View Full Version : Nigger keeps bothering ER, they keep turning it away, then Batwings Fairy comes

02-03-2021, 09:57 AM
ST. PETERS, Mo. (KMOV) - A Missouri family is distraught after their patriarch died. The big question they have - Could their husband and father have been saved?

Her husband David Bell died in the parking lot of the Barnes Jewish St. Peters Hospital after he’d been complaining about severe chest pain.

Both times, she said medical staff refused to admit the 39-year-old father of three, only prescribing him ibuprofen and diagnosing him with an inflamed heart.

Sadie Bell said the employee became concerned after David Bell started having breathing problems.

“He said, ‘Ma’am, he’s already been here twice for the same thing and we’ve already diagnosed him,’” Sadie Bell said.

National medical reports state African Americans often have higher mortality rates because they don’t receive the same health care as white counterparts.

One of the main contributing factors the AMA points out is doctors not addressing pain levels from Black patients.


If niggers didn't always complain "AH CANZ BREEVES" for the smallest thing, maybe human doctors could take them seriously. Can we blame the ER at all? They have actual patients to tend to, not a nigger that brought bad health on itself. Next time, the fambly should just go to a vet's office. They'll get much better and more appropriate service there, so long as they don't take attention away from pets.

Niggers have high mortality rates because even those with some human DNA still clog up their bodies with the worst grease imaginable. This nigger was 39? It looked more like 69 and probably had the cardiovascular health of a human 89 years old.

animal mother
02-03-2021, 10:49 AM
Barnes Jewish St. Peters Hospital

Anyone else confused by this name?

02-03-2021, 10:54 AM

If niggers didn't always complain "AH CANZ BREEVES" for the smallest thing, maybe human doctors could take them seriously. Can we blame the ER at all? They have actual patients to tend to, not a nigger that brought bad health on itself. Next time, the fambly should just go to a vet's office. They'll get much better and more appropriate service there, so long as they don't take attention away from pets.

Niggers have high mortality rates because even those with some human DNA still clog up their bodies with the worst grease imaginable. This nigger was 39? It looked more like 69 and probably had the cardiovascular health of a human 89 years old.
That IS one old looking ape!!

02-03-2021, 10:58 AM
Anyone else confused by this name?

It be duh joooz fault.

Ray Cizzums
02-03-2021, 12:28 PM
God forbid this nigger goes to see a doctor, and gets checked out on his own dime. Anytime libturds talk about blacks "Getting access" to you-name-it, it's about them getting it free. The ER is used as a free doctor's office by bottom feeders, and the "frequent fliers" clog it up so bad, it's useless. 90% of ambulance calls are repeat offending deadbeats.

02-03-2021, 03:14 PM
Anyone else confused by this name?

:lol I wondered about that too. But when it comes to denying gibs to niggers, let's be Judeo-Christian ecumenical!

Jim Crow
02-03-2021, 10:25 PM
Nigger has no business going to a hospitol that treats humans.Couldn’t it have found a good veterinarian nearby? Anyway, I’m glad it croaked. Sad it didn’t take another thousand with it.

02-04-2021, 12:59 AM
You reap what you sow, niggers. Your kind burns, loots, murders, rapes, complains, even though all the opportunities are given to you. This is why humans would rather not deal with you. Your character and butt ugly faces tell us you're not worth saving.

Don't worry, he's in fried chiggun heaven now.

02-05-2021, 04:29 PM
Let's piss and moan after the fact. Did he follow the prescribed regimen of food, drugs and exercise? Probably not. How long have the symptoms existed? Any documented followup to said complaints? Is this another attempt at the Nigger Lottery? Does anyone really give a shit? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Coon Club Road
02-05-2021, 05:52 PM
Anyone else confused by this name?

:lol :lol :lol

02-06-2021, 10:38 PM
No doubt Nigger Lotto to follow, settle out of court. The size of that fambly and it's nigglets. Well it is now where it belongs in DNS.