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01-12-2021, 07:20 PM
Watching apes on the gridiron you can tell that this is a species that has, from its very origin, had one skill and one skill only. They were too fucking stupid to even invent weapons..so how does evolution compensate..mother nature gave them the speed to outrun the lions..fast forward hundreds of thousands of years and the groid's only hope of propagating its niglets is to outrun the poleece long enough to impregnate its five baby mamas.

Coon Club Road
01-12-2021, 10:45 PM
"mother nature gave them the speed to outrun the lions.."

And jungle snakes.

01-12-2021, 10:46 PM
"mother nature gave them the speed to outrun the lions.."

And jungle snakes.


Goodman Grey
01-12-2021, 11:45 PM
Niggers would probably be extinct by now if humans hadn't enslaved them and adopted them as pets.


"mother nature gave them the speed to outrun the lions.."

And jungle snakes.

If that were true, then explain why the jungle bunnies enjoy taking the jungle snake in the butt while in nigger university.


The negro should be allowed to perish. Keeping it around is like giving bailouts to failing businesses because they are too big to fail. To this day, I refuse to buy any of the cars that fall under the Government Motors umbrella. I'll give Ford my money long before I give it to those shitbirds.

Unlike most Americans (apparently), I believe in the concept of the meritocracy, where whoever produces the best works gets the most rewards, and the losers suffer by getting nothing. If you find that offensive, you might be the reason why shit like affirmative action for niggers is a thing in the USA.

This might be a controversial opinion, considering what I just said, but I think affirmative action in the civilian world should exist for folks like infantrymen and undesignated seamen who may not have necessarily been trained in skills that directly convert into civilian jobs. I hope nobody takes offense at that, because it wasn't my intent to offend anyone. I think veterans should be given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to getting jobs, unless they have a track record of bad behavior. Not gonna lie: I wouldn't hire someone with a dishonorable discharge, even if they were white.

I mean, contract work does exist if you want to work for certain companies (I don't mind providing the government with plausible deniability every once in a while, as long as I'm getting paid, and especially if our politicians are going out of their way to cover up our legally questionable activities), but for those that want to get away from that stuff, the option should be available.

01-13-2021, 02:49 AM
Niggers biggest oversight in the motherland is that they were too lazy to invent weapons to kill each other with. They needed Whitey to provide them with everything. AIDS takes far too long to keep their population down. If they face famine they have plenty of ghetto lobster to boil. They can even eat the scraps that monkeys and lions leave behind. The only way to get rid of these tenacious roaches is to provide them with better firepower and keep all humans away.

Tell it like it is
01-13-2021, 09:51 AM
Sit back and read, while I tell it like it is.I learned about the TRULY evil nature of the filthy nigger early on in life.I grew up,and remain, in a small town in the deep South.The middle school I attended was surrounded by woods, and one day another child found a baby rabbit at recess.Don't know if it was sick, injured, or scared, but the teacher took the small animal, put it in a box, and told us all about rabbits while we had the chance to view and pet the little animal.Shortly thereafter, the teacher had us all go back outside to release the rabbit back into the woods.That's when I noticed one of the few niggers (back then) was picking up rocks of the playground.It then announced that when the teacher pitched animal down "Ima rock dat mutha! Ima kill it when it run!"Nigger immediately sent back inside, humans released rabbit.What a truly evil,Godless,abhorrent creature the nigger is.To kill an innocent animal for no reason.No wonder they have no respect for the lives of others.I have never shared this story before, but I assure you it is pure fact.This experience helped me to foment a life long disdain for the nigger, and equally for those that coddle them.What in the world could make a human think the nigger is our equal?
That mentality will be the downfall of the great nation, you mark my words.

01-13-2021, 10:04 AM
the only time I liked Justin Beanbag


Full Clip
01-13-2021, 11:16 AM
It's also a fact that many of them evolved to be over 6 ft. tall (eg., Baakabawlers) so that like a giraffe they could reach the berries on the higher tree branches.

01-13-2021, 05:39 PM
They were too fucking stupid to even invent weapons..

With all due respect Sir, but that is a lie! They "invented" the stick ;) ;)

01-13-2021, 06:32 PM
What I've always been confused about is the flat earth argument that there are no differences between races. Can anyone looking at a bassabaw game and searching for all the Chinese centers or an AP math course and trying to find all the niggers really argue that every race is the same? What is the crime in saying different groups have different capabilities? Forgetting the politics, how can people actually believe every lie about nigger IQ when the evidence is stronger than the photos of a round earth from outer space?

Goodman Grey
01-13-2021, 07:34 PM
With all due respect Sir, but that is a lie! They "invented" the stick ;) ;)

Are you talking about the "boomerang" that isn't capable of returning to its user?

Full Clip
01-14-2021, 02:27 AM
Are you talking about the "boomerang" that isn't capable of returning to its user?

Just another hoax 'Taught' at elementary school in Australia about wandering 'Stone Age' primitives who over 40,000 years 'Engineered' (LOL) a 'Special' stick that when thrown maimed or killed its target thereafter magically RETURNING to the hand of the thrower. Yeah, right.....
At least such 'Gifted' (in Physics) specimens also had good hearing because God had apparently told them - 'Don't do anything else until I come back'

01-16-2021, 02:23 AM
With all due respect Sir, but that is a lie! They "invented" the stick ;) ;)

I think chimpanzees were using sticks long before niggers. However, being the peaceful creatures they are, chimpanzees only used sticks to collect ants and termites to eat - not as weapons to kill each other. Niggers invented that trick with the stick.... because they are inherently violent.