revolving door justice system.

3. Fearing racism more than terrorist minorities. Why? Is righteous wrath of an offended public now
Unjust? Thats how this American started.

Election and personal virtue signaling apparently trumps public safety here now..