View Full Version : Teenaper Quawan Rockfishes In a Stream

11-11-2020, 09:01 PM
According to the fambly, random white people tortured and killed Quawan, for no apparent reason, and the cops rightfully don't care.


11-11-2020, 09:47 PM
Of course nobody cares, Qwawan was just a nigger. Sounds vaguely like Emmett Till. Probably a case of suicide, where he tied a huge block of concrete to his leg and jumped in the water. I'd be more concerned about pollution in the stream.

Goodman Grey
11-11-2020, 10:58 PM
Quawan's bedroom door was locked from the inside, and he was missing.

I wonder what happened?

Maybe Quawan ran away from home and pissed off some niggers?

It's not exactly unusual for niggers to torture and kill other niggers.

Here are some gems from this poorly written article:

The strange gaps in this case, including the fact that Quawan’s bedroom was reportedly locked from the inside, might even make some people refer to Quawan’s story as a “mystery.”

After three days of searching, one of Quawan’s friends mentioned that he last saw the teenager in the car with a white lady and her teenage son, which they passed along to the police department, who were beginning to take the youngster’s disappearance seriously.

The mother of the teenage son admitted that she picked Quawan up to “go hang out with her son,” but after that, she doesn’t know what happened, according to investigators hired by the family. Neither Quawan’s mom or dad had ever met this 17-year-old son or his mother according to The Root’s interviews with Quawan’s family members and attorneys.

Are they just making stuff up now?

The caller claimed that she randomly confronted her son about his unusual behavior and he revealed that something had been “eating him up.” Allegedly, the white family who picked up Quawan may have been high on mushrooms and the son reported that the car curiously smelled like bleach.

Again, making stuff up?

The Root spoke to two nearby news outlets, and both acknowledged that they hadn’t received an Amber Alert or a media request from police during the entire time Quawan was missing. In fact, the only information they had received from BPD about the case was after Quawan’s body had been found. And curiously, the family, the media and the press release all received different dates for when they discovered the teen’s body.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

“They will not tell us anything, Celina Charles added. “If they talked to the [family last seen with Quawan], they hadn’t told us anything. We don’t know how they found Quawan. Was he naked or was he dressed? Did he have his phone on him? All we know is that they found him face down in a Creek, in a field. We don’t know what happened.”

“I mean...that’s all we got right now,” she said, before quietly adding:

“Knowing is all we got.”

I'm surprised any media outlet would allow such an obviously false and twisted article to be published.

It reads like something a kid would write in English 101 (except with no references, citations, or evidence, and a ton of logical errors and fallacies); not something an educated person might create.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-11-2020, 11:27 PM
"His face is disfigured. So there's some explaining that needs to be done there. His face is disfigured," Charles said.

Mmm-kay..., every nigger's face is "disfigured", so what's the big deal here?

Knuckle-dragging nigger Charles was reported missing on Friday October 30 in Baldwin. Family members say Charles left his home with a 17 year old friend...

So, turns out, Muh Dik! was afoot!


Coon Club Road
11-11-2020, 11:44 PM
"The family told The Root that Quawan could not swim.)"

Can any nigger swim?

11-12-2020, 12:40 AM
I'm surprised any media outlet would allow such an obviously false and twisted article to be published

If there's a chance of a rare story where YT makes a nigger good, they'll print anything, even rank hearsay.

The story about the nigger buck who walked into the neighbour's yard and shot a 3-year-old? Don't believe I've heard another word about that.

Jim Crow
11-12-2020, 07:38 AM
Good riddance to a future nigger murderer thief rapist and inmate.

11-12-2020, 09:39 AM
According to the fambly, random white people tortured and killed Quawan, for no apparent reason, and the cops rightfully don't care.


Does anybody know what the Rockfish count was for the summer of 2020?

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-12-2020, 11:06 AM
Does anybody know what the Rockfish count was for the summer of 2020?

Whatever it was, it wasn't enough!

11-12-2020, 02:50 PM
Whatever it was, it wasn't enough!

Tru Dat!!

11-12-2020, 05:20 PM
It's always delightful to hear some young spook not growing up to be a rapist, or to be able to spread it's monkey genes to humans.

