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View Full Version : BLM TERRORISTS Attack Children's Cancer Charity Fundraiser in Milwaukee

Nigger Wrangler
12-19-2020, 07:45 PM
Filthy Nigger Lives (Don't) Matter terrorists show up at a CHILDREN'S CANCER CHARITY event and start their horseshit.

These savages have no idea how to act in civilized human society.

God damn it.


Coon Club Road
12-19-2020, 11:44 PM
No surprise as to what a tribe of niggers will do!

Jubal A. Early
12-20-2020, 12:41 AM
Worthless beasts

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 08:14 AM
I think niggers just enjoy making life miserable for everyone around them.

There is no other logical explanation.

12-20-2020, 01:35 PM
Do you see what you've done, Abe?


12-20-2020, 05:57 PM
Just keep waking more people up niggers, this one I’m going to keep as some ammo for some worthless nigger worshippers.
They demand “equality” and “justice” yet they’re terrorizing people who want to help children who are probably more oppressed by Mother Nature than some worthless nigger that can sit in some section ape nest getting a free check monthly? Fuck you, niggers. You are truly parasites. All that money your worthless bowel movement raised and you haven’t helped a single niglet out.
Niggers will never help a soul, they are truly selfish monsters. Maybe the reason whitey has done so well is because they’ve done so much to help the truly unfortunate of this world and that’s the best way to get treated equally.
White reputation, not privilege.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 07:41 PM
Do you see what you've done, Abe?

Don't worry. The liberals are trying to delete Abe from history.

They say that Abe was the one that put slavery into law, and that all of BLM's problems were caused by Dishonest Abe. Abe was also said to have manufactured COVID-19 in his log cabins, and that he gave it negro slaves.

12-20-2020, 08:33 PM
Just when I thought BLM could go no lower. Ruining a children's cancer fundraising display. Because it's always ALL about niggers.

White reputation, not privilege.


The niggs who came to America are WAY better off than they would be had they stayed in the incontinent called Apefrica.

12-20-2020, 09:18 PM
These are worse than terrorists these are Niggerists.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 11:19 PM
The niggs who came to America are WAY better off than they would be had they stayed in the incontinent called Apefrica.

I think what really makes them angry is the fact that our schools make it possible for niglets to learn exactly how subhuman and inferior they are.

They want to erase human accomplishments so niggers won't have such poor self-esteem.

But... even if history was blackwashed, it would still cause cognitive dissonance when niggers are exposed, in real life, to how inferior they are when compared to the human species. For the nigger, the only solution is to eliminate all superior races so they won't have to deal with their inferiority.

For the nigger can only be happy in isolation, alone, away from the civilized world. Exposure to the modern world can only serve to harm the poor negro's mind, and in order to help it be satisfied and happy, it should be relocated to an ideal part of the world: Africa.

12-20-2020, 11:22 PM
I think what really makes them angry is the fact that our schools make it possible for niglets to learn exactly how subhuman and inferior they are. Exactly. And mathematics instruction, in particular, is suffering because the chimps can't keep up.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 11:25 PM
Exactly. And mathematics instruction, in particular, is suffering because the chimps can't keep up.

Even if they gave niggers those fancy graphing calculators that do most of the work, niggers would still find a way to fail.

I know some consider even those basic 8 digit calculators "cheating," but if you don't know how to get the proper result, the calculator is useless.

Suppose you want to calculate the probability of a specific event happening or not happening, say, 14 hours from now. A calculator may help, but similarly, if you don't know how to take the data and convert it into something you can actually use, well... (some stuff in the military got excessively nerdy)