View Full Version : 'Kultchah' a.k.a (to humans) Culture

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01-15-2021, 11:07 PM
Could any informed human please give me a few examples of Nigger 'Kultchah'?
(Please try to be as serious as you can)

01-16-2021, 03:34 AM
Could any informed human please give me a few examples of Nigger 'Kultchah'?
(Please try to be as serious as you can)

Niggers do not have a real culture per se. Niggers are quite simply animals. Animals do not have cultures; traits perhaps, but not cultures. Niggers are animals that have the ability to mimic things around them. (A "monkey see; monkey do" sort of thing.) What niggers refer to as culture (at least the North American Pavement Ape variety of nigger) is a mimicry of human culture albeit laced with vulgarity, impropriety, stupidity, treachery, profanity and blasphemy due to the nigger's jealousy of human superiority and embarrassment and shame at their own shortcomings. Their evil tainted mimicry of human culture is an attempt appear equal to humans but with a defiant counter culture. If niggers can believe strongly enough and cross into self delusion, they feel better about themselves. Anyone who has studied niggers and knows what they really are can clearly understand this phenomenon.

Remember, niggers are beasts created by evil and marked by God with the color of evil. They, as a species and as individual specimens, are guilty of all the seven deadly sins. If niggers have a culture, it would be this:
Pride = The "looks at me; I beez special n sheet. I beez the bestest!" nigger
Greed = No amount of robbing and looting will satiate a niggers appetite for shiny baubles and material goods
Lust = muh dik; muh poozie niggers (enough said)
Envy = Niggers envy everything about every non-nigger human around them and try to emulate them as much as possible. They don't even like to breed with their own species. Gluttony = Enormous chiggun eatin', malt liquor swilling niggers and gigantic sheboon land whale niggers that never seem to have enough food money on their EBT cards.
Wrath = The quick to anger and become murderously violent niggers- especially when it's own nigger traits are pointed out to it
Sloth = Niggers will not work and earn their way in life unless forced by a whip, or in some fashion, to do it

01-16-2021, 03:56 AM
Could any informed human please give me a few examples of Nigger 'Kultchah'?
(Please try to be as serious as you can)

The only culture niggers have is in the form of bacterial, viral, yeast or fungal cultures; either on (or in) their body or somewhere in their nest (such as the toilet, sinks, shower/tub, countertop/food prep area, bedding, clothing or floor. I have it on good authority that many a petri dish has been purified with fire and disposed of in the pursuit of knowledge concerning nigger cultures and the dangers they pose to humanity.

01-16-2021, 06:16 AM
Could any informed human please give me a few examples of Nigger 'Kultchah'?
(Please try to be as serious as you can)

That's a tough one. Actually, I don't know of anything they have that compares to 'human' culture. But since 'Kultchah' is defined as the living & group behaviour of any given 'Kultchah', probably Burn Loot Murder can be said to be nigger culture. Reason: They (as group) do that wherever they live, Apefrica, US, Europe, wherever you find niggers you find them burn down things they don't like (Schools, train stations and public buildings in SA and France), robbing and murdering for leisure also is a common thing among them. OH, and of course muh dicking.

01-24-2021, 07:06 PM
Negroidians skanky Cardi B and Offset the ape named their niglet Kultcha.

Prostitution and thuggery are hallmarks of nigger culture. They have the monopoly on that. Whites performing those criminal acts should be correctly accused of cultural appropriation because that's knee-grow hallmark.

01-27-2021, 02:21 AM
The U.S has city sized Petri dishes of Nigger Culture. You probably want to use Google Earth to see them. If you want to zoom in, turn on the 10 o'clock news.

01-27-2021, 06:42 PM
Oh come on. This is easy and you all are getting too scientific. Here are a few examples of nigger kultchah...

1. Hot grease is always on a pan on the stove. Known as the "cook pan" also know as the "immobilizer" there are countless articles written about said pan being used as a weapon, horribly disfiguring another jig for some minor slight. Like eating someone else's ramen, knocking up their sister, etc.

2. One large Sowpatumus, with roughly 6 kids by 7 different fathers. Usually seen carelessly wandering Walmart, wearing ill-fitting clothes, yapping into a headset while their spawn terrorize innocent people and staff.

3. Putting a 3k stereo and 2k rims on a rusted out, $500 dollar 91 Ford Tempo.

4. Never "owning" property. Always renting or getting sucked into a "Community Land Trust" or "Contract for Deed". Which is essentially the same as renting, but they haven't figured that out yet.

5. Zero personal responsibility for anything, this is one of their biggest culture identifications. They never will, nor have they ever, said "I made a mistake" or "I am sorry". When they are cornered, they will fly into a fit of rage and douse said offender with a pan of hot grease from the stove.

The list can go on and on people...

Jim Crow
01-27-2021, 09:23 PM
Niggers aren’t cultured.They are a filthy unintelligent species who look,live and act like filthy beasts.

01-28-2021, 06:27 PM
Niggers aren’t cultured.They are a filthy unintelligent species who look,live and act like filthy beasts.

In other words, niggaz gon" nig.

I hate diversity. Fuck thug and prostitution culture and fuck Burn Loot Murda.