View Full Version : Burn Loot Murder nomiated for ... the Nobel peace prize

01-30-2021, 01:27 PM
One just can't make that stuff up. You are a nigger? Want the Nobel peace prize? Just burn down entire streets, kill a few people and loot every shop in town, and here we go: Burn Loot Murder goes Barak Hussein O'nigger:
Without any doubt they will get that price in the end.

01-30-2021, 04:47 PM
What the fuck is happening in western countries? What the fuck does Scandinavia know about BLM and niggers in the US? Those politicians who nominate BLM should be forced to live in the souff side of Chicongo and made to walk around naked with a sign around their necks saying I'm a nigger lover. BLM getting the Nobel peace prize is just another regular day in this clown world.

01-30-2021, 06:10 PM
The only reason Norweians would consider giving the Peace Prize to niggers is because there aren't any there. Ship in some Somali refugees, and you would see how fast that nominee would be thrown out.

01-30-2021, 06:53 PM
I’m sure not a single one of those clowns has bothered to look at the finalized 2020 statistics.
Homicide and violent crime records were broken by large margins, all in the name of nigger “justice”. These idiots will all blame Trump and the virus, yet also fail to notice that from the start of the lockdowns up until May crime actually dropped. The liberal way of thinking seems to be “two wrongs make a right”.
However on second thought, a lot of this violence is nigger on nigger or nigger on niggerlover. Isn’t niggers killing niggers essentially crime prevention? Maybe NLDM really does deserve a peace price if it keeps niggers killing each other.

01-30-2021, 10:43 PM
Laughing at ourselves, I guess, there was
an old saying, "A Norske is just a Nigger
turned inside out". In the case of this
Norwegian, this may be fact.

01-31-2021, 06:46 AM
The only reason Norweians would consider giving the Peace Prize to niggers is because there aren't any there. Ship in some Somali refugees, and you would see how fast that nominee would be thrown out.

Actually, they do have (at least for Norwegian circumstances) massive problems with rapefugees, ass lifters in special.

Jim Crow
01-31-2021, 09:30 AM
We need send a few million niggers to live there with them. Before long, they will change their fucking tune.They’ll realize niggers are a worthless vile disgusting and destructive species.

01-31-2021, 01:02 PM
We need send a few million niggers to live there with them. Before long, they will change their fucking tune.They’ll realize niggers are a worthless vile disgusting and destructive species.


02-02-2021, 06:32 PM
the people pushing black supremacy are in power now. they've subverted most institutions. this is just another thing to say they've "won"

02-02-2021, 07:24 PM
the people pushing black supremacy are in power now. they've subverted most institutions. this is just another thing to say they've "won"

They have been doing that for decades. They need the nigger almost as much as the nigger needs them.