View Full Version : Google is Evil and Disgusting!

11-12-2020, 10:55 AM
Hi guys,
you probably already heard that, but if not (sadly I have no idea how to post screenshots here so you have to give this a try by your own): Search for "happy woman", and then for "happy white woman" in the google picture search machine. It is DISGUSTING! "happy woman" results loads of pictures of smiling (white!) humans, where as "happy white woman" shows coal burning couples.
Since google probably will deny to be racist, just do the same search in qwant.com or yandex.com! Would not have thought I'd have to rely on a russian search engine to get unbiased information.

11-12-2020, 11:35 AM
I found that out quite some time ago when I needed pictures of a happy couple for a project. There are a few beta oil drillers, but a TON of mudshark pictures. Disgusting brainwashing.

Aww. Look how happy she is with her revolting, sub-simian nigger buck.


11-12-2020, 12:49 PM
I found that out quite some time ago when I needed pictures of a happy couple for a project. There are a few beta oil drillers, but a TON of mudshark pictures. Disgusting brainwashing.

Aww. Look how happy she is with her revolting, sub-simian nigger buck.


Ups, I meant mudshark of course! Just did not proof read my post, was so angry I just had to steam off immediately - sorry for that!

Jim Crow
11-12-2020, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure never to do a “happy woman “search on Google. Because I do not want to see that shit.

11-12-2020, 01:51 PM
I am currently disentangling myself from google. I've seen the light. Youtube, email, searching, tracking...all corruptible ! Fuck them. They have been over powered by the dark side.

11-12-2020, 02:34 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure never to do a “happy woman “search on Google. Because I do not want to see that shit.

You're better off. I was shocked at what I saw. That pic I posted is very mild compared to the other, sick-making stuff.

11-12-2020, 02:54 PM
I found that out quite some time ago when I needed pictures of a happy couple for a project. There are a few beta oil drillers, but a TON of mudshark pictures. Disgusting brainwashing.

Aww. Look how happy she is with her revolting, sub-simian nigger buck.


I just PUKED up my lunch!!

11-12-2020, 05:22 PM
The good thing about Google, though:

Type "Miss Ireland and nigger" or "Norwegian princess and nigger". AFAIK it still recognizes who the niggers in question are.

11-12-2020, 07:33 PM
I was puzzled at how so many beautiful, white and usually blond young women want the blackest, most ape-like bucks they could find. But oh, they are just models. We know the usual mudsharks are obese and/or fugly, low-class, trailer-trash skanks and sluts who figure a nigger is better than being alone. Won't see them on Google images!

11-13-2020, 06:16 AM
Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! Thank good I just recently got rid of Google, Apple and Facebook! Pure evil!

"Happy white woman": https://ibb.co/9Gr0brN

"Happy woman": https://ibb.co/g7Q6zSs

11-13-2020, 06:23 AM
I was puzzled at how so many beautiful, white and usually blond young women want the blackest, most ape-like bucks they could find.
My sentiments, exactly! It is disgusting!

But oh, they are just models. We know the usual mudsharks are obese and/or fugly, low-class, trailer-trash skanks and sluts who figure a nigger is better than being alone. Won't see them on Google images!
No, sorry, to my mind that is inexcusable! If a model accepts to take such pictures, she fully and intentionally supports that kind of nonsense. Therefore she probably is already a mudshark, or at least not opposing.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2020, 08:27 AM
I was puzzled at how so many beautiful, white and usually blond young women want the blackest, most ape-like bucks they could find. But oh, they are just models. We know the usual mudsharks are obese and/or fugly, low-class, trailer-trash skanks and sluts who figure a nigger is better than being alone. Won't see them on Google images!

Exactly. “Stand here next to this nigger for a “happy white woman” photo op”
Meanwhile, the nigger is really muh dikkin the ugliest white piece of shit with her own gravitational pull talkin about how he be stealin all da wyte wimminz.

11-13-2020, 11:44 AM
My sentiments, exactly! It is disgusting!

No, sorry, to my mind that is inexcusable! If a model accepts to take such pictures, she fully and intentionally supports that kind of nonsense. Therefore she probably is already a mudshark, or at least not opposing.

I certainly see your point. However, people need to earn a living and pay their bills and these days if models refuse to pose with niggers or, in the case of actresses, do stomach-turning sex scenes with greasy bucks (which now seems obligatory but mostly only for women), not only will they never work again but they will be publicly ridiculed and figuratively stoned to death by an angry mob of hypocrites. I don't envy any of them.

11-13-2020, 03:27 PM
The good thing about Google, though:

Type "Miss Ireland and nigger" or "Norwegian princess and nigger". AFAIK it still recognizes who the niggers in question are.

I see your intention. But still, I was truly disgusted by the result of "Norwegian princess and nigger":

11-13-2020, 08:06 PM
I certainly see your point. However, people need to earn a living and pay their bills and these days if models refuse to pose with niggers or, in the case of actresses, do stomach-turning sex scenes with greasy bucks (which now seems obligatory but mostly only for women), not only will they never work again but they will be publicly ridiculed and figuratively stoned to death by an angry mob of hypocrites. I don't envy any of them.

Shows how FUCKED UP the world is today!!

11-14-2020, 09:14 AM
I certainly see your point. However, people need to earn a living and pay their bills and these days if models refuse to pose with niggers or, in the case of actresses, do stomach-turning sex scenes with greasy bucks (which now seems obligatory but mostly only for women), not only will they never work again but they will be publicly ridiculed and figuratively stoned to death by an angry mob of hypocrites. I don't envy any of them.

You are of course right. But I have two objections. First, not standing up to ones values is the reason for all this misery. But of course you are right, sometimes people can't refuse. Second, if models really wanted, most of the time they certainly could find some other excuses for not doing that exact job. Besides: "Model" is - at least to my mind - some sort of a no go job. Even the super unknown ones get paid hourly wages beyond imagination, even though there is not created anything of real use or value. (My company once hired a hand model for an ad picture, she was paid triple-digit per hour. The photographer earned 50 bucks...)

11-14-2020, 05:13 PM
you are of course right. But i have two objections. First, not standing up to ones values is the reason for all this misery. But of course you are right, sometimes people can't refuse. Second, if models really wanted, most of the time they certainly could find some other excuses for not doing that exact job. Besides: "model" is - at least to my mind - some sort of a no go job. Even the super unknown ones get paid hourly wages beyond imagination, even though there is not created anything of real use or value. (my company once hired a hand model for an ad picture, she was paid triple-digit per hour. The photographer earned 50 bucks...)


11-14-2020, 08:19 PM
The sad result of 24/7 MSM brainwashing:


This is more what I've seen:


What is this? A campaign?!?! The world has gone mad.