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Tell it like it is
11-25-2020, 07:25 PM
I know this virus has made life difficult for a lot of people.Down here in the deep South, there are help wanted signs everywhere, but it may not be like that everywhere.My question is this....why are there miles long lines at every food handout, with the "needy" driving better cars that I do? I know it is not all niggers, but they seem to be the majority.I work for a living, and I don't have a new car.I drive a 2001,2007,1998, or 1992, depending which one has gas in it.I work my butt off at a job I hate, but I have a little security.Hell, when I was growing up, poor people didn't have old cars, they had NO car.Poor folks didn't have smart phones, they didn't even have tv.And having more bastard kids than you could afford was not a disability.Am I just lucky, or was I just raised to work for a living?

Goodman Grey
11-25-2020, 09:39 PM
Some of them probably got those fancy new cars before they lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

The repo man will come for them eventually.

11-25-2020, 09:52 PM
Some of them probably got those fancy new cars before they lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

The repo man will come for them eventually.

Or they could be niggers who get new cars and know they have no intention of paying for them. Car gets repo'ed, lather, rinse and repeat.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-26-2020, 02:48 AM
Car probably has a 32% interest rate and theyll never pay for it. Niggers would rather have a shiny car than a home to live in. Theyll nest up with 10 other niggers if it means they can buy dat excalade.

11-26-2020, 09:51 AM
I saw on the news where a food bank worker was loading the cars with food. He said that he has to move air mattresses and clothing out of the way first because they're living in the car now.

I'm always donating stuff to the food bank here - items that looked so good when I bought them but somehow don't seem as appetizing now. Fortunately there are no niggers around here, so I know my donation goes to a good cause. If I thought it was to benefit a nigger, I'd throw it away instead.

11-26-2020, 10:15 AM
When I was born, we lived in a dump. We had no TV or radio. My parents ..........worked!

11-26-2020, 10:29 AM
Car probably has a 32% interest rate and theyll never pay for it. Niggers would rather have a shiny car than a home to live in. Theyll nest up with 10 other niggers if it means they can buy dat excalade.

I saw one nigger on a court show who was paying nearly 100% interest on some hoopty he bought from one of those "No Credit? No Problem!" places. But as I said, it doesn't matter if it's 200% because the niggers won't pay it anyway.

11-26-2020, 10:39 AM
Some of them probably got those fancy new cars before they lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

The repo man will come for them eventually.

I had a friend who worked as a Repo Man. He told me many funny stories about repo'ing niggers hoopties!!

Coon Club Road
11-26-2020, 11:04 AM
I'll never forget an inner city newspaper picture I saw back in the 70's of 2 or 3 brand new Caddies parked at the curb in front of a row of the most ramshackle houses you've ever seen.

Nigger living at its best!

Tell it like it is
11-26-2020, 11:46 AM
I had a great uncle who left God's Country and moved to Detroit in the 50s.
He would come back home and tell stories about all the tar paper shacks with new Caddys sitting out front.I guess niggers have always been more about "show" than "go".
Sadly, it would seem, more Whites are following the nigger example of "buy now and cry later".The whole if I want it, I am entitled to it mentality.You are entitled to what you can afford,and nothing more.

(Disclamer: Nothing in the above post is meant to demean or dismiss the TRULY sick or disabled, only the TRULY stupid.)

11-26-2020, 12:10 PM
I had a great uncle who left God's Country and moved to Detroit in the 50s.
He would come back home and tell stories about all the tar paper shacks with new Caddys sitting out front.I guess niggers have always been more about "show" than "go".
Sadly, it would seem, more Whites are following the nigger example of "buy now and cry later".The whole if I want it, I am entitled to it mentality.You are entitled to what you can afford,and nothing more.

(Disclamer: Nothing in the above post is meant to demean or dismiss the TRULY sick or disabled, only the TRULY stupid.)

This is the same reason a nigger will put $10,000 into a $500 Pontiac in the form of $9,975 in woofers, 26 inch rims, and gaudy paint. Then a $25 tint job. It is all about look-a-me. They will have 6 screaming niglets all in different section 8 shacks and be behind on child support, bills, and rent but thanks to the corner store allowing them to trade their food stamps for cash they can still afford this shit.

11-26-2020, 01:27 PM
I'll never forget an inner city newspaper picture I saw back in the 70's of 2 or 3 brand new Caddies parked at the curb in front of a row of the most ramshackle houses you've ever seen.

Nigger living at its best!

When I worked for the philthadelphia housing authority in the mid 80's I would see that all of the time!!

Jim Crow
11-26-2020, 02:15 PM
They keep talking about covid19 and how all these niggers are going through hardships. I was in Walmart yesterday. Mrs. Crow asked me to pick up some things for her.It was mud shark day. All I saw was a big fat YT mud sharks whiff lil niggas. They were ugly disgusting and smelly. But what I noticed was, that they all had full shopping carts.Somebody’s giving them money!
I got out of there as quick as I could. While driving home a nigger in little blue car trying to turn into a subdivision.I was flying, probably 60 miles an hour. Rushing to get home.Nigger tried to turn in front of me. Nager ended up eating a curb, bushes and a post that holds the keypad.Front end crushed.Antifreeze leaking out..It was so hilarious, I made a U-turn to come around and look.

11-26-2020, 04:13 PM
“Look before, or you’ll find yourself behind.”

"Neither a borrower or a lender be, BE FRUGAL AND BE FREE!"
Benjamin Franklin

People always leave off that last part - much to their own undoing.