View Full Version : Putting up with a nigger at work.

Black Lives Never Matter!
12-25-2020, 07:26 AM
I work in a manufacturing facility for one of those politically correct woke companies. The wages and benefits are pretty good and I’ll be able to retire from there in a few years so it forces me to play nice.My work is maintaining and cleaning packaging equipment for product and size changeovers it’s not bad work for people that want to work.But it’s amazing to me how 30 minutes of dealing with a monkey at shift change can be more stressful than 12 hours of physical labor It’s a shame that a fortune 500 company would put up with a worker that doesn’t even come in on his regular time. He comes in about 30 minutes early to sit on his ass and piss and moan how he should be set up for success yet leave work behind because it didn’t come off on his shift. Takes planned naps and leaves drink bottles and food wrappers behind in an area where there isn’t even supposed to be food. I have called out the shitstain to my immediate management but they either sweep it under the rug so it looks like there’s no issues so they get advanced to the next management position or you get someone that’s totally afraid to deal with it for fear of being called racist. Thankfully in my case I have a happy ending to look forward to after the first of the year.I’m going to another shift and won’t have to deal with his sorry ass on a daily basis. Niggers are gonna Nig but it would be nice if these companies would stop enabling them!

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-25-2020, 10:43 AM
I work in a manufacturing facility for one of those politically correct woke companies. The wages and benefits are pretty good and I’ll be able to retire from there in a few years so it forces me to play nice.My work is maintaining and cleaning packaging equipment for product and size changeovers it’s not bad work for people that want to work.But it’s amazing to me how 30 minutes of dealing with a monkey at shift change can be more stressful than 12 hours of physical labor It’s a shame that a fortune 500 company would put up with a worker that doesn’t even come in on his regular time. He comes in about 30 minutes early to sit on his ass and piss and moan how he should be set up for success yet leave work behind because it didn’t come off on his shift. Takes planned naps and leaves drink bottles and food wrappers behind in an area where there isn’t even supposed to be food. I have called out the shitstain to my immediate management but they either sweep it under the rug so it looks like there’s no issues so they get advanced to the next management position or you get someone that’s totally afraid to deal with it for fear of being called racist. Thankfully in my case I have a happy ending to look forward to after the first of the year.I’m going to another shift and won’t have to deal with his sorry ass on a daily basis. Niggers are gonna Nig but it would be nice if these companies would stop enabling them!

There will just be another on the next shift. Theyre unavoidable.

Jim Crow
12-25-2020, 11:06 AM
I’ve always worked construction. Very little niggers in that environment. Because face it, they don’t like to work.While growing up, my dad ran a liquor warehouse and my uncle ran a garment factory. At one time, they were both in the same building and used the same shipping dock.Located in the nigger area of New Haven Connecticut.
Anyway, from time to time they would hire a magic nigger to sweep,empty garbage cans and maybe carry heavy rolls of fabric into the pattern cutting room. I would hear them talking over a drink together after work in the office,saying” that nigger is OK“.But at the end of every paragraph the sentence “but he still a nigger” would be said.
Niggs would never last long. They would either get arrested and not show up. Get drunk on the job. Or just do “nigger”.When a nigger does “nigger”,It means it puts more effort into making believe it’s doing something productive, than actually do something productive. My dad and uncle hated that most. I’ve seen dad throw a pony sized beer bottle from up in the office,which overlooked the warehouse loading area and hit a lazy nigg in the fucking coconut!Those were the good all days.

12-25-2020, 11:34 AM
I’ve always worked construction. Very little niggers in that environment. Because face it, they don’t like to work.While growing up, my dad ran a liquor warehouse and my uncle ran a garment factory. At one time, they were both in the same building and used the same shipping dock.Located in the nigger area of New Haven Connecticut.
Anyway, from time to time they would hire a magic nigger to sweep,empty garbage cans and maybe carry heavy rolls of fabric into the pattern cutting room. I would hear them talking over a drink together after work in the office,saying” that nigger is OK“.But at the end of every paragraph the sentence “but he still a nigger” would be said.
Niggs would never last long. They would either get arrested and not show up. Get drunk on the job. Or just do “nigger”.When a nigger does “nigger”,It means it puts more effort into making believe it’s doing something productive, than actually do something productive. My dad and uncle hated that most. I’ve seen dad throw a pony sized beer bottle from up in the office,which overlooked the warehouse loading area and hit a lazy nigg in the fucking coconut!Those were the good all days.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish THAT was on video!!

