View Full Version : Latravia, Nathaniel and Mikal arrested for shooting nigger pastor daid

10-20-2020, 03:41 PM
A third arrest has been made in connection with the death of a 54-year-old pastor who was caught in the crossfire of a shooting (https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article245654155.html) last month at a Northwest Miami-Dade flea market, Miami-Dade police announced Tuesday morning.

That's some fine-looking trio. Lower your sound to watch the video. A sow is ooking and I cannot understand one garbled word from its bootlips.


Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article246578188.html#storylink=cpy

10-20-2020, 04:13 PM
why are they not in a zoo exhibit?
Dark, darker, and darkest.

Whitey Ford
10-20-2020, 05:10 PM
Dark, darker, and darkest.

Dindu, Dinsee and Dinsay.


10-20-2020, 05:46 PM
So - inquiring minds need to know: Are there going to be demonstrations, riots, looting, reparashuns and statues erected in the name of the fallen pastor, and if not, why not? Imagine if this man of the cloth left this vale of tears in the crossfire of YT gangs shooting it out? (Seriously, about 50 rounds fired and only one nigger made good?)

I must say, the pastor does look very godly. I wonder if any of the niggers who were present when he got sent to his Maker ripped out any of the gold teefs?

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-20-2020, 05:49 PM
"Latravia" sounds like a venereal disease.

Where do nigger mammies come up with these fucking idiotic names...?

10-20-2020, 07:41 PM
That was some serious bix nood gibberish from the sow!

10-20-2020, 08:12 PM
Why in heaven's name did the founders of our country ever import these ugly beasts? America may have taken longer to develop, but unfettered by niggers, we'd be travelling the stars by now! 13% of shit always at the forefront of daily news, and I am sick of it!

Jim Crow
10-20-2020, 09:37 PM
Two niggers are walking down the street towards each other. One says “morning motherfucker!“The other says “morning pastor.“

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-20-2020, 10:01 PM
Why in heaven's name did the founders of our country ever import these ugly beasts? America may have taken longer to develop, but unfettered by niggers, we'd be travelling the stars by now! 13% of shit always at the forefront of daily news, and I am sick of it!

No, nigger slaves were entirely inconsequential to the founding of this country.

America would have been better off without them.

At the height of slavery, slave-related industry was 4.5% of America's GDP (and that's being generous). Take that away, and no one would notice.

The War for Southern Independence, cost 650,000+ HUMAN lives, and cost the American Treasury infinitely more than 200 years of nigger slavery generated revenue. Niggers have cost this country hundreds of times more than that since.

Not trying to be a School Marm here, but it is simply historically, and factually, incorrect to give niggers ANY credit for the founding or building of this nation.

They have ALWAYS been a gross negative to the progress of this great Human-built nation.

10-20-2020, 11:48 PM
No, nigger slaves were entirely inconsequential to the founding of this country.

America would have been better off without them.

At the height of slavery, slave-related industry was 4.5% of America's GDP (and that's being generous). Take that away, and no one would notice.

The War for Southern Independence, cost 650,000+ HUMAN lives, and cost the American Treasury infinitely more than 200 years of nigger slavery generated revenue. Niggers have cost this country hundreds of times more than that since.

Not trying to be a School Marm here, but it is simply historically, and factually, incorrect to give niggers ANY credit for the founding or building of this nation.

They have ALWAYS been a gross negative to the progress of this great Human-built nation.

I never said niggers played any significant role in the founding of this country. Read what I said, rhetorically, why were they even brought here? I am lamenting why they even brought niggers here in 1619 or thereabouts. Yes, the obvious answer is they needed beasts of burden to work. This is why I surmised, that without niggers at the onset, it may have taken a little longer to work the tobacco fields, but for sure, it would've taken off. Again, without dead weight, our strengths would have skyrocketed.

I know for a fact niggers didn't contribute to the improvement of the US. Simply, we all know, the niggers never worked, and now, their descendants are costing all of us by mooching. If someone ever did an honest accounting, niggers throughout our history have cost us upwards of $5 trillion!

10-21-2020, 12:01 AM
"Latravia" sounds like a venereal disease.

Where do nigger mammies come up with these fucking idiotic names...?

It sems they get them from half-understood names - often of Roman centurians - they kind of overhear on the TeeVee. Or maybe the sow just swallows a can of alphabet soup and in whatever order she shits the lettters out, "dat muh chile name."

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-21-2020, 12:05 AM
Why are they all pastors or rappers? 2 occupations that will never pay the average nigger a dime. Some of them find a way to fool the nigger horde and liberal enablers into gibs for their shit music and ridiculous “soulful” sermons but it is a very small percentage.