View Full Version : Houdini nigger wearing shackles/cuffs escapes prison transport van while it was in McDonald's drive through

Whitey Ford
12-17-2020, 04:08 AM
How much you want to bet that the guards driving the van were niggers too?
"Yo Latrelle, yooz wanna go through dat Mickey D's drive in? Ahhh beez hongry!"
"Sho mudafuggah. Jus' be sho an roll up dat window soz dat prisoner don' get out an sheeyit."
"Alright. Ah be wantin' one o' dem chikkin nuggets meals. Dey beez da bomb diggety fo' shizzle."
Video shows murder suspect escape from transport van in Gary
Leon Taylor, 22, is wanted on a murder charge for a homicide in East Chicago and was in the process of being extradited to Lake County from Texas, officials said.


Leon Taylor, 22, made his escape about 3 p.m. Monday while the van was stopped at a McDonald’s at 35th and Grant streets in Gary, the Lake County sheriff’s office said in a statement.

The video shows the van stopped at the restaurant’s drive-thru when Taylor, who appears to be handcuffed, opens the back seat and flees. Moments later, the driver gets out of the car and runs after him.

“This driver initially told our officers the suspect jumped out of a window, but the video clearly shows him exiting through a door to the vehicle,” said Lake County Sheriff Oscar Martinez Jr. “We are looking into this matter as part of an extensive review of the case.”

“I find it appalling that REDI Transports failed to use appropriate caution and may have put the public at risk,” Martinez added.


Midder Peenud Hayed
12-17-2020, 05:23 PM
It's easy to slip out of cuffs when you don't have opposable thumbs.

Goodman Grey
12-17-2020, 05:58 PM
I didn't know it was possible for convicted felons to just open the doors on prison transports from the inside and just walk away. Do they not lock the doors anymore?

I'm surprised we haven't lost more inmates.

This is what happens when the guards are dumber than the criminals. They probably didn't know that cars have child locks that prevent certain doors from being opened from the inside. Even the nigger was probably shocked when it tried to open the door and it actually worked.

Also, it looks like they put zipties on the nigger instead of actual handcuffs.

What they SHOULD be using are explosive collars.


Coon Club Road
12-17-2020, 07:19 PM
If the transport van was driven by coon guards, there would have been a higher probability they would have been in the KFC drive by lane at the time of the escape.

12-17-2020, 07:29 PM
Why does this remind me of a Simpsons episode? It was an older episode, and the scene with the paddy wagon in the drive through was a parody of the train wreck scene in The Fugitive.

12-17-2020, 07:53 PM
I didn't know it was possible for convicted felons to just open the doors on prison transports from the inside and just walk away. Do they not lock the doors anymore?

I'm surprised we haven't lost more inmates.

This is what happens when the guards are dumber than the criminals. They probably didn't know that cars have child locks that prevent certain doors from being opened from the inside. Even the nigger was probably shocked when it tried to open the door and it actually worked.

Also, it looks like they put zipties on the nigger instead of actual handcuffs.

What they SHOULD be using are explosive collars. The guards were niggers too, I bet.

Jim Crow
12-17-2020, 08:55 PM
That’s incompetence. They should’ve had a Nager‘s ankles shackled too!

Goodman Grey
12-17-2020, 11:36 PM
Why does this remind me of a Simpsons episode? It was an older episode, and the scene with the paddy wagon in the drive through was a parody of the train wreck scene in The Fugitive.


Buck Simian
12-18-2020, 12:15 AM
.....Being transported in a van operated by a private company.

Who was that? Uber?
Why on earth would they be transporting someone who is facing trial for muder in a van without actual law enforcement?

Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 12:55 AM
Who was that? Uber?
Why on earth would they be transporting someone who is facing trial for muder in a van without actual law enforcement?

They probably defunded the police and actual law enforcement officers weren't available.

Maybe from now on they'll consider issuing out MRE's to these assclowns so they can't use fast food as an excuse for niggers escaping again. Or... lock the doors, and/or cuff the prisoner to a metal bar inside the vehicle (with actual pawcuffs made out of metal).

It's like they hired the most mentally challenged retards to guard this murdering nigger.

Whitey Ford
12-18-2020, 02:47 AM
I didn't know it was possible for convicted felons to just open the doors on prison transports from the inside and just walk away. Do they not lock the doors anymore?

I'm surprised we haven't lost more inmates.

This is what happens when the guards are dumber than the criminals. They probably didn't know that cars have child locks that prevent certain doors from being opened from the inside. Even the nigger was probably shocked when it tried to open the door and it actually worked.

Also, it looks like they put zipties on the nigger instead of actual handcuffs.

What they SHOULD be using are explosive collars.


That scene from Cloud Atlas was based loosely on the old Japanese No-Pan Kissa Cafe's. My Uncle went to one in the 80's when he was in Japan while still in the Air Force.

No-pan kissa (ノーパン喫茶, literally "no-panties cafe") is a Japanese term for maid cafés where the waitresses wear short skirts with no underwear. The floors, or sections of the floor, were sometimes mirrored.[1]

Customers order drinks and snacks, and generally touch the staff.[2] The shops otherwise look like normal coffee shops, rather than sex establishments, although they charged a premium price for the coffee.[1] Previously, most sex establishments had been establishments, such as soaplands and pink salons, with professional prostitutes. No-pan kissa were a popular employment choice amongst some women because they paid well and generally required little sexual contact with the customers.

The first one to open was in Osaka in 1980.[3] Initially, all of them were in remote areas outside the traditional entertainment districts. Within a year, large numbers had opened in many more places, such as major railway stations.[4]


12-18-2020, 04:16 AM
It's easy to slip out of cuffs when you don't have opposable thumbs.

Oh, if that could only be true!
We wouldn't have so many niggers with pawguns running around!

Why does this remind me of a Simpsons episode? It was an older episode, and the scene with the paddy wagon in the drive through was a parody of the train wreck scene in The Fugitive.

You know, I think they should coontract the work out to RB & B&B Circus. Their trains aren't doing much nowadays and I've never heard of them loosing an ape. They look a lot more secure and your NFW caboose could drag up the rear to bag any escaping apes!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. pfogEyIetO9TKZqSUMmSawHaE8%26o%3D6%26pid%3DApi&f=1

12-21-2020, 05:00 PM
If niggers transporting a criminal allow the criminal to escape, then the niggers should be sent to the same jail as replacements, until the escaped criminal is caught. This will prevent "accidents" like this.