View Full Version : Savage nigger attacks young woman on subway train.

12-06-2020, 03:08 PM
Woman attacked on Miami Metromover tells Local 10 she fears her life will never be the same

Nigger did this to two other women that night. Released on a 1K bond. This woman is lucky to be alive. Niggers choose the targets for their hate crimes carefully. Oh, wait. It can't be a hate crime if a nigger does it. Probably retribution for slabery.

This video is disturbing.


Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 03:27 PM
Hard to watch that pretty Cuban girl getting bashed around for no fucking reason by an ugly vicious nigger gorilla. If I was on the train, trust me it would’ve ended differently. But unfortunately the cowardly gorilla attacked the defenseless woman when she was alone. .
South Florida. No excuse for her not to be carrying a weapon. Firearms and permits are easy to acquire in FL. My honey is strapped when she sticks a litter in the mailbox out front.LOL! my neighborhood is very safe. But my motto is “ It’s better to not need it and have it, that to need it and not have it”.

Ray Cizzums
12-06-2020, 04:26 PM
Nigger did this to two other women that night. Released on a 1K bond. This woman is lucky to be alive. Niggers choose the targets for their hate crimes carefully. Oh, wait. It can't be a hate crime if a nigger does it. Probably retribution for slabery.

I rode the rails when I worked construction in NYC. The schvuggers would always look around on the platform, or in the car, for white devils that looked like trouble. That would be any blue collar guys with hard hands, or those they thought might be cops - that would be me, either way. Jigs and spigs would often run in all directions, yelling 5-0, when they saw me on the street. My cop buddies told me any big white guy in jeans or khakis, wearing New Balance running shoes, was automatically presumed to be The Man. I always did the head swivel when I walked, and looked right at everyone. The skells would shuffle off for sure when they saw that. They knew the construction guys would back each other up, even if we were strangers. We would hear liver-lipping, and then one by one, start standing up. That would usually be the end of it. I shut down the "Showtime" niggers a couple of times, when they started trying to shake down "donations" for their animal act. I hear things are much worse in the city these days, with niggers jerking off and shitting in plain sight of everyone. Thanks Democrats !

12-06-2020, 07:32 PM
Hard to watch that pretty Cuban girl getting bashed around for no fucking reason by an ugly vicious nigger gorilla. If I was on the train, trust me it would’ve ended differently. But unfortunately the cowardly gorilla attacked the defenseless woman when she was alone. .
South Florida. No excuse for her not to be carrying a weapon. Firearms and permits are easy to acquire in FL. My honey is strapped when she sticks a litter in the mailbox out front.LOL! my neighborhood is very safe. But my motto is “ It’s better to not need it and have it, that to need it and not have it”.

Yeah, the savage wouldn't have launched that feral attack had a man been in the car. Small women, the elderly and the very young are their targets. That woman's life will never be the same, especially knowing this particular nigger will be out in no time, looking for his next victim. But libtards don't give a shit about the victims. It's all about the niggers, and their amoral, nickel-grabbing lawyers will move heaven and earth to let him out. I can only hope this lawyer is the next victim.

12-06-2020, 07:58 PM
For such a lovely young human to be the victim of a wild animal attack sickens me. The system failed her. There is no doubt in my mind that this was not it's first offense. When a dog attacks a human, there is no second chance given. It is destroyed. When will we learn that just because a wild animal can form sentences, that doesn't make it human or safe to be around. Everyone sees parrots speaking English in complete sentences, right? Cute, right? If those parrots were 6 foot tall and viciously attacked humans, especially in the numbers that niggers attack humans, they would be hunted to near extinction to protect us until they only existed in the confines of zoos or their natural habitats in the jungles away from us.

Zoos or jungles. That's the only place they belong and the only places where their numbers can be scientifically controlled. We do it with other wild animals, why not niggers? Bears would be eating us alive if we didn't allow hunting for population control.

There is some serious hypocrisy going on here.

Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 08:02 PM
Yeah, the savage wouldn't have launched that feral attack had a man been in the car. Small women, the elderly and the very young are their targets. That woman's life will never be the same, especially knowing this particular nigger will be out in no time, looking for his next victim. But libtards don't give a shit about the victims. It's all about the niggers, and their amoral, nickel-grabbing lawyers will move heaven and earth to let him out. I can only hope this lawyer is the next victim.
Florida. I don’t think that gorilla niggers going to be free for a long time.

Goodman Grey
12-06-2020, 08:02 PM
It is going for the incompetency excuse!

Regardless of whether it is in nigger university or a sanitarium, it needs to be caged and kept away from society!

There should be a three strikes rule for niggers: Commit three felonies and you get sterilized.

That may seem like a lot of felonies, but niggers usually commit multiple felonies at once.

12-06-2020, 08:32 PM
It is going for the incompetency excuse!

Regardless of whether it is in nigger university or a sanitarium, it needs to be caged and kept away from society!

There should be a three strikes rule for niggers: Commit three felonies and you get sterilized.

That may seem like a lot of felonies, but niggers usually commit multiple felonies at once.

But that would be a violation of the dangerous, savage nigger's rights. Its victims? They have no rights.

12-06-2020, 08:38 PM
That was attempted murder by a cowardly nigger. Terrifying. She should sue the nigger and the city.

I hear things are much worse in the city these days, with niggers jerking off and shitting in plain sight of everyone. Thanks Democrats !