11-12-2020, 06:27 PM
It's always delightful to hear some young spook not growing up to be a rapist, or to be able to spread it's monkey genes to humans.

Rockfishing or Batwinging are both good fates for a nigger!!

11-12-2020, 07:35 PM
OH, and "QUAWAN? Seriously, nigger? :lol Mammy must have shat out a can of alphabet soup and chose dey niglet's name that way.

11-12-2020, 08:46 PM
OH, and "QUAWAN? Seriously, nigger? :lol Mammy must have shat out a can of alphabet soup and chose dey niglet's name that way.

He beez Asian and sheeeit!

11-12-2020, 10:03 PM
"The family told The Root that Quawan could not swim.)"

Can any nigger swim?

I know niggers and water don't mix, but I'm still always amazed at how no nigger can swim. I never knew any kids growing up who couldn't swim at least enough to save themselves from drowning. 15 year old buck, can't swim. Stupid niggers.

Odin's balls
11-13-2020, 06:29 AM
Niggers can drown in a saucer of water. It's evolution's way of trying to get rid of them.

The worthless nigger probably snuck out of the nest to score drugs while higher than a hippy in a hot air balloon, tripped over in the dark and drowned in 1/8" of water.

I am now chortling to myself at the thought of a nigger thrashing around in a stream the depth of a puddle, desperately trying not to go under for the third time. :lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2020, 08:20 AM
“If Quawan was a little white girl, Louisiana would be turned upside down right now trying to figure out what happened,” Taylor told The Root. “We want the officers involved that took no action placed on leave. We need an investigation into what happened and why they failed to issue an Amber alert at the time of the report of this young man going missing. And, more importantly, why theyblew it off and told the parents to go look for the child at a football game.”

Oh, now the niggers want the police involved. Wait, now they’re not doing enough so you want them suspended? You also want them suspended when they catch your sorry asses committing crimes as you always do and they have to beat you into submission. Lose -Lose being a cop with niggers.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2020, 08:21 AM
Niggers can drown in a saucer of water. It's evolution's way of trying to get rid of them.

The worthless nigger probably snuck out of the nest to score drugs while higher than a hippy in a hot air baloon, tripped over in the dark and drowned in 1/8" of water.

I am now chortling to myself at the thought of a nigger thrashing around in a stream the depth of a puddle, desperately trying not to go under for the third time. :lol

:lol The thought has me laughing now as well

11-13-2020, 11:56 AM
:lol The thought has me laughing now as well

Me too! :lol "Ah cain't breee-"*glug glug glug*

I wonder if this propensity to drown in even tiny bodies of water and shallow pools has anything to do with the enormous nostrils taking on large amounts of water immediately.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2020, 12:40 PM
Me too! :lol "Ah cain't breee-"*glug glug glug*

I wonder if this propensity to drown in even tiny bodies of water and shallow pools has anything to do with the enormous nostrils taking on large amounts of water immediately.

They could use their lips as flotation devices but that would require thinking. Water be rayciss n sheeeit.

Odin's balls
11-13-2020, 12:48 PM
They could use their lips as flotation devices but that would require thinking. Water be rayciss n sheeeit.

Water be keepin' a nigger down? :lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-13-2020, 01:01 PM
Water be keepin' a nigger down? :lol

Only if we are all lucky.

I did see an article one time about how swimming be rayciss n sheeeit. It pointed out that niggers be po and caints afford to be in areas with swimmin poos so swimmin be a tool fo wy supremasee.

Goodman Grey
11-13-2020, 02:25 PM
Only if we are all lucky.

I did see an article one time about how swimming be rayciss n sheeeit. It pointed out that niggers be po and caints afford to be in areas with swimmin poos so swimmin be a tool fo wy supremasee.

Do niggers know that they can fill up a bathtub with water and learn to swim in that?

Or are they afraid of bathtubs because they have so many memories of their parents pouring boiling hot water on them?

11-13-2020, 02:42 PM
Wherever the nigger rock-fished, they better call in a HazMat Team to try and clean up the water.

Exactly!! I'm worried about the fish!!