Jim Crow
12-25-2020, 11:40 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish THAT was on video!!
Way before video.And if you like that story, I’ve got plenty more.But I can’t even begin to tell them on the Internet. One involves a carpet and a shovel.The old man and his brother would’ve been generals on a nigger hating site. LOL! They loved to use and abuse niggers.Niggers in pain would actually give them pleasure.

Goodman Grey
12-25-2020, 12:57 PM
Niggers in pain would actually give them pleasure.

Wait a second.

There are people here that don't enjoy making niggers suffer?

I enjoy watching niggers go mentally insane far more than I enjoy seeing them suffer from physical pain. It's also far more difficult to get in trouble as a result of driving them mad, because niggers tend to lack the ability to communicate in a way that humans understand, meaning that almost nothing ever gets done.

And as much as some folks say otherwise, on some level they probably think all niggers are batshit crazy.

Another fun thing with niggers is when you make them go cray cray, they tend to immediately seek out a weaker target for their aggression, and then they end up in nigger university. It makes me laugh when I watch them rage impotently and scream at police officers.

"The White Man made me do it! He is the devil!"


No nigger, I only gave you a choice. You chose to do the wrong thing.

edit: I have to admit, though, if we lived in a society where all humans had remote controls, and all niggers had to wear shock collars that the humans could activate with their remote controls, I'd be clicking that thing every single time I encountered a nigger. :D

Imagine how funny it would be if you could walk into a nigger restaurant and make them all dance the electric slide at the same time.

12-26-2020, 09:56 AM
Way before video.And if you like that story, I’ve got plenty more.But I can’t even begin to tell them on the Internet. One involves a carpet and a shovel.The old man and his brother would’ve been generals on a nigger hating site. LOL! They loved to use and abuse niggers.Niggers in pain would actually give them pleasure.

It gives me pleasure as well!!

12-26-2020, 10:29 AM
I’ve seen dad throw a pony sized beer bottle from up in the office,which overlooked the warehouse loading area and hit a lazy nigg in the fucking coconut!Those were the good all days.


12-26-2020, 12:38 PM
Typical lazy nigger.
Well, it looks like your company found itself the next chief officer.

Coon Club Road
12-26-2020, 03:02 PM
When you "work" with a nigger, you can be assured you will do more "work" because the nigger won't.

12-26-2020, 05:56 PM
When you "work" with a nigger, you can be assured you will do more "work" because the nigger won't.

Every TIME when I worked a job with niggers on the payroll THAT was the case!!

Ray Cizzums
12-26-2020, 07:16 PM
Back in the mid '70s, I worked stocking shelves in a small supermarket after school. There were a dozen of us stock boys, and about 15 cashiers, all nice high school girls. One of the perks of working retail, was hearing a manager say "Security up front" on the PA system. That meant someone was about to relived of their stolen merchandise, and exited from the premises, and we got to do it. We didn't have much of a criminal element, and the only blacks we saw were mammies who'd pay for full shopping carts, with stacks of food stamps. They were obviously reselling what they bought. For whatever reason, they hired some nigger from Queens, as a security guard. "Goody" was a Kareem Abdul Jaboon-looking bean pole, who was supposedly a karate expert. Soon as he arrived, anything of value in the employee's coat pockets was stolen, the cigarette room was pilfered, and the manager found merch hidden by the dumpster outside. I hid out by the coats one day, caught that nigger rifling them, and we squared off. He threw a lame kick my way, and I caught his foot and pushed him into a pile of cartons. Fortunately for him, an assistant manager had been in a hide by the cigarette room, and broke it up. That was the last time anyone saw Goody the spook.

Jim Crow
12-26-2020, 08:43 PM
It gives me pleasure as well!!
As it does me. But these guys were a little special.Because they actually vetted out their anger towards apes in physical ways. And back in those days, before the technology we have today,it was easy to get away with cream things.
My dad and his siblings grew up in a beautiful neighborhood in the 1920s and 1930’s.They watched niggs move into to their beautiful neighborhood,drive all the humans out and turn it into a total slum. Their hatred for niggers was very very deep.They wanted revenge.

01-01-2021, 08:33 PM
My bosses tolerate nigger behavior as well unfortunately. And since the big Floyd nigger was made good more are on the way it sounds like.