Hadn't heard that before, and so looked it up. Yikes!!!


LA, being in Fornicalia, is even worse:


I last visited NYC thirteen years ago. It was safe and clean. This was before nigger-lover de Blasio. A nigger panhandler approached me, asked for $100, saying, "Inflation, y'know?".

12-06-2020, 09:15 PM
Nigger did this to two other women that night. Released on a 1K bond. This woman is lucky to be alive. Niggers choose the targets for their hate crimes carefully. Oh, wait. It can't be a hate crime if a nigger does it. Probably retribution for slabery.

This video is disturbing.


I wish I was on that train. I would have given that nigger a JUSTIFIABLE curb sammich without the mayo!! I do have a Florida Class D Security license, and I would have been justified in stopping that ASSAULT!!

12-06-2020, 09:25 PM
I wish I was on that train. I would have given that nigger a JUSTIFIABLE curb sammich without the mayo!! I do have a Florida Class D Security license, and I would have been justified in stopping that ASSAULT!!

I wish the same thing!

Call Me Bwana
12-08-2020, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE=Goodman Grey;144896]It is going for the incompetency excuse!

Regardless of whether it is in nigger university or a sanitarium, it needs to be caged and kept away from society!

There should be a three strikes rule for niggers: Commit three felonies and you get sterilized.

Personally, I’m a firm believer in pre-crime when it comes to the nigger beast. You KNOW they are going to commit crimes, so why wait until they do them? I say, Lock them up first, and spare humans from being their victims.

Rastus Nigger
12-08-2020, 09:42 PM
The perfect windchime candidate. :zman

12-09-2020, 09:09 AM
niggers ruin lives. Simple.

Worthless bastard creatures !


12-09-2020, 09:14 AM
Hard to watch that pretty Cuban girl getting bashed around for no fucking reason by an ugly vicious nigger gorilla. If I was on the train, trust me it would’ve ended differently. But unfortunately the cowardly gorilla attacked the defenseless woman when she was alone. .
South Florida. No excuse for her not to be carrying a weapon. Firearms and permits are easy to acquire in FL. My honey is strapped when she sticks a litter in the mailbox out front.LOL! my neighborhood is very safe. But my motto is “ It’s better to not need it and have it, that to need it and not have it”.

I was married to a Cuban girl. SHe REALLY HATED niggers. She has a concealed carry so if that silverback tried that shit with her it would have had a meeting with the Bat Fairy!!

12-09-2020, 09:15 AM
[QUOTE=Goodman Grey;144896]It is going for the incompetency excuse!

Regardless of whether it is in nigger university or a sanitarium, it needs to be caged and kept away from society!

There should be a three strikes rule for niggers: Commit three felonies and you get sterilized.

Personally, I’m a firm believer in pre-crime when it comes to the nigger beast. You KNOW they are going to commit crimes, so why wait until they do them? I say, Lock them up first, and spare humans from being their victims.


12-09-2020, 09:19 AM
Florida. I don’t think that gorilla niggers going to be free for a long time.

It would be nice if they threw the silver back in the prison yard with 10 members of the Aryan Nation working out!! That ape would get KARMIC RETRIBUTION in a nano second!!

12-09-2020, 10:35 AM
They are just like us, sure! :gorilla

12-09-2020, 06:05 PM
They are just like us, sure! :gorilla

Yep!! NOT!!!!!!!!

Jim Crow
12-09-2020, 09:12 PM
I was married to a Cuban girl. SHe REALLY HATED niggers. She has a concealed carry so if that silverback tried that shit with her it would have had a meeting with the Bat Fairy!!
I am ready at all times to set up that same kind of meeting.No takers! I even posted a break window and enter for free Ribs n chiggun on my front door!

12-09-2020, 09:45 PM
I am ready at all times to set up that same kind of meeting.No takers! I even posted a break window and enter for free Ribs n chiggun on my front door!


12-12-2020, 05:05 PM
Hard to watch that pretty Cuban girl getting bashed around for no fucking reason by an ugly vicious nigger gorilla. If I was on the train, trust me it would’ve ended differently. But unfortunately the cowardly gorilla attacked the defenseless woman when she was alone. .
South Florida. No excuse for her not to be carrying a weapon. Firearms and permits are easy to acquire in FL. My honey is strapped when she sticks a litter in the mailbox out front.LOL! my neighborhood is very safe. But my motto is “ It’s better to not need it and have it, that to need it and not have it”.

I carry regardless of the laws of any particular state. Do not care. When It comes to niggers, I'll take my chances being judged by 12 rather than carried by 6. Who cares what the law is in any particular state. The point of concealed carry is keep it hidden until you need it.

Jim Crow
12-12-2020, 10:04 PM
I carry regardless of the laws of any particular state. Do not care. When It comes to niggers, I'll take my chances being judged by 12 rather than carried by 6. Who cares what the law is in any particular state. The point of concealed carry is keep it hidden until you need it.
I think you speak for every gun guy.What you posted goes without saying.

Coon Club Road
12-12-2020, 10:30 PM
"... Keep it hidden until you need it."


12-13-2020, 07:11 PM
I remember reading an article about these stupid Ghetto Lobsters waving their guns around in their car while jamming to their Coon Tunes. Police saw them and they of course they were arrested. Normal humans don't chimpout in public brandishing their weapons. Such a sub human species. :nuffins:nuffins:nuffins:nuffins:nuffins