View Full Version : Niglets' new complaint: "adultified by police"

02-18-2021, 02:02 PM
But one exchange from the incident — of cops telling the girl to "stop acting like a child," and her responding, "I am a child!" — has sparked a particular brand of outrage across the country: It’s reinvigorated the discussion about how children of color, like the unidentified girl, are so often seen as adults by white authority figures — and how that perception has proven again and again to be a matter of life and death.

Kessee, a 25-year Denver Police Department and 4-year New York Police Department vet, adds, “Race is a factor in adultification. It’s the same thing that happens with young Black boys and reinforces that Black girls are less innocent."

As Jacobs explained, “Not only do stereotypes about Black female behavior factor in here, but it may also be possible that the girls are triggering [a] masculinity threat or legitimacy threat in the officers.”

Other researchers have looked at this phenomenon: In 2017, one groundbreaking study found that adults perceive Black girls “as less innocent and more adult-like than their white peers, especially in the age range of 5–14,” and that many believed Black girls required less nurturing, protection, comfort and support.

A 2014 study found that both college students and police officers were “far more likely to overestimate the ages of young Black boys than young white boys; they were also less likely to view Black children as innocent.” Further, this research showed that the biases of participants had been reinforced with the subconscious dehumanization of Black children — which also coincided with the amount of force used against them.


When police are dealing with a violent niglet 5 feet tall and 200 pounds, why shouldn't they treat it like any typical adult sowapotamus of the same size? What difference does it make?

We all know the obvious: niggers are subdued more often by police because they chimp out so often, and they're actually subdued at lower rates per chimpout than whites, Asians or Latinos doing the same thing. Niggers should consider themselves lucky they're coddled so much. When they did this fambly a favor by removing a niglet attacking everyone within paw's reach, there was no "threat" to the cops' "masculinity," only threats to the cops and the general public. That oversized niglet acted just as dangerously as adult niggers. When cops shot that Cleveland niglet for pointing a BB gun around a playground, that "child" was 5 foot 7, 180 pounds. The cops had every reason, every right, to assume the weapon was real because the nigger acted like it was real, and the nigger was bigger than some bucks.

When Sandman Sr. would tell me to stop acting like a child, or to grow up, he meant to stop acting unintelligently. He would have never tolerated me acting like niggers typically do. I guess that's now considered a racist, white supremacist upbringing.

Ray Cizzums
02-18-2021, 02:13 PM
That obnoxious little sow deserved the electric whip, but only got marinated with the "peppa spray". By age 11, niggers have matured as much as they're ever going to, most bucks have committed their first felony, and sheboons have been having sex with their mammy's boyfriends for years.

Coon Club Road
02-19-2021, 02:49 AM
This thread reminds me of a joke I put up last year.

Enjoy if you haven't read it:

"Spook in Kindergarten Class"

The little coonie kid comes home from KINDERGARTEN and tells its sheboon mammy, "all the white kids counted to 10, I counted to 2... that cause I be black?"

Mammy replies, "No some kids just learn faster than others".

Same little coonie kid comes home the next day reporting to mammy all the white kids know the alphabet... "But I can only gets to "B"... that cause I be black?"

Mammy replies, "No some kids just learn faster than others".

Little coonie kid comes home the following day... "mammy, mammy, we go on a field trip! Before we leaves the museum teacher takes us pee! All the white boys have these tiny little pee pee's, and I gots this big ole' hog tar paper roll... that cause I be black?"

Mammy says, "no honey, that cause you be 18!"

Jim Crow
02-19-2021, 07:29 AM
If the nigglet wants to act like an adult criminal,it will be treated as such.

02-19-2021, 09:24 AM
if the nigglet wants to act like an adult criminal,it will be treated as such.
