View Full Version : HOLLYWOOD INSIDER's CEO Pritan Ambroase’s Love Letter to Black Lives Matter, or sucks niggers' cock

02-15-2021, 01:08 PM
This spineless cuck, a Thai I think, made this 72 minute video sucking off niggers and #niggerlivesdontmatter
Go to the video and downvote it. The woke cunts seem to have blocked comments surreptitiously, though they seem open. :niggerlover

Ray Cizzums
02-15-2021, 02:22 PM
Sounds like he came out of prison wearing go-go boots, and a mini-skirt.

02-15-2021, 10:15 PM
What a vile cuck. If he loves niggers so much, why doesn't he find a nice cannibal tribe in deep Africa?